blob: d73ef5a121d7ea9c9502c842b2fecb60dc0298ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chromoting;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This class is responsible for handling Touch input from the user. Touch events which manipulate
* the local canvas are handled in this class and any input which should be sent to the remote host
* are passed to the InputStrategyInterface implementation set by the DesktopView.
public class TouchInputHandler {
private static final float EPSILON = 0.001f;
private final List<Pair<Object, Event<?>>> mAttachedEvents = new ArrayList<>();
private final Desktop mDesktop;
private final RenderData mRenderData;
private final DesktopCanvas mDesktopCanvas;
private final RenderStub mRenderStub;
private final GestureDetector mScroller;
private final ScaleGestureDetector mZoomer;
private final TapGestureDetector mTapDetector;
/** Used to disambiguate a 2-finger gesture as a swipe or a pinch. */
private final SwipePinchDetector mSwipePinchDetector;
// Used for processing cursor & scroller fling animations.
// May consider using a List of AnimationJob if we have more than two animation jobs in
// the future.
private final FlingAnimationJob mCursorAnimationJob;
private final FlingAnimationJob mScrollAnimationJob;
private InputStrategyInterface mInputStrategy;
* Used for tracking swipe gestures. Only the Y-direction is needed for responding to swipe-up
* or swipe-down.
private float mTotalMotionY = 0;
* Distance in pixels beyond which a motion gesture is considered to be a swipe. This is
* initialized using the Context passed into the ctor.
private float mSwipeThreshold;
* Distance, in pixels, from the edge of the screen in which a touch event should be considered
* as having originated from that edge.
private final int mEdgeSlopInPx;
* Defines an inset boundary within which pan gestures are allowed. Pan gestures which
* originate outside of this boundary will be ignored.
private Rect mPanGestureBounds = new Rect();
* Set to true to prevent any further movement of the cursor, for example, when showing the
* keyboard to prevent the cursor wandering from the area where keystrokes should be sent.
private boolean mSuppressCursorMovement = false;
* Set to true to suppress the fling animation at the end of a gesture, for example, when
* dragging whilst a button is held down.
private boolean mSuppressFling = false;
* Set to true when 2-finger fling (scroll gesture with final velocity) is detected to trigger
* a scrolling animation.
private boolean mScrollFling = false;
* Set to true when 3-finger swipe gesture is complete, so that further movement doesn't
* trigger more swipe actions.
private boolean mSwipeCompleted = false;
* Set to true when a 1 finger pan gesture originates with a longpress. This means the user
* is performing a drag operation.
private boolean mIsDragging = false;
private Event.ParameterCallback<Boolean, Void> mProcessAnimationCallback;
* This class implements fling animation for cursor
private class CursorAnimationJob extends FlingAnimationJob {
public CursorAnimationJob(Context context) {
protected void processAction(float deltaX, float deltaY) {
float[] delta = {deltaX, deltaY};
Matrix canvasToImage = new Matrix();
moveViewportByOffset(-delta[0], -delta[1]);
* This class implements fling animation for scrolling
private class ScrollAnimationJob extends FlingAnimationJob {
public ScrollAnimationJob(Context context) {
protected void processAction(float deltaX, float deltaY) {
mInputStrategy.onScroll(-deltaX, -deltaY);
* This class provides a NULL implementation which will be used until a real input
* strategy has been created and set. Using this as the default implementation will prevent
* crashes if the owning class does not create/set a real InputStrategy before the host size
* information is received (or if the user interacts with the screen in that case). This class
* has default values which will also allow the user to pan/zoom the desktop image until an
* InputStrategy implementation has been set.
private static class NullInputStrategy implements InputStrategyInterface {
NullInputStrategy() {}
public boolean onTap(int button) {
return false;
public boolean onPressAndHold(int button) {
return false;
public void onMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
public void onScroll(float distanceX, float distanceY) {
public void injectCursorMoveEvent(int x, int y) {
public RenderStub.InputFeedbackType getShortPressFeedbackType() {
return RenderStub.InputFeedbackType.NONE;
public RenderStub.InputFeedbackType getLongPressFeedbackType() {
return RenderStub.InputFeedbackType.NONE;
public boolean isIndirectInputMode() {
return false;
public TouchInputHandler(DesktopView viewer, Desktop desktop, RenderStub renderStub,
final InputEventSender injector) {
mDesktop = desktop;
mRenderStub = renderStub;
mRenderData = new RenderData();
mDesktopCanvas = new DesktopCanvas(renderStub, mRenderData);
GestureListener listener = new GestureListener();
mScroller = new GestureDetector(desktop, listener, null, false);
// If long-press is enabled, the gesture-detector will not emit any further onScroll
// notifications after the onLongPress notification. Since onScroll is being used for
// moving the cursor, it means that the cursor would become stuck if the finger were held
// down too long.
