blob: 68ae062a9b2ca969940a4ed552557ee4fcde87ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chromoting;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
* This class is responsible for transforming the desktop image matrix.
public class DesktopCanvas {
/** Used for floating point comparisons. */
private static final float EPSILON = 0.0001f;
/** Maximum allowed zoom level - see {@link #scaleAndRepositionImage()}. */
private static final float MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR = 100.0f;
private final RenderStub mRenderStub;
private final RenderData mRenderData;
* Represents the desired center of the viewport in image space. This value may not represent
* the actual center of the viewport as adjustments are made to ensure as much of the desktop is
* visible as possible. This value needs to be a pair of floats so the desktop image can be
* positioned with sub-pixel accuracy for smoother panning animations at high zoom levels.
private PointF mDesiredCenter = new PointF();
* If System UI exists, this contains the area of the screen which is unobscured by it,
* otherwise it is empty.
private Rect mSystemUiScreenRect = new Rect();
* Represents the amount of space, in pixels, to shift the image under the viewport. This value
* is used to allow panning the image further than would be possible when using the normal
* boundary values to account for System UI. This functionality ensures the user can view and
* interact with any area of the remote image, even when System UI might otherwise obscure it.
private PointF mViewportOffset = new PointF();
* Tracks whether to adjust the size of the viewport to account for System UI. If false, the
* viewport center is mapped to the center of the screen. If true, then System UI sizes will be
* used to determine the center of the viewport.
private boolean mAdjustViewportSizeForSystemUi = false;
/* Used to perform per-frame rendering tasks. */
private Event.ParameterCallback<Boolean, Void> mFrameRenderedCallback;
public DesktopCanvas(RenderStub renderStub, RenderData renderData) {
mRenderStub = renderStub;
mRenderData = renderData;
* Sets the desired center position of the viewport (a.k.a. the cursor position).
* @param newX The new x coordinate value for the desired center position.
* @param newY The new y coordinate value for the desired center position.
public void setCursorPosition(float newX, float newY) {
updateCursorPosition(newX, newY, getImageBounds());
* Sets the center of the viewport using an absolute position (in image coordinates).
* @param newX The new x coordinate value for the center position of the viewport.
* @param newY The new y coordinate value for the center position of the viewport.
public void setViewportCenter(float newX, float newY) {
updateCursorPosition(newX, newY, getViewportBounds());
* Shifts the cursor by the passed in values (in image coordinates).
* @param deltaX The distance (in image coordinates) to move the cursor along the x-axis.
* @param deltaY The distance (in image coordinates) to move the cursor along the y-axis.
* @return A point representing the new cursor position.
public PointF moveCursorPosition(float deltaX, float deltaY) {
mDesiredCenter.x + deltaX, mDesiredCenter.y + deltaY, getImageBounds());
return new PointF(mDesiredCenter.x, mDesiredCenter.y);
* Shifts the viewport by the passed in values (in image coordinates).
* @param deltaX The distance (in image coordinates) to move the viewport along the x-axis.
* @param deltaY The distance (in image coordinates) to move the viewport along the y-axis.
public void moveViewportCenter(float deltaX, float deltaY) {
mDesiredCenter.x + deltaX, mDesiredCenter.y + deltaY, getViewportBounds());
* Handles System UI size and visibility changes.
* @param parameter The set of values defining the current System UI state.
public void onSystemUiVisibilityChanged(SystemUiVisibilityChangedEventParameter parameter) {
mSystemUiScreenRect.set(parameter.left,, parameter.right, parameter.bottom);
PointF targetOffset;
if (mSystemUiScreenRect.isEmpty()) {
targetOffset = new PointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
} else {
// If the System UI size has changed such viewport offset is affected, then start an
// animation to adjust the amount of offset used. This functionality ensures that we
// don't leave content-less areas on the screen when the System UI resizes.
