blob: c04bd0a1dfb66f3c0f13a9346e6e681737b7aa4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/sync_sessions/task_tracker.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
namespace sync_sessions {
namespace {
// The criteria for whether a navigation will continue a task chain or start a
// new one.
bool DoesTransitionContinueTask(ui::PageTransition transition) {
if (ui::PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK) ||
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
TabTasks::TabTasks() {}
TabTasks::TabTasks(const TabTasks& rhs)
: nav_to_task_id_map_(rhs.nav_to_task_id_map_),
most_recent_nav_id_(rhs.most_recent_nav_id_) {}
TabTasks::~TabTasks() {}
std::vector<int64_t> TabTasks::GetTaskIdsForNavigation(int nav_id) const {
std::vector<int64_t> task_id_chain;
int next_id = nav_id;
while (next_id != kInvalidNavID) {
if (nav_to_task_id_map_.count(next_id) == 0)
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidGlobalID, task_id_chain.back());
next_id =;
DCHECK_LE(task_id_chain.size(), static_cast<size_t>(kMaxNumTasksPerTab));
// Reverse the order so the root is the first item (oldest -> newest).
std::reverse(task_id_chain.begin(), task_id_chain.end());
DVLOG(1) << "Returning " << task_id_chain.size() << " task ids for nav "
<< nav_id;
return task_id_chain;
void TabTasks::UpdateWithNavigation(int nav_id,
ui::PageTransition transition,
int64_t global_id) {
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidNavID, nav_id);
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidGlobalID, global_id);
if (nav_to_task_id_map_.count(nav_id) > 0) {
most_recent_nav_id_ = nav_id;
nav_to_task_id_map_[most_recent_nav_id_].global_id = global_id;
nav_to_task_id_map_[nav_id].task_id = global_id;
nav_to_task_id_map_[nav_id].global_id = global_id;
if (DoesTransitionContinueTask(transition) &&
most_recent_nav_id_ != kInvalidGlobalID) {
nav_to_task_id_map_[nav_id].parent_nav_id = most_recent_nav_id_;
DVLOG(1) << "Setting most recent nav id to " << nav_id;
DVLOG(1) << "Setting current task id to "
<< nav_to_task_id_map_[nav_id].task_id;
most_recent_nav_id_ = nav_id;
// Go through and drop the oldest navigations until kMaxNumTasksPerTab
// navigations remain.
// TODO(zea): we go through max of 100 iterations here on each new navigation.
// May be worth attempting to optimize this further if it becomes an issue.
if (nav_to_task_id_map_.size() > kMaxNumTasksPerTab) {
int64_t oldest_nav_time = kInvalidGlobalID;
int oldest_nav_id = kInvalidNavID;
for (auto& iter : nav_to_task_id_map_) {
if (oldest_nav_id == kInvalidNavID ||
oldest_nav_time > iter.second.global_id) {
oldest_nav_id = iter.first;
oldest_nav_time = iter.second.global_id;
TaskTracker::TaskTracker() {}
TaskTracker::~TaskTracker() {}
TabTasks* TaskTracker::GetTabTasks(SessionID::id_type tab_id,
SessionID::id_type parent_tab_id) {
DVLOG(1) << "Getting tab tasks for " << tab_id << " with parent "
<< parent_tab_id;
// If an existing TabTasks exists, attempt to reuse it. The caveat is that if
// a parent tab id is provided, it must match the parent tab id associated
// with the existing TabTasks. Otherwise a new TabTasks should be created from
// the specified parent. This is to handle the case where at the time the
// initial GetTabTasks is called, the parent id is not yet known, but it
// becomes known at a later time.
if (local_tab_tasks_map_.count(tab_id) > 0 &&
(parent_tab_id == kInvalidTabID ||
local_tab_tasks_map_[tab_id]->parent_tab_id() == parent_tab_id)) {
return local_tab_tasks_map_[tab_id].get();
DVLOG(1) << "Creating tab tasks for " << tab_id;
if (local_tab_tasks_map_.count(parent_tab_id) > 0) {
// If the parent id is set, it means this tab forked from another tab.
// In that case, the task for the current navigation might be part of a
// larger task encompassing the parent tab. Perform a deep copy of the
// parent's TabTasks object in order to simplify tracking this relationship.
local_tab_tasks_map_[tab_id] =
} else {
local_tab_tasks_map_[tab_id] = std::make_unique<TabTasks>();
return local_tab_tasks_map_[tab_id].get();
void TaskTracker::CleanTabTasks(SessionID::id_type tab_id) {
auto iter = local_tab_tasks_map_.find(tab_id);
if (iter != local_tab_tasks_map_.end())
} // namespace sync_sessions