mZoomer = new ScaleGestureDetector(desktop, listener);
mTapDetector = new TapGestureDetector(desktop, listener);
mSwipePinchDetector = new SwipePinchDetector(desktop);
// The threshold needs to be bigger than the ScaledTouchSlop used by the gesture-detectors,
// so that a gesture cannot be both a tap and a swipe. It also needs to be small enough so
// that intentional swipes are usually detected.
float density = desktop.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
mSwipeThreshold = 40 * density;
mEdgeSlopInPx = ViewConfiguration.get(desktop).getScaledEdgeSlop();
mInputStrategy = new NullInputStrategy();
mCursorAnimationJob = new CursorAnimationJob(desktop);
mScrollAnimationJob = new ScrollAnimationJob(desktop);
mProcessAnimationCallback = new Event.ParameterCallback<Boolean, Void>() {
public Boolean run(Void p) {
return processAnimation();
attachEvent(viewer.onTouch(), new Event.ParameterRunnable<TouchEventParameter>() {
public void run(TouchEventParameter parameter) {
parameter.handled = handleTouchEvent(parameter.event);
new Event.ParameterRunnable<InputModeChangedEventParameter>() {
public void run(InputModeChangedEventParameter parameter) {
handleInputModeChanged(parameter, injector);
new Event.ParameterRunnable<SystemUiVisibilityChangedEventParameter>() {
public void run(SystemUiVisibilityChangedEventParameter parameter) {
new Event.ParameterRunnable<SizeChangedEventParameter>() {
public void run(SizeChangedEventParameter parameter) {
handleClientSizeChanged(parameter.width, parameter.height);
new Event.ParameterRunnable<SizeChangedEventParameter>() {
public void run(SizeChangedEventParameter parameter) {
handleHostSizeChanged(parameter.width, parameter.height);
private <ParamT> void attachEvent(Event<ParamT> event,
Event.ParameterRunnable<ParamT> runnable) {
mAttachedEvents.add(new Pair<Object, Event<?>>(event.add(runnable), event));
* Detaches all registered event listeners. This function should be called exactly once.
public void detachEventListeners() {
for (Pair<Object, Event<?>> pair : mAttachedEvents) {
* Steps forward the animation.
* @return true if the animation is not finished yet.
private boolean processAnimation() {
return mCursorAnimationJob.processAnimation() || mScrollAnimationJob.processAnimation();
* Start stepping animation when onCanvasRendered is triggered.
private void startAnimation() {
* Abort all animations.
private void abortAnimation() {
private void handleInputModeChanged(
InputModeChangedEventParameter parameter, InputEventSender injector) {
final Desktop.InputMode inputMode = parameter.inputMode;
final CapabilityManager.HostCapability hostTouchCapability =
// We need both input mode and host input capabilities to select the input
// strategy.
if (!inputMode.isSet() || !hostTouchCapability.isSet()) {
switch (inputMode) {
setInputStrategy(new TrackpadInputStrategy(mRenderData, injector));
case TOUCH:
if (hostTouchCapability.isSupported()) {
setInputStrategy(new TouchInputStrategy(mRenderData, injector));
} else {
new SimulatedTouchInputStrategy(mRenderData, injector, mDesktop));
// Unreachable, but required by Google Java style and findbugs.
assert false : "Unreached";
// Ensure the cursor state is updated appropriately.
private boolean handleTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Give the underlying input strategy a chance to observe the current motion event before
// passing it to the gesture detectors. This allows the input strategy to react to the
// event or save the payload for use in recreating the gesture remotely.
