blob: 51ae72292936af0f9dc04855e41a00571b879915 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/controls/styled_label.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/label.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/link.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/styled_label_listener.h"
namespace views {
// Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
gfx::Insets FocusBorderInsets(const Label& label) {
// StyledLabel never adds a border, so the only Insets added are for the
// possible focus ring.
return label.GetInsets();
std::unique_ptr<Label> CreateLabelRange(
const base::string16& text,
int text_context,
int default_style,
const StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo& style_info,
views::LinkListener* link_listener) {
std::unique_ptr<Label> result;
if (style_info.IsLink()) {
// Nothing should (and nothing does) use a custom font for links.
// Note this ignores |default_style|, in favor of style::STYLE_LINK.
Link* link = new Link(text, text_context);
// Links in a StyledLabel do not get underlines.
} else if (style_info.custom_font) {
result.reset(new Label(text, {style_info.custom_font.value()}));
} else {
result.reset(new Label(text, text_context,
if (style_info.override_color != SK_ColorTRANSPARENT)
if (!style_info.tooltip.empty())
return result;
// Returns the horizontal offset to align views in a line.
int HorizontalAdjustment(int used_width,
int width,
gfx::HorizontalAlignment alignment) {
const int space = width - used_width;
return alignment == gfx::ALIGN_LEFT
? 0
: alignment == gfx::ALIGN_CENTER ? space / 2 : space;
} // namespace
// StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo ------------------------------------------------
StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo::RangeStyleInfo() = default;
StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo::RangeStyleInfo(const RangeStyleInfo& copy) =
StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo::~RangeStyleInfo() {}
// static
StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo::CreateForLink() {
RangeStyleInfo result;
result.disable_line_wrapping = true;
result.text_style = style::STYLE_LINK;
return result;
bool StyledLabel::RangeStyleInfo::IsLink() const {
return text_style && text_style.value() == style::STYLE_LINK;
// StyledLabel::StyleRange ----------------------------------------------------
bool StyledLabel::StyleRange::operator<(
const StyledLabel::StyleRange& other) const {
return range.start() < other.range.start();
// StyledLabel ----------------------------------------------------------------
// static
const char StyledLabel::kViewClassName[] = "StyledLabel";
StyledLabel::StyledLabel(const base::string16& text,
StyledLabelListener* listener)
: specified_line_height_(0),
displayed_on_background_color_(SkColorSetRGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)),
horizontal_alignment_(base::i18n::IsRTL() ? gfx::ALIGN_RIGHT
: gfx::ALIGN_LEFT) {
base::TrimWhitespace(text, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &text_);
StyledLabel::~StyledLabel() {}
void StyledLabel::SetText(const base::string16& text) {
text_ = text;
gfx::FontList StyledLabel::GetDefaultFontList() const {
return style::GetFont(text_context_, default_text_style_);
void StyledLabel::AddStyleRange(const gfx::Range& range,
const RangeStyleInfo& style_info) {
DCHECK(gfx::Range(0, text_.size()).Contains(range));
// Insert the new range in sorted order.
StyleRanges new_range;
new_range.push_front(StyleRange(range, style_info));
void StyledLabel::AddCustomView(std::unique_ptr<View> custom_view) {
void StyledLabel::SetTextContext(int text_context) {
if (text_context_ == text_context)
text_context_ = text_context;
void StyledLabel::SetDefaultTextStyle(int text_style) {
if (default_text_style_ == text_style)
default_text_style_ = text_style;
void StyledLabel::SetLineHeight(int line_height) {
specified_line_height_ = line_height;
void StyledLabel::SetDisplayedOnBackgroundColor(SkColor color) {
if (displayed_on_background_color_ == color &&
displayed_on_background_color_ = color;
displayed_on_background_color_set_ = true;
for (int i = 0, count = child_count(); i < count; ++i) {
DCHECK((child_at(i)->GetClassName() == Label::kViewClassName) ||
(child_at(i)->GetClassName() == Link::kViewClassName));
void StyledLabel::SizeToFit(int max_width) {
if (max_width == 0)
max_width = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
SetSize(CalculateAndDoLayout(max_width, true));
const char* StyledLabel::GetClassName() const {
return kViewClassName;
gfx::Insets StyledLabel::GetInsets() const {
gfx::Insets insets = View::GetInsets();
if (Link::GetDefaultFocusStyle() != Link::FocusStyle::RING)
return insets;
// We need a focus border iff we contain a link that will have a focus border.
