blob: 5523d5ea6a11ca63ca7067eceacab0214f143bf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ntp_snippets {
namespace prefs {
// If set to false, remote suggestions are completely disabled. This is set by
// an enterprise policy.
extern const char kEnableSnippets[];
// The pref name under which remote suggestion categories (including their ID
// and title) are stored.
extern const char kRemoteSuggestionCategories[];
// The pref name for the last time when a background fetch was attempted.
extern const char kSnippetLastFetchAttemptTime[];
// The pref name for the last time when a background fetch was successfull.
extern const char kSnippetLastSuccessfulFetchTime[];
// Pref names for minimal intervals between two successive background fetches.
// The prefs store *currently applied* minimal intervals. For each trigger type
// there are two intervals stored in prefs:
// - "Wifi" for situations with Wifi / unmetered network connectivity, and
// - "Fallback" for situations with only non-Wifi / metered network.
// We check "meteredness" of the current network only on platforms that support
// that, notably Android; we use WiFi as the proxy of being unmetered elsewhere.
// Intervals for trigger type 1: wake-up of the persistent scheduler.
extern const char kSnippetPersistentFetchingIntervalWifi[];
extern const char kSnippetPersistentFetchingIntervalFallback[];
// Intervals for trigger type 2: browser started-up (both cold and warm start).
extern const char kSnippetStartupFetchingIntervalWifi[];
extern const char kSnippetStartupFetchingIntervalFallback[];
// Intervals for trigger type 3: suggestions shown to the user.
extern const char kSnippetShownFetchingIntervalWifi[];
extern const char kSnippetShownFetchingIntervalFallback[];
// The pref name for today's count of RemoteSuggestionsFetcher requests, so far.
extern const char kSnippetFetcherRequestCount[];
// The pref name for today's count of RemoteSuggestionsFetcher interactive
// requests.
extern const char kSnippetFetcherInteractiveRequestCount[];
// The pref name for the current day for the counter of RemoteSuggestionsFetcher
// requests.
extern const char kSnippetFetcherRequestsDay[];
// The pref name for today's count of requests for article thumbnails, so far.
extern const char kSnippetThumbnailsRequestCount[];
// The pref name for today's count of interactive requests for article
// thumbnails, so far.
extern const char kSnippetThumbnailsInteractiveRequestCount[];
// The pref name for the current day for the counter of requests for article
// thumbnails.
extern const char kSnippetThumbnailsRequestsDay[];
// The pref name for the time of the last successful background fetch.
extern const char kLastSuccessfulBackgroundFetchTime[];
extern const char kDismissedAssetDownloadSuggestions[];
extern const char kDismissedForeignSessionsSuggestions[];
extern const char kDismissedOfflinePageDownloadSuggestions[];
extern const char kDismissedPhysicalWebPageSuggestions[];
extern const char kDismissedRecentOfflineTabSuggestions[];
extern const char kDismissedCategories[];
// The pref name for the discounted average number of browsing sessions per hour
// that involve opening a new NTP.
extern const char kUserClassifierAverageNTPOpenedPerHour[];
// The pref name for the discounted average number of browsing sessions per hour
// that involve opening showing the content suggestions.
extern const char kUserClassifierAverageSuggestionsShownPerHour[];
// The pref name for the discounted average number of browsing sessions per hour
// that involve using content suggestions (i.e. opening one or clicking on the
// "More" button).
extern const char kUserClassifierAverageSuggestionsUsedPerHour[];
// The pref name for the last time a new NTP was opened.
extern const char kUserClassifierLastTimeToOpenNTP[];
// The pref name for the last time content suggestions were shown to the user.
extern const char kUserClassifierLastTimeToShowSuggestions[];
// The pref name for the last time content suggestions were used by the user.
extern const char kUserClassifierLastTimeToUseSuggestions[];
// The pref name for the current order of categories and their clicks.
extern const char kClickBasedCategoryRankerOrderWithClicks[];
// The pref name for the time when last click decay has happened.
extern const char kClickBasedCategoryRankerLastDecayTime[];
// The folllowing prefs hold the data used when subscribing for content
// suggestions via GCM push updates. They are stored in pref such that in case
// of change (e.g. the token renders invalid), re-subscription is required.
// They are stored in prefs for persisting them across Chrome restarts.
// The pref name for the subscription token used when subscription for
// breaking news push updates.
extern const char kBreakingNewsSubscriptionDataToken[];
// The pref name for whether the subscription is authenticated or not.
extern const char kBreakingNewsSubscriptionDataIsAuthenticated[];
//////////////////////// End of breaking news subscription-related prefs.
// The pref name for the subscription token received from the gcm server. As
// recommended by the GCM team, it is cached in pref for faster bookkeeping to
// see if subscription exists. This is pref holds the valid token even if
// different from the one used for subscription. When they are different, Chrome
// unsubscribes the old token from the content suggestions server, subscribe
// with the new one and update kBreakingNewsSubscriptionDataToken.
extern const char kBreakingNewsGCMSubscriptionTokenCache[];
// When the last GCM token validation was.
extern const char kBreakingNewsGCMLastTokenValidationTime[];
// When the last forced subscription to content suggestions service was.
extern const char kBreakingNewsGCMLastForcedSubscriptionTime[];
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace ntp_snippets