blob: 8f2c12068a40ed247393b3b299933dd5187c1c81 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Parser for Web IDL."""
# IDL Parser
# The parser is uses the PLY yacc library to build a set of parsing rules based
# on Web IDL.
# Web IDL, and Web IDL grammar can be found at:
# PLY can be found at:
# The parser generates a tree by recursively matching sets of items against
# defined patterns. When a match is made, that set of items is reduced
# to a new item. The new item can provide a match for parent patterns.
# In this way an AST is built (reduced) depth first.
# Disable check for line length and Member as Function due to how grammar rules
# are defined with PLY
# pylint: disable=R0201
# pylint: disable=C0301
import os.path
import sys
import time
from idl_lexer import IDLLexer
from idl_node import IDLAttribute
from idl_node import IDLNode
SRC_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'third_party'))
from ply import lex
from ply import yacc
# Maps the standard error formula into a more friendly error message.
'Unexpected ")" after "(".' : 'Empty argument list.',
'Unexpected ")" after ",".' : 'Missing argument.',
'Unexpected "}" after ",".' : 'Trailing comma in block.',
'Unexpected "}" after "{".' : 'Unexpected empty block.',
'Unexpected "{" after keyword "enum".' : 'Enum missing name.',
'Unexpected "{" after keyword "struct".' : 'Struct missing name.',
'Unexpected "{" after keyword "interface".' : 'Interface missing name.',
def Boolean(val):
"""Convert to strict boolean type."""
if val:
return True
return False
def ListFromConcat(*items):
"""Generate list by concatenating inputs"""
itemsout = []
for item in items:
if item is None:
if type(item) is not type([]):
return itemsout
def ExpandProduction(p):
if type(p) == list:
return '[' + ', '.join([ExpandProduction(x) for x in p]) + ']'
if type(p) == IDLNode:
return 'Node:' + str(p)
if type(p) == IDLAttribute:
return 'Attr:' + str(p)
if type(p) == str:
return 'str:' + p
return '%s:%s' % (p.__class__.__name__, str(p))
# TokenTypeName
# Generate a string which has the type and value of the token.
def TokenTypeName(t):
if t.type == 'SYMBOL':
return 'symbol %s' % t.value
if t.type in ['HEX', 'INT', 'OCT', 'FLOAT']:
return 'value %s' % t.value
if t.type == 'string' :
return 'string "%s"' % t.value
if t.type == t.value:
return '"%s"' % t.value
if t.type == ',':
return 'Comma'
if t.type == 'identifier':