RectF systemUiOverlap = getSystemUiOverlap();
RectF newBounds = new RectF(-systemUiOverlap.left,,
systemUiOverlap.right, systemUiOverlap.bottom);
targetOffset = new PointF(mViewportOffset.x, mViewportOffset.y);
constrainPointToBounds(targetOffset, newBounds);
if (mRenderData.initialized()) {
// The viewport center may have changed so update the position to reflect the new value.
public void adjustViewportForSystemUi(boolean adjustViewportForSystemUi) {
mAdjustViewportSizeForSystemUi = adjustViewportForSystemUi;
if (mRenderData.initialized()) {
// The viewport center may have changed so update the position to reflect the new value.
/** Resizes the image by zooming it such that the image is displayed without borders. */
public void resizeImageToFitScreen() {
// Protect against being called before the image has been initialized.
if (mRenderData.imageWidth == 0 || mRenderData.imageHeight == 0) {
float widthRatio = (float) mRenderData.screenWidth / mRenderData.imageWidth;
float heightRatio = (float) mRenderData.screenHeight / mRenderData.imageHeight;
float screenToImageScale = Math.max(widthRatio, heightRatio);
// If the image is smaller than the screen in either dimension, then we want to scale it
// up to fit both and fill the screen with the image of the remote desktop.
if (screenToImageScale > 1.0f) {
mRenderData.transform.setScale(screenToImageScale, screenToImageScale);
* Repositions the image by translating and zooming it, to keep the zoom level within sensible
* limits. The minimum zoom level is chosen to avoid letterboxing on all 4 sides. The
* maximum zoom level is set arbitrarily, so that the user can zoom out again in a reasonable
* time, and to prevent arithmetic overflow problems from displaying the image.
* @param scaleFactor The factor used to zoom the canvas in or out.
* @param px The center x coordinate for the scale action.
* @param py The center y coordinate for the scale action.
* @param centerOnCursor Determines whether the viewport will be translated to the desired
* center position before being adjusted to fit the screen boundaries.
public void scaleAndRepositionImage(
float scaleFactor, float px, float py, boolean centerOnCursor) {
// Avoid division by zero in case this gets called before the image size is initialized.
if (mRenderData.imageWidth == 0 || mRenderData.imageHeight == 0) {
mRenderData.transform.postScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, px, py);
// Zoom out if the zoom level is too high.
float currentZoomLevel = mRenderData.transform.mapRadius(1.0f);
if (currentZoomLevel > MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR) {
mRenderData.transform.setScale(MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR, MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR);
// Get image size scaled to screen coordinates.
float[] imageSize = {mRenderData.imageWidth, mRenderData.imageHeight};
if (imageSize[0] < mRenderData.screenWidth && imageSize[1] < mRenderData.screenHeight) {
// Displayed image is too small in both directions, so apply the minimum zoom
// level needed to fit either the width or height.
float scale = Math.min((float) mRenderData.screenWidth / mRenderData.imageWidth,
(float) mRenderData.screenHeight / mRenderData.imageHeight);
mRenderData.transform.setScale(scale, scale);
if (centerOnCursor) {
setCursorPosition(mDesiredCenter.x, mDesiredCenter.y);
} else {
// Find the new screen center (it probably changed during the zoom operation) and update
// the viewport to smoothly track the zoom gesture.
float[] mappedPoints = {((float) mRenderData.screenWidth / 2) - mViewportOffset.x,
((float) mRenderData.screenHeight / 2) - mViewportOffset.y};
Matrix screenToImage = new Matrix();
// The cursor is mapped to the center of the viewport in this case.
setViewportCenter(mappedPoints[0], mappedPoints[1]);
* Sets the new cursor position, bounded by the given rect, and updates the image transform to
* reflect the new position.
private void updateCursorPosition(float newX, float newY, RectF bounds) {
mDesiredCenter.set(newX, newY);
constrainPointToBounds(mDesiredCenter, bounds);
calculateViewportOffset(newX - mDesiredCenter.x, newY - mDesiredCenter.y);
* Returns the height of the screen (in screen coordinates) for use in calculations involving
* viewport positioning.