// Avoid short-circuit logic evaluation - ensure all gesture detectors see all events so
// that they generate correct notifications.
boolean handled = mScroller.onTouchEvent(event);
handled |= mZoomer.onTouchEvent(event);
handled |= mTapDetector.onTouchEvent(event);
switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
mSuppressCursorMovement = false;
mSuppressFling = false;
mSwipeCompleted = false;
mIsDragging = false;
mTotalMotionY = 0;
return handled;
private void handleClientSizeChanged(int width, int height) {
mRenderData.screenWidth = width;
mRenderData.screenHeight = height;
mPanGestureBounds = new Rect(
mEdgeSlopInPx, mEdgeSlopInPx, width - mEdgeSlopInPx, height - mEdgeSlopInPx);
private void handleHostSizeChanged(int width, int height) {
mRenderData.imageWidth = width;
mRenderData.imageHeight = height;
private void resizeImageToFitScreen() {
if (mRenderData.imageWidth == 0 || mRenderData.imageHeight == 0
|| mRenderData.screenWidth == 0 || mRenderData.screenHeight == 0) {
private void moveCursorToScreenCenter() {
float screenCenterX = (float) mRenderData.screenWidth / 2;
float screenCenterY = (float) mRenderData.screenHeight / 2;
float[] imagePoint = mapScreenPointToImagePoint(screenCenterX, screenCenterY);
mDesktopCanvas.setCursorPosition(imagePoint[0], imagePoint[1]);
moveCursorToScreenPoint(screenCenterX, screenCenterY);
private void setInputStrategy(InputStrategyInterface inputStrategy) {
// Since the rules for flinging differ between input modes, we want to stop running the
// current fling animation when the mode changes to prevent a wonky experience.
mInputStrategy = inputStrategy;
/** Moves the desired center of the viewport using the specified deltas. */
private void moveViewportByOffset(float deltaX, float deltaY) {
// If we are in an indirect mode or are in the middle of a drag operation, then we want to
// invert the direction of the operation (i.e. follow the motion of the finger).
boolean followCursor = (mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode() || mIsDragging);
if (followCursor) {
deltaX = -deltaX;
deltaY = -deltaY;
// Determine the center point from which to apply the delta.
// For indirect input modes (i.e. trackpad), the view generally follows the cursor.
// For direct input modes (i.e. touch) the should track the user's motion.
// If the user is dragging, then the viewport should always follow the user's finger.
if (mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode()) {
PointF newCursorPos = mDesktopCanvas.moveCursorPosition(deltaX, deltaY);
moveCursor(newCursorPos.x, newCursorPos.y);
} else {
mDesktopCanvas.moveViewportCenter(deltaX, deltaY);
/** Moves the cursor to the specified position on the screen. */
private void moveCursorToScreenPoint(float screenX, float screenY) {
float[] imagePoint = mapScreenPointToImagePoint(screenX, screenY);
moveCursor(imagePoint[0], imagePoint[1]);
/** Moves the cursor to the specified position on the remote host. */
private void moveCursor(float newX, float newY) {
boolean cursorMoved = mRenderData.setCursorPosition(newX, newY);
if (cursorMoved) {
mInputStrategy.injectCursorMoveEvent((int) newX, (int) newY);
/** Processes a (multi-finger) swipe gesture. */
private boolean onSwipe() {
if (mTotalMotionY > mSwipeThreshold) {
// Swipe down occurred.
} else if (mTotalMotionY < -mSwipeThreshold) {
// Swipe up occurred.
} else {
return false;
mSuppressCursorMovement = true;
mSuppressFling = true;
mSwipeCompleted = true;
return true;
/** Translates a point in screen coordinates to a location on the desktop image. */
private float[] mapScreenPointToImagePoint(float screenX, float screenY) {
float[] mappedPoints = {screenX, screenY};
Matrix screenToImage = new Matrix();
return mappedPoints;
/** Responds to touch events filtered by the gesture detectors. */
private class GestureListener extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener
implements ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener,
TapGestureDetector.OnTapListener {
* Called when the user drags one or more fingers across the touchscreen.
public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) {
int pointerCount = e2.getPointerCount();
// Check to see if the motion originated at the edge of the screen.