// That in turn will be true only if the link is non-empty.
for (StyleRanges::const_iterator i(style_ranges_.begin());
i != style_ranges_.end(); ++i) {
if (i->style_info.IsLink() && !i->range.is_empty()) {
insets += gfx::Insets(Link::kFocusBorderPadding);
return insets;
void StyledLabel::GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) {
if (text_context_ == style::CONTEXT_DIALOG_TITLE)
node_data->role = ax::mojom::Role::kTitleBar;
node_data->role = ax::mojom::Role::kStaticText;
gfx::Size StyledLabel::CalculatePreferredSize() const {
return calculated_size_;
int StyledLabel::GetHeightForWidth(int w) const {
// TODO(erg): Munge the const-ness of the style label. CalculateAndDoLayout
// doesn't actually make any changes to member variables when |dry_run| is
// set to true. In general, the mutating and non-mutating parts shouldn't
// be in the same codepath.
return const_cast<StyledLabel*>(this)->CalculateAndDoLayout(w, true).height();
void StyledLabel::Layout() {
CalculateAndDoLayout(GetLocalBounds().width(), false);
void StyledLabel::PreferredSizeChanged() {
calculated_size_ = gfx::Size();
width_at_last_size_calculation_ = 0;
width_at_last_layout_ = 0;
void StyledLabel::LinkClicked(Link* source, int event_flags) {
if (listener_)
listener_->StyledLabelLinkClicked(this, link_targets_[source], event_flags);
// TODO(wutao): support gfx::ALIGN_TO_HEAD alignment.
void StyledLabel::SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::HorizontalAlignment alignment) {
DCHECK_NE(gfx::ALIGN_TO_HEAD, alignment);
alignment = gfx::MaybeFlipForRTL(alignment);
if (horizontal_alignment_ == alignment)
horizontal_alignment_ = alignment;
int StyledLabel::GetDefaultLineHeight() const {
return specified_line_height_ > 0
? specified_line_height_
: std::max(
style::GetLineHeight(text_context_, default_text_style_),
gfx::FontList StyledLabel::GetFontListForRange(
const StyleRanges::const_iterator& range) const {
if (range == style_ranges_.end())
return GetDefaultFontList();
return range->style_info.custom_font
? range->style_info.custom_font.value()
: style::GetFont(
gfx::Size StyledLabel::CalculateAndDoLayout(int width, bool dry_run) {
if (width == width_at_last_size_calculation_ &&
(dry_run || width == width_at_last_layout_))
return calculated_size_;
width_at_last_size_calculation_ = width;
if (!dry_run)
width_at_last_layout_ = width;
width -= GetInsets().width();
if (!dry_run) {
if (width <= 0 || text_.empty())
return gfx::Size();
const int default_line_height = GetDefaultLineHeight();
// The index of the line we're on.
int line = 0;
const gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets();
// The current child view's position, relative to content bounds, in pixels.
gfx::Point offset(0,;
int total_height = 0;
// The width that was actually used. Guaranteed to be no larger than |width|.
int used_width = 0;
RangeStyleInfo default_style;
default_style.text_style = default_text_style_;
base::string16 remaining_string = text_;
StyleRanges::const_iterator current_range = style_ranges_.begin();
bool first_loop_iteration = true;
// Max height of the views in a line.
int max_line_height = default_line_height;
// Temporary references to the views in a line, used for alignment.
std::vector<View*> views_in_a_line;
// Iterate over the text, creating a bunch of labels and links and laying them
// out in the appropriate positions.
while (!remaining_string.empty()) {
if (offset.x() == 0 && !first_loop_iteration) {
if (remaining_string.front() == L'\n') {
// Wrapped to the next line on \n, remove it. Other whitespace,
// eg, spaces to indent next line, are preserved.
remaining_string.erase(0, 1);
} else {
// Wrapped on whitespace character or characters in the middle of the
// line - none of them are needed at the beginning of the next line.
base::TrimWhitespace(remaining_string, base::TRIM_LEADING,
first_loop_iteration = false;
gfx::Range range(gfx::Range::InvalidRange());
if (current_range != style_ranges_.end())
range = current_range->range;
const size_t position = text_.size() - remaining_string.size();
std::vector<base::string16> substrings;
// If the current range is not a custom_view, then we use ElideRectangleText
// to determine the line wrapping. Note: if it is a custom_view, then the
// |position| should equal |range.start()| because the custom_view is
// treated as one unit.
if (position != range.start() || (current_range != style_ranges_.end() &&
!current_range->style_info.custom_view)) {
const gfx::Rect chunk_bounds(offset.x(), 0, width - offset.x(),
// If the start of the remaining text is inside a styled range, the font
// style may differ from the base font. The font specified by the range
// should be used when eliding text.
gfx::FontList text_font_list = position >= range.start()
? GetFontListForRange(current_range)
: GetDefaultFontList();
int elide_result = gfx::ElideRectangleText(
remaining_string, text_font_list, chunk_bounds.width(),
chunk_bounds.height(), gfx::WRAP_LONG_WORDS, &substrings);
if (substrings.empty()) {
// There is no room for anything; abort. Since wrapping is enabled, this
// should only occur if there is insufficient vertical space remaining.
// ElideRectangleText always adds a single character, even if there is
// no room horizontally.
