blob: 8975853b664651bff87a895c0dc1b0f7f1f9b220 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from telemetry.value import scalar
from metrics import Metric
class CpuMetric(Metric):
"""Calculates CPU load over a span of time."""
def __init__(self, browser):
super(CpuMetric, self).__init__()
self._browser = browser
self._start_cpu = None
self._stop_cpu = None
def DidStartBrowser(self, browser):
# Save the browser object so that cpu_stats can be accessed later.
self._browser = browser
def Start(self, page, tab):
if not self._browser.supports_cpu_metrics:
logging.warning('CPU metrics not supported.')
self._start_cpu = self._browser.cpu_stats
def Stop(self, page, tab):
if not self._browser.supports_cpu_metrics:
assert self._start_cpu, 'Must call Start() first'
self._stop_cpu = self._browser.cpu_stats
# Optional argument trace_name is not in base class Metric.
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def AddResults(self, tab, results, trace_name='cpu_utilization'):
if not self._browser.supports_cpu_metrics:
assert self._stop_cpu, 'Must call Stop() first'
cpu_stats = _SubtractCpuStats(self._stop_cpu, self._start_cpu)
# FIXME: Renderer process CPU times are impossible to compare correctly.
if 'Renderer' in cpu_stats:
del cpu_stats['Renderer']
# Add a result for each process type.
for process_type in cpu_stats:
trace_name_for_process = '%s_%s' % (trace_name, process_type.lower())
cpu_percent = 100 * cpu_stats[process_type]
results.current_page, 'cpu_utilization.%s' % trace_name_for_process,
'%', cpu_percent, important=False))
def _SubtractCpuStats(cpu_stats, start_cpu_stats):
"""Computes average cpu usage over a time period for different process types.
Each of the two cpu_stats arguments is a dict with the following format:
{'Browser': {'CpuProcessTime': ..., 'TotalTime': ...},
'Renderer': {'CpuProcessTime': ..., 'TotalTime': ...}
'Gpu': {'CpuProcessTime': ..., 'TotalTime': ...}}
The 'CpuProcessTime' fields represent the number of seconds of CPU time
spent in each process, and total time is the number of real seconds
that have passed (this may be a Unix timestamp).
A dict of process type names (Browser, Renderer, etc.) to ratios of cpu
time used to total time elapsed.
cpu_usage = {}
for process_type in cpu_stats:
assert process_type in start_cpu_stats, 'Mismatching process types'
# Skip any process_types that are empty.
if (not cpu_stats[process_type]) or (not start_cpu_stats[process_type]):
cpu_process_time = (cpu_stats[process_type]['CpuProcessTime'] -
total_time = (cpu_stats[process_type]['TotalTime'] -
# Fix overflow for 32-bit jiffie counter, 64-bit counter will not overflow.
# Linux kernel starts with a value close to an overflow, so correction is
# necessary. Assume jiffie counter is at 100 Hz.
if total_time < 0:
total_time += 2 ** 32 / 100.
# Assert that the arguments were given in the correct order.
assert total_time > 0 and total_time < 2 ** 31 / 100., (
'Expected total_time > 0, was: %d' % total_time)
cpu_usage[process_type] = float(cpu_process_time) / total_time
return cpu_usage