// If so, then the user is likely swiping in to display system UI.
if (!mPanGestureBounds.contains((int) e1.getX(), (int) e1.getY())) {
// Prevent the cursor being moved or flung by the gesture.
mSuppressCursorMovement = true;
return false;
if (pointerCount >= 3 && !mSwipeCompleted) {
// Note that distance values are reversed. For example, dragging a finger in the
// direction of increasing Y coordinate (downwards) results in distanceY being
// negative.
mTotalMotionY -= distanceY;
return onSwipe();
if (pointerCount == 2 && mSwipePinchDetector.isSwiping()) {
if (!mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode()) {
// Ensure the cursor is located at the coordinates of the original event,
// otherwise the target window may not receive the scroll event correctly.
moveCursorToScreenPoint(e1.getX(), e1.getY());
mInputStrategy.onScroll(distanceX, distanceY);
// Prevent the cursor being moved or flung by the gesture.
mSuppressCursorMovement = true;
mScrollFling = true;
return true;
if (pointerCount != 1 || mSuppressCursorMovement) {
return false;
float[] delta = {distanceX, distanceY};
Matrix canvasToImage = new Matrix();
moveViewportByOffset(delta[0], delta[1]);
if (!mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode() && mIsDragging) {
// Ensure the cursor follows the user's finger when the user is dragging under
// direct input mode.
moveCursorToScreenPoint(e2.getX(), e2.getY());
return true;
* Called when a fling gesture is recognized.
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
if (mSuppressFling) {
return false;
if (mScrollFling) {
mScrollAnimationJob.startAnimation(velocityX, velocityY);
mScrollFling = false;
return true;
if (mSuppressCursorMovement) {
return false;
// If cursor movement is suppressed, fling also needs to be suppressed, as the
// gesture-detector will still generate onFling() notifications based on movement of
// the fingers, which would result in unwanted cursor movement.
mCursorAnimationJob.startAnimation(velocityX, velocityY);
return true;
/** Called when the user is in the process of pinch-zooming. */
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
if (!mSwipePinchDetector.isPinching()) {
return false;
mDesktopCanvas.scaleAndRepositionImage(detector.getScaleFactor(), detector.getFocusX(),
detector.getFocusY(), mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode());
return true;
/** Called whenever a gesture starts. Always accepts the gesture so it isn't ignored. */
public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
return true;
* Called when the user starts to zoom. Always accepts the zoom so that
* onScale() can decide whether to respond to it.
public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
return true;
/** Called when the user is done zooming. Defers to onScale()'s judgement. */
public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
/** Called when the user taps the screen with one or more fingers. */
public boolean onTap(int pointerCount, float x, float y) {
int button = mouseButtonFromPointerCount(pointerCount);
if (button == InputStub.BUTTON_UNDEFINED) {
return false;
if (!mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode()) {
if (screenPointLiesOutsideImageBoundary(x, y)) {
return false;
moveCursorToScreenPoint(x, y);
if (mInputStrategy.onTap(button)) {
PointF pos = mRenderData.getCursorPosition();
mRenderStub.showInputFeedback(mInputStrategy.getShortPressFeedbackType(), pos);
return true;
/** Called when a long-press is triggered for one or more fingers. */
public void onLongPress(int pointerCount, float x, float y) {
int button = mouseButtonFromPointerCount(pointerCount);
if (button == InputStub.BUTTON_UNDEFINED) {
if (!mInputStrategy.isIndirectInputMode()) {
if (screenPointLiesOutsideImageBoundary(x, y)) {
moveCursorToScreenPoint(x, y);
if (mInputStrategy.onPressAndHold(button)) {
PointF pos = mRenderData.getCursorPosition();
mRenderStub.showInputFeedback(mInputStrategy.getLongPressFeedbackType(), pos);
mSuppressFling = true;
mIsDragging = true;
/** Maps the number of fingers in a tap or long-press gesture to a mouse-button. */
private int mouseButtonFromPointerCount(int pointerCount) {
switch (pointerCount) {
case 1:
return InputStub.BUTTON_LEFT;
case 2:
return InputStub.BUTTON_RIGHT;
case 3:
return InputStub.BUTTON_MIDDLE;
return InputStub.BUTTON_UNDEFINED;
/** Determines whether the given screen point lies outside the desktop image. */
private boolean screenPointLiesOutsideImageBoundary(float screenX, float screenY) {
float[] mappedPoints = mapScreenPointToImagePoint(screenX, screenY);
float imageWidth = (float) mRenderData.imageWidth + EPSILON;
float imageHeight = (float) mRenderData.imageHeight + EPSILON;
return mappedPoints[0] < -EPSILON || mappedPoints[0] > imageWidth
|| mappedPoints[1] < -EPSILON || mappedPoints[1] > imageHeight;