return 'identifier "%s"' % t.value
return 'keyword "%s"' % t.value
# IDL Parser
# The Parser inherits the from the Lexer to provide PLY with the tokenizing
# definitions. Parsing patterns are encoded as functions where p_<name> is
# is called any time a patern matching the function documentation is found.
# Paterns are expressed in the form of:
# """ <new item> : <item> ....
# | <item> ...."""
# Where new item is the result of a match against one or more sets of items
# separated by the "|".
# The function is called with an object 'p' where p[0] is the output object
# and p[n] is the set of inputs for positive values of 'n'. Len(p) can be
# used to distinguish between multiple item sets in the pattern.
# The rules can look cryptic at first, but there are a few standard
# transforms from the CST to AST. With these in mind, the actions should
# be reasonably legible.
# * Ignore production
# Discard this branch. Primarily used when one alternative is empty.
# Sample code:
# if len(p) > 1:
# p[0] = ...
# # Note no assignment if len(p) == 1
# * Eliminate singleton production
# Discard this node in the CST, pass the next level down up the tree.
# Used to ignore productions only necessary for parsing, but not needed
# in the AST.
# Sample code:
# p[0] = p[1]
# * Build node
# The key type of rule. In this parser, produces object of class IDLNode.
# There are several helper functions:
# * BuildProduction: actually builds an IDLNode, based on a production.
# * BuildAttribute: builds an IDLAttribute, which is a temporary
# object to hold a name-value pair, which is then
# set as a Property of the IDLNode when the IDLNode
# is built.
# * BuildNamed: Same as BuildProduction, and sets the 'NAME' property.
# * BuildTrue: BuildAttribute with value True, for flags.
# Sample code:
# # Build node of type NodeType, with value p[1], and children.
# p[0] = self.BuildProduction('NodeType', p, 1, children)
# # Build named node of type NodeType, with name and value p[1].
# # (children optional)
# p[0] = self.BuildNamed('NodeType', p, 1)
# # Make a list
# # Used if one node has several children.
# children = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
# p[0] = self.BuildProduction('NodeType', p, 1, children)
# # Also used to collapse the right-associative tree
# # produced by parsing a list back into a single list.
# """Foos : Foo Foos
# |"""
# if len(p) > 1:
# p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2])
# # Add children.
# # Primarily used to add attributes, produced via BuildTrue.
# # p_StaticAttribute
# """StaticAttribute : STATIC Attribute"""
# p[2].AddChildren(self.BuildTrue('STATIC'))
# p[0] = p[2]
# For more details on parsing refer to the PLY documentation at
# The parser is based on the Web IDL standard. See:
# Productions with a fractional component in the comment denote additions to
# the Web IDL spec, such as allowing string list in extended attributes.
class IDLParser(object):
def p_Definitions(self, p):
"""Definitions : ExtendedAttributeList Definition Definitions
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
def p_Definition(self, p):
"""Definition : CallbackOrInterface
| Partial
| Dictionary
| Enum
| Typedef
| ImplementsStatement"""
p[0] = p[1]
# Error recovery for definition
def p_DefinitionError(self, p):
"""Definition : error ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Definition')
def p_CallbackOrInterface(self, p):
"""CallbackOrInterface : CALLBACK CallbackRestOrInterface
| Interface"""
if len(p) > 2:
p[0] = p[2]
p[0] = p[1]
def p_CallbackRestOrInterface(self, p):
"""CallbackRestOrInterface : CallbackRest
| Interface"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_Interface(self, p):
"""Interface : INTERFACE identifier Inheritance '{' InterfaceMembers '}' ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Interface', p, 2, ListFromConcat(p[3], p[5]))
# Error recovery for interface.
def p_InterfaceError(self, p):
"""Interface : INTERFACE identifier Inheritance '{' error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Interface')
def p_Partial(self, p):
"""Partial : PARTIAL PartialDefinition"""
p[0] = p[2]
# Error recovery for Partial
def p_PartialError(self, p):
"""Partial : PARTIAL error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Partial')
def p_PartialDefinition(self, p):
"""PartialDefinition : PartialDictionary
| PartialInterface"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_PartialInterface(self, p):
"""PartialInterface : INTERFACE identifier '{' InterfaceMembers '}' ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Interface', p, 2, p[4])
def p_InterfaceMembers(self, p):
"""InterfaceMembers : ExtendedAttributeList InterfaceMember InterfaceMembers
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
# Error recovery for InterfaceMembers
def p_InterfaceMembersError(self, p):
"""InterfaceMembers : error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'InterfaceMembers')
# Removed unsupported: Serializer
def p_InterfaceMember(self, p):
"""InterfaceMember : Const
| Operation
| Serializer
| Stringifier
| StaticMember
| Iterable
| ReadonlyMember
| ReadWriteAttribute
| ReadWriteMaplike
| ReadWriteSetlike"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_Dictionary(self, p):