// Views are aligned to integer coordinates, but typesetting is not. This
// means that it's possible for an ElideRectangleText on a prior iteration
// to fit a word on the current line, which does not fit after that word
// is wrapped in a View for its chunk at the end of the line. In most
// cases, this will just wrap more words on to the next line. However, if
// the remaining chunk width is insufficient for the very _first_ word,
// that word will be incorrectly split. In this case, start a new line
// instead.
bool truncated_chunk =
offset.x() != 0 &&
(elide_result & gfx::INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_FOR_FIRST_WORD) != 0;
if (substrings[0].empty() || truncated_chunk) {
// The entire line is \n, or nothing fits on this line. Start a new
// line. As for the first line, don't advance line number so that it
// will be handled again at the beginning of the loop.
AdvanceOneLine(&line, &offset, &max_line_height, width,
offset.x() != 0 || line > 0 /* new_line */);
base::string16 chunk;
View* custom_view = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Label> label;
if (position >= range.start()) {
const RangeStyleInfo& style_info = current_range->style_info;
if (style_info.custom_view) {
custom_view = style_info.custom_view;
// Ownership of the custom view must be passed to StyledLabel.
std::find_if(custom_views_.cbegin(), custom_views_.cend(),
[custom_view](const std::unique_ptr<View>& view_ptr) {
return view_ptr.get() == custom_view;
}) != custom_views_.cend());
// Do not allow wrap in custom view.
DCHECK_EQ(position, range.start());
chunk = remaining_string.substr(0, range.end() - position);
} else {
chunk = substrings[0];
if (((custom_view &&
offset.x() + custom_view->GetPreferredSize().width() > width) ||
(style_info.disable_line_wrapping &&
chunk.size() < range.length())) &&
position == range.start() && offset.x() != 0) {
// If the chunk should not be wrapped, try to fit it entirely on the
// next line.
AdvanceOneLine(&line, &offset, &max_line_height, width,
if (chunk.size() > range.end() - position)
chunk = chunk.substr(0, range.end() - position);
if (!custom_view) {
label = CreateLabelRange(chunk, text_context_, default_text_style_,
style_info, this);
if (style_info.IsLink() && !dry_run)
link_targets_[label.get()] = range;
if (position + chunk.size() >= range.end())
} else {
chunk = substrings[0];
// This chunk is normal text.
if (position + chunk.size() > range.start())
chunk = chunk.substr(0, range.start() - position);
label = CreateLabelRange(chunk, text_context_, default_text_style_,
default_style, this);
if (label) {
if (displayed_on_background_color_set_)
View* child_view = custom_view ? custom_view : label.get();
gfx::Size view_size = child_view->GetPreferredSize();
// |offset.y()| already contains ||.
gfx::Point view_origin(insets.left() + offset.x(), offset.y());
gfx::Insets focus_border_insets;
if (Link::GetDefaultFocusStyle() == Link::FocusStyle::RING && label) {
// Calculate the size of the optional focus border, and overlap by that
// amount. Otherwise, "<a>link</a>," will render as "link ,".
focus_border_insets = FocusBorderInsets(*label);
// The custom view could be wider than the available width; clamp as needed.
if (custom_view) {
view_size.width(), width - offset.x() + focus_border_insets.width()));
child_view->SetBoundsRect(gfx::Rect(view_origin, view_size));
offset.set_x(offset.x() + view_size.width() - focus_border_insets.width());
total_height =
std::max(total_height, child_view->bounds().bottom() + insets.bottom() -
used_width = std::max(used_width, offset.x());
max_line_height = std::max(
max_line_height, view_size.height() - focus_border_insets.height());
if (!dry_run) {
if (label)
// If |gfx::ElideRectangleText| returned more than one substring, that
// means the whole text did not fit into remaining line width, with text
// after |susbtring[0]| spilling into next line. If whole |substring[0]|
// was added to the current line (this may not be the case if part of the
// substring has different style), proceed to the next line.
if (!custom_view && substrings.size() > 1 &&
chunk.size() == substrings[0].size()) {
AdvanceOneLine(&line, &offset, &max_line_height, width, &views_in_a_line);
remaining_string = remaining_string.substr(chunk.size());
AdvanceOneLine(&line, &offset, &max_line_height, width, &views_in_a_line,
DCHECK_LE(used_width, width);
calculated_size_ = gfx::Size(used_width + GetInsets().width(), total_height);
return calculated_size_;
void StyledLabel::AdvanceOneLine(int* line_number,
gfx::Point* offset,
int* max_line_height,
int width,
std::vector<View*>* views_in_a_line,
bool new_line) {
const int x_delta =
HorizontalAdjustment(offset->x(), width, horizontal_alignment_);
for (auto* view : *views_in_a_line) {
gfx::Rect bounds = view->bounds();
bounds.set_x(bounds.x() + x_delta);
bounds.set_y(offset->y() + (*max_line_height - bounds.height()) / 2.0f);
if (new_line) {
offset->set_y(offset->y() + *max_line_height);
*max_line_height = GetDefaultLineHeight();
} // namespace views