private float getAdjustedScreenHeight() {
float adjustedScreenHeight;
if (mAdjustViewportSizeForSystemUi && !mSystemUiScreenRect.isEmpty()) {
// Find the center point of the viewport on the screen.
adjustedScreenHeight = mSystemUiScreenRect.bottom;
} else {
adjustedScreenHeight = ((float) mRenderData.screenHeight);
return adjustedScreenHeight;
* Returns the center position of the viewport (in screen coordinates) taking System UI into
* account.
private PointF getViewportScreenCenter() {
return new PointF((float) mRenderData.screenWidth / 2, getAdjustedScreenHeight() / 2);
* Repositions the image by translating it (without affecting the zoom level).
private void repositionImage() {
PointF viewportPosition = new PointF(mDesiredCenter.x, mDesiredCenter.y);
constrainPointToBounds(viewportPosition, getViewportBounds());
float[] viewportAdjustment = {viewportPosition.x, viewportPosition.y};
// Adjust the viewport to include the overpan amount.
viewportAdjustment[0] += mViewportOffset.x;
viewportAdjustment[1] += mViewportOffset.y;
// Translate the image to move the viewport to the expected screen location.
PointF viewportCenter = getViewportScreenCenter();
viewportCenter.x - viewportAdjustment[0], viewportCenter.y - viewportAdjustment[1]);
* Updates the given point such that it refers to a coordinate within the bounds provided.
* @param point The point to adjust, the original object is modified.
* @param bounds The bounds used to constrain the point.
private void constrainPointToBounds(PointF point, RectF bounds) {
if (point.x < bounds.left) {
point.x = bounds.left;
} else if (point.x > bounds.right) {
point.x = bounds.right;
if (point.y < {
point.y =;
} else if (point.y > bounds.bottom) {
point.y = bounds.bottom;
/** Returns a region which defines the set of valid cursor positions in image space. */
private RectF getImageBounds() {
return new RectF(0, 0, mRenderData.imageWidth, mRenderData.imageHeight);
/** Returns a region which defines the set of valid viewport center values in image space. */
private RectF getViewportBounds() {
// The region of allowable viewport values is the imageBound rect, inset by the size of the
// viewport itself. This prevents over and under panning of the viewport while still
// allowing the user to see and interact with all pixels one the desktop image.
Matrix screenToImage = new Matrix();
PointF viewportCenter = getViewportScreenCenter();
float[] screenVectors = {viewportCenter.x, viewportCenter.y};
PointF letterboxPadding = getLetterboxPadding();
float[] letterboxPaddingVectors = {letterboxPadding.x, letterboxPadding.y};
// screenCenter values are 1/2 of a particular screen dimension mapped to image space.
float screenCenterX = screenVectors[0] - letterboxPaddingVectors[0];
float screenCenterY = screenVectors[1] - letterboxPaddingVectors[1];
RectF imageBounds = getImageBounds();
imageBounds.inset(screenCenterX, screenCenterY);
return imageBounds;
* Returns a region defining the maximum offset distance required to view the entire image
* given the current amount of System UI overlapping it.
private RectF getViewportOffsetBounds() {
// The allowable region is determined by:
// - Overlap of the System UI and image content
// - Current viewport offset
// The System UI overlap represents the maximum allowable offset, this is used to bound the
// viewport movement in each direction. The current offset is used to prevent 'snapping'
// the image when the System UI overlap is reduced.
RectF viewportOffsetRect = new RectF();
viewportOffsetRect.union(mViewportOffset.x, mViewportOffset.y);
RectF systemUiOverlap = getSystemUiOverlap();
return new RectF(Math.min(viewportOffsetRect.left, -systemUiOverlap.left),
Math.max(viewportOffsetRect.right, systemUiOverlap.right),
Math.max(viewportOffsetRect.bottom, systemUiOverlap.bottom));
* Provides the amount of padding needed to center the image content on the screen.
private PointF getLetterboxPadding() {
float[] imageVectors = {mRenderData.imageWidth, mRenderData.imageHeight};
// We want to letterbox when the image is smaller than the screen in a specific dimension.