"""Dictionary : DICTIONARY identifier Inheritance '{' DictionaryMembers '}' ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Dictionary', p, 2, ListFromConcat(p[3], p[5]))
# Error recovery for regular Dictionary
def p_DictionaryError(self, p):
"""Dictionary : DICTIONARY error ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Dictionary')
# Error recovery for regular Dictionary
# (for errors inside dictionary definition)
def p_DictionaryError2(self, p):
"""Dictionary : DICTIONARY identifier Inheritance '{' error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Dictionary')
def p_DictionaryMembers(self, p):
"""DictionaryMembers : ExtendedAttributeList DictionaryMember DictionaryMembers
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
# Error recovery for DictionaryMembers
def p_DictionaryMembersError(self, p):
"""DictionaryMembers : ExtendedAttributeList error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'DictionaryMembers')
def p_DictionaryMember(self, p):
"""DictionaryMember : Required Type identifier Default ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Key', p, 3, ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2], p[4]))
def p_Required(self, p):
"""Required : REQUIRED
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildTrue('REQUIRED')
def p_PartialDictionary(self, p):
"""PartialDictionary : DICTIONARY identifier '{' DictionaryMembers '}' ';'"""
partial = self.BuildTrue('Partial')
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Dictionary', p, 2, ListFromConcat(p[4], partial))
# Error recovery for Partial Dictionary
def p_PartialDictionaryError(self, p):
"""PartialDictionary : DICTIONARY error ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'PartialDictionary')
def p_Default(self, p):
"""Default : '=' DefaultValue
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Default', p, 2, p[2])
def p_DefaultValue(self, p):
"""DefaultValue : ConstValue
| string
| '[' ']'"""
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'sequence'),
self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', '[]'))
elif type(p[1]) == str:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'DOMString'),
self.BuildAttribute('NAME', p[1]))
p[0] = p[1]
def p_Inheritance(self, p):
"""Inheritance : ':' identifier
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Inherit', p, 2)
def p_Enum(self, p):
"""Enum : ENUM identifier '{' EnumValueList '}' ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Enum', p, 2, p[4])
# Error recovery for Enums
def p_EnumError(self, p):
"""Enum : ENUM error ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Enum')
def p_EnumValueList(self, p):
"""EnumValueList : ExtendedAttributeList string EnumValueListComma"""
enum = self.BuildNamed('EnumItem', p, 2, p[1])
p[0] = ListFromConcat(enum, p[3])
def p_EnumValueListComma(self, p):
"""EnumValueListComma : ',' EnumValueListString
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_EnumValueListString(self, p):
"""EnumValueListString : ExtendedAttributeList string EnumValueListComma
if len(p) > 1:
enum = self.BuildNamed('EnumItem', p, 2, p[1])
p[0] = ListFromConcat(enum, p[3])
def p_CallbackRest(self, p):
"""CallbackRest : identifier '=' ReturnType '(' ArgumentList ')' ';'"""
arguments = self.BuildProduction('Arguments', p, 4, p[5])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Callback', p, 1, ListFromConcat(p[3], arguments))
def p_Typedef(self, p):
"""Typedef : TYPEDEF ExtendedAttributeList Type identifier ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Typedef', p, 4, ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3]))
# Error recovery for Typedefs
def p_TypedefError(self, p):
"""Typedef : TYPEDEF error ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Typedef')
def p_ImplementsStatement(self, p):
"""ImplementsStatement : identifier IMPLEMENTS identifier ';'"""
name = self.BuildAttribute('REFERENCE', p[3])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Implements', p, 1, name)
def p_Const(self, p):
"""Const : CONST ConstType identifier '=' ConstValue ';'"""
value = self.BuildProduction('Value', p, 5, p[5])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Const', p, 3, ListFromConcat(p[2], value))
def p_ConstValue(self, p):
"""ConstValue : BooleanLiteral
| FloatLiteral
| integer
| null"""
if type(p[1]) == str:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'integer'),
self.BuildAttribute('NAME', p[1]))
p[0] = p[1]
# Add definition for NULL
def p_null(self, p):
"""null : NULL"""
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'NULL'),
self.BuildAttribute('NAME', 'NULL'))
def p_BooleanLiteral(self, p):
"""BooleanLiteral : TRUE
| FALSE"""
value = self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', Boolean(p[1] == 'true'))
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'boolean'), value)
def p_FloatLiteral(self, p):
"""FloatLiteral : float
| NAN """
if len(p) > 2:
val = '-Infinity'
val = p[1]
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'float'),
self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', val))
def p_Serializer(self, p):
"""Serializer : SERIALIZER SerializerRest"""
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Serializer', p, 1, p[2])
