blob: 5e7db25bb29b46229c918b84cce9d458568a4de1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFlattenable.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkFontConfigInterface.h"
namespace base {
class Pickle;
class PickleIterator;
class SkData;
class SkFlattenable;
namespace skia {
// Return true if the pickle/iterator contains a string. If so, and if str
// is not null, copy that string into str.
SK_API bool ReadSkString(base::PickleIterator* iter, SkString* str);
// Return true if the pickle/iterator contains a FontIdentity. If so, and if
// identity is not null, copy it into identity.
SK_API bool ReadSkFontIdentity(base::PickleIterator* iter,
SkFontConfigInterface::FontIdentity* identity);
// Return true if the pickle/iterator contains a SkFontStyle. If so, and if
// style is not null, copy it into style.
SK_API bool ReadSkFontStyle(base::PickleIterator* iter, SkFontStyle* style);
// Writes str into the request pickle.
SK_API void WriteSkString(base::Pickle* pickle, const SkString& str);
// Writes identity into the request pickle.
SK_API void WriteSkFontIdentity(
base::Pickle* pickle,
const SkFontConfigInterface::FontIdentity& identity);
// Writes style into the request pickle.
SK_API void WriteSkFontStyle(base::Pickle* pickle, SkFontStyle style);
// Serializes the SkFlattenable. Any encoded images contained in the flattenable
// will be decoded during serialization.
SK_API sk_sp<SkData> ValidatingSerializeFlattenable(SkFlattenable* flattenable);
// Deserializes the SkFlattenable. This method must not be called with data
// containing encoded images.
SK_API SkFlattenable* ValidatingDeserializeFlattenable(
const void* data,
size_t size,
SkFlattenable::Type type);
} // namespace skia