// Since we center the image, split the difference so it is equally distributed.
float widthAdjust = Math.max(((float) mRenderData.screenWidth - imageVectors[0]) / 2, 0);
float heightAdjust = Math.max((getAdjustedScreenHeight() - imageVectors[1]) / 2, 0);
return new PointF(widthAdjust, heightAdjust);
* Returns the amount of System UI along each edge of the screen which could overlap the remote
* desktop image below it. This is the maximum amount that could overlap, not the actual value.
private RectF getSystemUiOverlap() {
if (mSystemUiScreenRect.isEmpty()) {
return new RectF();
// Letterbox padding represents the space added to the image to center it on the screen.
// Since it does not contain any interactable UI, we ignore it when calculating the overlap
// between the System UI and the remote desktop image.
// Note: Ignore negative padding (clamp to 0) since that means no overlap exists.
float adjustedScreenHeight = getAdjustedScreenHeight();
PointF letterboxPadding = getLetterboxPadding();
return new RectF(Math.max(mSystemUiScreenRect.left - letterboxPadding.x, 0.0f),
Math.max( - letterboxPadding.y, 0.0f),
Math.max(mRenderData.screenWidth - mSystemUiScreenRect.right - letterboxPadding.x,
Math.max(adjustedScreenHeight - mSystemUiScreenRect.bottom - letterboxPadding.y,
* Applies the given offset, as needed, to allow moving the image outside its normal bounds.
private void calculateViewportOffset(float offsetX, float offsetY) {
if (mSystemUiScreenRect.isEmpty()) {
// We only want to directly change the viewport offset when System UI is present.
float[] offsets = {offsetX, offsetY};
// Use a temporary variable here as {@link #getViewportOffsetBounds()} uses the current
// viewport offset as a maximum boundary. If we add the offset first, the result ends up
// being unbounded. Thus we use a temporary object for the boundary calculation.
PointF requestedOffset =
new PointF(mViewportOffset.x + offsets[0], mViewportOffset.y + offsets[1]);
constrainPointToBounds(requestedOffset, getViewportOffsetBounds());
* Starts an animation to smoothly reduce the viewport offset. Does nothing if an animation is
* already running, the offset is already 0, or the offset and target are the same.
private void startOffsetReductionAnimation(final PointF targetOffset) {
if (mFrameRenderedCallback != null || mViewportOffset.length() < EPSILON
|| arePointsEqual(mViewportOffset, targetOffset, EPSILON)) {
mFrameRenderedCallback = new Event.ParameterCallback<Boolean, Void>() {
private static final float DURATION_MS = 250.0f;
private final Interpolator mInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
private long mStartTime = 0;
private final float mOriginalX = mViewportOffset.x - targetOffset.x;
private final float mOriginalY = mViewportOffset.y - targetOffset.y;
public Boolean run(Void p) {
if (mFrameRenderedCallback == null) {
return false;
if (mStartTime == 0) {
mStartTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
float progress = (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mStartTime) / DURATION_MS;
if (progress < 1.0f) {
float reductionFactor = 1.0f - mInterpolator.getInterpolation(progress);
mViewportOffset.set(mOriginalX * reductionFactor + targetOffset.x,
mOriginalY * reductionFactor + targetOffset.y);
} else {
mViewportOffset.set(targetOffset.x, targetOffset.y);
mFrameRenderedCallback = null;
return mFrameRenderedCallback != null;
* Stops an existing offset reduction animation.
private void stopOffsetReductionAnimation() {
// Setting this value this null will prevent it from continuing to execute.
mFrameRenderedCallback = null;
private boolean arePointsEqual(PointF a, PointF b, float epsilon) {
return Math.abs(a.x - b.x) < epsilon && Math.abs(a.y - b.y) < epsilon;