# TODO(jl): This adds ReturnType and ';', missing from the spec's grammar.
def p_SerializerRest(self, p):
"""SerializerRest : ReturnType OperationRest
| '=' SerializationPattern ';'
| ';'"""
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = p[2]
elif len(p) == 4:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_SerializationPattern(self, p):
"""SerializationPattern : '{' SerializationPatternMap '}'
| '[' SerializationPatternList ']'
| identifier"""
if len(p) > 2:
p[0] = p[2]
p[0] = self.BuildAttribute('ATTRIBUTE', p[1])
# TODO(jl): This adds the "ATTRIBUTE" and "INHERIT ',' ATTRIBUTE" variants,
# missing from the spec's grammar.
def p_SerializationPatternMap(self, p):
"""SerializationPatternMap : GETTER
| INHERIT Identifiers
| identifier Identifiers
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Map', p, 0)
if len(p) == 4:
elif len(p) > 1:
if p[1] == 'getter':
elif p[1] == 'attribute':
if p[1] == 'inherit':
attributes = p[2]
attributes = ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2])
p[0].AddChildren(self.BuildAttribute('ATTRIBUTES', attributes))
def p_SerializationPatternList(self, p):
"""SerializationPatternList : GETTER
| identifier Identifiers
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('List', p, 0)
if len(p) > 1:
if p[1] == 'getter':
attributes = ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2])
p[0].AddChildren(self.BuildAttribute('ATTRIBUTES', attributes))
def p_Stringifier(self, p):
"""Stringifier : STRINGIFIER StringifierRest"""
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Stringifier', p, 1, p[2])
def p_StringifierRest(self, p):
"""StringifierRest : ReadOnly AttributeRest
| ReturnType OperationRest
| ';'"""
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_StaticMember(self, p):
"""StaticMember : STATIC StaticMemberRest"""
p[0] = p[2]
def p_StaticMemberRest(self, p):
"""StaticMemberRest : ReadOnly AttributeRest
| ReturnType OperationRest"""
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = p[2]
def p_ReadonlyMember(self, p):
"""ReadonlyMember : READONLY ReadonlyMemberRest"""
p[0] = p[2]
def p_ReadonlyMemberRest(self, p):
"""ReadonlyMemberRest : AttributeRest
| MaplikeRest
| SetlikeRest"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_ReadWriteAttribute(self, p):
"""ReadWriteAttribute : INHERIT ReadOnly AttributeRest
| AttributeRest"""
if len(p) > 2:
inherit = self.BuildTrue('INHERIT')
p[3].AddChildren(ListFromConcat(inherit, p[2]))
p[0] = p[3]
p[0] = p[1]
def p_AttributeRest(self, p):
"""AttributeRest : ATTRIBUTE Type AttributeName ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Attribute', p, 3, p[2])
def p_AttributeName(self, p):
"""AttributeName : AttributeNameKeyword
| identifier"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_AttributeNameKeyword(self, p):
"""AttributeNameKeyword : REQUIRED"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_ReadOnly(self, p):
"""ReadOnly : READONLY
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildTrue('READONLY')
def p_Operation(self, p):
"""Operation : ReturnType OperationRest
| SpecialOperation"""
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = p[2]
p[0] = p[1]
def p_SpecialOperation(self, p):
"""SpecialOperation : Special Specials ReturnType OperationRest"""
p[4].AddChildren(ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2], p[3]))
p[0] = p[4]
def p_Specials(self, p):
"""Specials : Special Specials
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2])
def p_Special(self, p):
"""Special : GETTER
p[0] = self.BuildTrue(p[1].upper())
def p_OperationRest(self, p):
"""OperationRest : OptionalIdentifier '(' ArgumentList ')' ';'"""
arguments = self.BuildProduction('Arguments', p, 2, p[3])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Operation', p, 1, arguments)
def p_OptionalIdentifier(self, p):
"""OptionalIdentifier : identifier
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = '_unnamed_'
def p_ArgumentList(self, p):
"""ArgumentList : Argument Arguments
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2])
# ArgumentList error recovery
def p_ArgumentListError(self, p):
"""ArgumentList : error """
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'ArgumentList')
def p_Arguments(self, p):
"""Arguments : ',' Argument Arguments
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
# Arguments error recovery
def p_ArgumentsError(self, p):
"""Arguments : ',' error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'Arguments')
def p_Argument(self, p):
"""Argument : ExtendedAttributeList OptionalOrRequiredArgument"""
p[0] = p[2]
def p_OptionalOrRequiredArgument(self, p):
"""OptionalOrRequiredArgument : OPTIONAL Type ArgumentName Default
| Type Ellipsis ArgumentName"""
if len(p) > 4:
arg = self.BuildNamed('Argument', p, 3, ListFromConcat(p[2], p[4]))
arg = self.BuildNamed('Argument', p, 3, ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2]))
p[0] = arg
def p_ArgumentName(self, p):
"""ArgumentName : ArgumentNameKeyword
| identifier"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_Ellipsis(self, p):
"""Ellipsis : ELLIPSIS
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Argument', p, 1)
def p_Iterable(self, p):
"""Iterable : ITERABLE '<' Type OptionalType '>' ';'"""
childlist = ListFromConcat(p[3], p[4])
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Iterable', p, 2, childlist)
def p_OptionalType(self, p):
"""OptionalType : ',' Type
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_ReadWriteMaplike(self, p):
"""ReadWriteMaplike : MaplikeRest"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_ReadWriteSetlike(self, p):
"""ReadWriteSetlike : SetlikeRest"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_MaplikeRest(self, p):
"""MaplikeRest : MAPLIKE '<' Type ',' Type '>' ';'"""
childlist = ListFromConcat(p[3], p[5])
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Maplike', p, 2, childlist)
def p_SetlikeRest(self, p):
"""SetlikeRest : SETLIKE '<' Type '>' ';'"""
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Setlike', p, 2, p[3])
def p_ExtendedAttributeList(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeList : '[' ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes ']'
| """
if len(p) > 3:
items = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('ExtAttributes', p, 1, items)
# Error recovery for ExtendedAttributeList
def p_ExtendedAttributeListError(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeList : '[' ExtendedAttribute ',' error"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'ExtendedAttributeList')
def p_ExtendedAttributes(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributes : ',' ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
# The ExtendedAttribute symbol in Web IDL grammar is very flexible but we
# only support following patterns:
# [ identifier ]
# [ identifier ( ArgumentList ) ]
# [ identifier = identifier ]
# [ identifier = ( IdentifierList ) ]
# [ identifier = identifier ( ArgumentList ) ]
# [ identifier = ( StringList ) ]
# The first five patterns are specified in the Web IDL spec and the last
# pattern is Blink's custom extension to support [ReflectOnly].
def p_ExtendedAttribute(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttribute : ExtendedAttributeNoArgs
| ExtendedAttributeArgList
| ExtendedAttributeIdent
| ExtendedAttributeIdentList
| ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList
| ExtendedAttributeStringLiteral
| ExtendedAttributeStringLiteralList"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_ArgumentNameKeyword(self, p):
"""ArgumentNameKeyword : ATTRIBUTE
p[0] = p[1]
def p_Type(self, p):
"""Type : SingleType
| UnionType TypeSuffix"""
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1, p[1])
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1, ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2]))
def p_SingleType(self, p):
"""SingleType : NonAnyType
| ANY TypeSuffixStartingWithArray"""
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildProduction('Any', p, 1), p[2])
def p_UnionType(self, p):
"""UnionType : '(' UnionMemberType OR UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes ')'"""
members = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[4], p[5])
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('UnionType', p, 1, members)
def p_UnionMemberType(self, p):
"""UnionMemberType : NonAnyType
| UnionType TypeSuffix
| ANY '[' ']' TypeSuffix"""
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1, p[1])
elif len(p) == 3:
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1, ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2]))
any_node = ListFromConcat(self.BuildProduction('Any', p, 1), p[4])
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1, any_node)
def p_UnionMemberTypes(self, p):
"""UnionMemberTypes : OR UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes
if len(p) > 2:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
# Moving all built-in types into PrimitiveType makes it easier to
# differentiate between them and 'identifier', since p[1] would be a string in
# both cases.
def p_NonAnyType(self, p):
"""NonAnyType : PrimitiveType TypeSuffix
| PromiseType Null
| identifier TypeSuffix
| SEQUENCE '<' Type '>' Null
| FROZENARRAY '<' Type '>' Null
| RecordType Null"""
if len(p) == 3:
if type(p[1]) == str:
typeref = self.BuildNamed('Typeref', p, 1)
typeref = p[1]
p[0] = ListFromConcat(typeref, p[2])
if len(p) == 6:
cls = 'Sequence' if p[1] == 'sequence' else 'FrozenArray'
p[0] = self.BuildProduction(cls, p, 1, ListFromConcat(p[3], p[5]))
def p_ConstType(self, p):
"""ConstType : PrimitiveType Null
| identifier Null"""
if type(p[1]) == str:
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Typeref', p, 1, p[2])
p[0] = p[1]
# Added StringType, OBJECT, DATE, REGEXP
def p_PrimitiveType(self, p):
"""PrimitiveType : UnsignedIntegerType
| UnrestrictedFloatType
| StringType
if type(p[1]) == str:
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('PrimitiveType', p, 1)
p[0] = p[1]
def p_UnrestrictedFloatType(self, p):
"""UnrestrictedFloatType : UNRESTRICTED FloatType
| FloatType"""
if len(p) == 2:
typeref = self.BuildNamed('PrimitiveType', p, 1)
typeref = self.BuildNamed('PrimitiveType', p, 2)
p[0] = typeref
def p_FloatType(self, p):
"""FloatType : FLOAT
p[0] = p[1]
def p_UnsignedIntegerType(self, p):
"""UnsignedIntegerType : UNSIGNED IntegerType
| IntegerType"""
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = 'unsigned ' + p[2]
def p_IntegerType(self, p):
"""IntegerType : SHORT
| LONG OptionalLong"""
if len(p) == 2:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = p[1] + p[2]
def p_OptionalLong(self, p):
"""OptionalLong : LONG
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ' ' + p[1]
p[0] = ''
# Add unqualified Promise
def p_PromiseType(self, p):
"""PromiseType : PROMISE '<' ReturnType '>'
if len(p) == 2:
# Promise without resolution type is not specified in the Web IDL spec.
# As it is used in some specs and in the blink implementation,
# we allow that here.
resolution_type = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1,
self.BuildProduction('Any', p, 1))
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Promise', p, 1, resolution_type)
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Promise', p, 1, p[3])
# Add support for sized array
def p_TypeSuffix(self, p):
"""TypeSuffix : '[' integer ']' TypeSuffix
| '[' ']' TypeSuffix
| '?' TypeSuffixStartingWithArray
| """
if len(p) == 5:
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('Array', p, 2, p[4])
if len(p) == 4:
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Array', p, 1, p[3])
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildTrue('NULLABLE'), p[2])
def p_TypeSuffixStartingWithArray(self, p):
"""TypeSuffixStartingWithArray : '[' ']' TypeSuffix
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Array', p, 0, p[3])
def p_Null(self, p):
"""Null : '?'
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = self.BuildTrue('NULLABLE')
def p_ReturnType(self, p):
"""ReturnType : Type
| VOID"""
if p[1] == 'void':
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Type', p, 1)
p[0].AddChildren(self.BuildNamed('PrimitiveType', p, 1))
p[0] = p[1]
def p_IdentifierList(self, p):
"""IdentifierList : identifier Identifiers"""
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[1], p[2])
def p_Identifiers(self, p):
"""Identifiers : ',' identifier Identifiers
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(p[2], p[3])
def p_ExtendedAttributeNoArgs(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeNoArgs : identifier"""
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1)
def p_ExtendedAttributeArgList(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeArgList : identifier '(' ArgumentList ')'"""
arguments = self.BuildProduction('Arguments', p, 2, p[3])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1, arguments)
def p_ExtendedAttributeIdent(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeIdent : identifier '=' identifier"""
value = self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', p[3])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1, value)
def p_ExtendedAttributeIdentList(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeIdentList : identifier '=' '(' IdentifierList ')'"""
value = self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', p[4])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1, value)
def p_ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeNamedArgList : identifier '=' identifier '(' ArgumentList ')'"""
args = self.BuildProduction('Arguments', p, 4, p[5])
value = self.BuildNamed('Call', p, 3, args)
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1, value)
# Blink extension: Add support for string literal Extended Attribute values
def p_ExtendedAttributeStringLiteral(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeStringLiteral : identifier '=' StringLiteral"""
def UnwrapString(ls):
"""Reach in and grab the string literal's "NAME"."""
return ls[1].value
value = self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', UnwrapString(p[3]))
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1, value)
# Blink extension: Add support for compound Extended Attribute values over
# string literals ("A","B")
def p_ExtendedAttributeStringLiteralList(self, p):
"""ExtendedAttributeStringLiteralList : identifier '=' '(' StringLiteralList ')'"""
value = self.BuildAttribute('VALUE', p[4])
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('ExtAttribute', p, 1, value)
# Blink extension: One or more string literals. The values aren't propagated
# as literals, but their by their value only.
def p_StringLiteralList(self, p):
"""StringLiteralList : StringLiteral ',' StringLiteralList
| StringLiteral"""
def UnwrapString(ls):
"""Reach in and grab the string literal's "NAME"."""
return ls[1].value
if len(p) > 3:
p[0] = ListFromConcat(UnwrapString(p[1]), p[3])
p[0] = ListFromConcat(UnwrapString(p[1]))
# Blink extension: Wrap string literal.
def p_StringLiteral(self, p):
"""StringLiteral : string"""
p[0] = ListFromConcat(self.BuildAttribute('TYPE', 'DOMString'),
self.BuildAttribute('NAME', p[1]))
def p_StringType(self, p):
"""StringType : BYTESTRING
p[0] = self.BuildNamed('StringType', p, 1)
def p_RecordType(self, p):
"""RecordType : RECORD '<' StringType ',' Type '>'"""
p[0] = self.BuildProduction('Record', p, 2, ListFromConcat(p[3], p[5]))
# Error recovery for RecordType.
def p_RecordTypeError(self, p):
"""RecordType : RECORD '<' error ',' Type '>'"""
p[0] = self.BuildError(p, 'RecordType')
# Parser Errors
# p_error is called whenever the parser can not find a pattern match for
# a set of items from the current state. The p_error function defined here
# is triggered logging an error, and parsing recovery happens as the
# p_<type>_error functions defined above are called. This allows the parser
# to continue so as to capture more than one error per file.
def p_error(self, t):
if t:
lineno = t.lineno
pos = t.lexpos
prev = self.yaccobj.symstack[-1]
if type(prev) == lex.LexToken:
msg = "Unexpected %s after %s." % (
TokenTypeName(t), TokenTypeName(prev))
msg = "Unexpected %s." % (t.value)
last = self.LastToken()
lineno = last.lineno
pos = last.lexpos
msg = "Unexpected end of file after %s." % TokenTypeName(last)
# Attempt to remap the error to a friendlier form
if msg in ERROR_REMAP:
msg = ERROR_REMAP[msg]
self._last_error_msg = msg
self._last_error_lineno = lineno
self._last_error_pos = pos
def Warn(self, node, msg):
self.parse_warnings += 1
def LastToken(self):
return self.lexer.last
def __init__(self, lexer, verbose=False, debug=False, mute_error=False):
self.lexer = lexer
self.tokens = lexer.KnownTokens()
self.yaccobj = yacc.yacc(module=self, tabmodule=None, debug=debug,
optimize=0, write_tables=0)
self.parse_debug = debug
self.verbose = verbose
self.mute_error = mute_error
self._parse_errors = 0
self._parse_warnings = 0
self._last_error_msg = None
self._last_error_lineno = 0
self._last_error_pos = 0
# BuildProduction
# Production is the set of items sent to a grammar rule resulting in a new
# item being returned.
# cls - The type of item being producted
# p - Is the Yacc production object containing the stack of items
# index - Index into the production of the name for the item being produced.
# childlist - The children of the new item
def BuildProduction(self, cls, p, index, childlist=None):
if not childlist:
childlist = []
filename = self.lexer.Lexer().filename
lineno = p.lineno(index)
pos = p.lexpos(index)
out = IDLNode(cls, filename, lineno, pos, childlist)
return out
print 'Exception while parsing:'
for num, item in enumerate(p):
print ' [%d] %s' % (num, ExpandProduction(item))
if self.LastToken():
print 'Last token: %s' % str(self.LastToken())
def BuildNamed(self, cls, p, index, childlist=None):
childlist = ListFromConcat(childlist)
childlist.append(self.BuildAttribute('NAME', p[index]))
return self.BuildProduction(cls, p, index, childlist)
# BuildError
# Build and Errror node as part of the recovery process.
def BuildError(self, p, prod):
self._parse_errors += 1
name = self.BuildAttribute('NAME', self._last_error_msg)
line = self.BuildAttribute('LINE', self._last_error_lineno)
pos = self.BuildAttribute('POS', self._last_error_pos)
prod = self.BuildAttribute('PROD', prod)
node = self.BuildProduction('Error', p, 1,
ListFromConcat(name, line, pos, prod))
if not self.mute_error:
return node
# BuildAttribute
# An ExtendedAttribute is a special production that results in a property
# which is applied to the adjacent item. Attributes have no children and
# instead represent key/value pairs.
def BuildAttribute(self, key, val):
return IDLAttribute(key, val)
def BuildFalse(self, key):
return IDLAttribute(key, Boolean(False))
def BuildTrue(self, key):
return IDLAttribute(key, Boolean(True))
def GetErrors(self):
# Access lexer errors, despite being private
# pylint: disable=W0212
return self._parse_errors + self.lexer._lex_errors
# ParseData
# Attempts to parse the current data loaded in the lexer.
def ParseText(self, filename, data):
self._parse_errors = 0
self._parse_warnings = 0
self._last_error_msg = None
self._last_error_lineno = 0
self._last_error_pos = 0
self.lexer.Tokenize(data, filename)
nodes = self.yaccobj.parse(lexer=self.lexer) or []
name = self.BuildAttribute('NAME', filename)
return IDLNode('File', filename, 0, 0, nodes + [name])
except lex.LexError as lexError:
sys.stderr.write('Error in token: %s\n' % str(lexError))
return None
def ParseFile(parser, filename):
"""Parse a file and return a File type of node."""
with open(filename) as fileobject:
out = parser.ParseText(filename,
out.SetProperty('DATETIME', time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(filename)))
out.SetProperty('ERRORS', parser.GetErrors())
return out
except Exception as e:
last = parser.LastToken()
sys.stderr.write('%s(%d) : Internal parsing error\n\t%s.\n' % (
filename, last.lineno, str(e)))
def main(argv):
nodes = []
parser = IDLParser(IDLLexer())
errors = 0
for filename in argv:
filenode = ParseFile(parser, filename)
if (filenode):
errors += filenode.GetProperty('ERRORS')
ast = IDLNode('AST', '__AST__', 0, 0, nodes)
print '\n'.join(ast.Tree(accept_props=['PROD']))
if errors:
print '\nFound %d errors.\n' % errors
return errors
if __name__ == '__main__':