blob: e03fd0cb3e2b265cde9f5f09cc8dbedd756d522e [file] [log] [blame]
class {{export_attribute}} {{}} {
using DataView = {{}}DataView;
using Data_ = internal::{{}}_Data;
{#--- Enums #}
{%- for enum in struct.enums -%}
using {{}} = {{enum|get_name_for_kind(flatten_nested_kind=True)}};
{%- endfor %}
{#--- Constants #}
{%- for constant in struct.constants %}
static {{constant|format_constant_declaration(nested=True)}};
{%- endfor %}
template <typename... Args>
static {{}}Ptr New(Args&&... args) {
return {{}}Ptr(
base::in_place, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename U>
static {{}}Ptr From(const U& u) {
return mojo::TypeConverter<{{}}Ptr, U>::Convert(u);
template <typename U>
U To() const {
return mojo::TypeConverter<U, {{}}>::Convert(*this);
{% for constructor in struct|struct_constructors %}
{% if constructor.params|length == 1 %}explicit {% endif %}{{}}(
{%- for field in constructor.params %}
{%- set type = field.kind|cpp_wrapper_param_type_new %}
{%- set name = %}
{{type}} {{name}}
{%- if not loop.last -%},{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %});
{% endfor %}
// Clone() is a template so it is only instantiated if it is used. Thus, the
// bindings generator does not need to know whether Clone() or copy
// constructor/assignment are available for members.
template <typename StructPtrType = {{}}Ptr>
{{}}Ptr Clone() const;
// Equals() is a template so it is only instantiated if it is used. Thus, the
// bindings generator does not need to know whether Equals() or == operator
// are available for members.
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<
T, {{}}>::value>::type* = nullptr>
bool Equals(const T& other) const;
{%- if struct|is_hashable %}
size_t Hash(size_t seed) const;
{%- endif %}
{%- set serialization_result_type = "WTF::Vector<uint8_t>"
if for_blink else "std::vector<uint8_t>" %}
template <typename UserType>
static {{serialization_result_type}} Serialize(UserType* input) {
return mojo::internal::SerializeImpl<
{{}}::DataView, {{serialization_result_type}}>(input);
template <typename UserType>
static mojo::Message SerializeAsMessage(UserType* input) {
return mojo::internal::SerializeAsMessageImpl<
// The returned Message is serialized only if the message is moved
// cross-process or cross-language. Otherwise if the message is Deserialized
// as the same UserType |input| will just be moved to |output| in
// DeserializeFromMessage.
template <typename UserType>
static mojo::Message WrapAsMessage(UserType input) {
return mojo::Message(std::make_unique<
UserType, {{}}::DataView>>(0, 0, std::move(input)));
template <typename UserType>
static bool Deserialize(const void* data,
size_t data_num_bytes,
UserType* output) {
return mojo::internal::DeserializeImpl<{{}}::DataView>(
data, data_num_bytes, std::vector<mojo::ScopedHandle>(), output, Validate);
template <typename UserType>
static bool Deserialize(const {{serialization_result_type}}& input,
UserType* output) {
return {{}}::Deserialize(
input.size() == 0 ? nullptr : &input.front(), input.size(), output);
template <typename UserType>
static bool DeserializeFromMessage(mojo::Message input,
UserType* output) {
auto context = input.TakeUnserializedContext<
UserType, {{}}::DataView>>();
if (context) {
*output = std::move(context->TakeData());
return true;
return mojo::internal::DeserializeImpl<{{}}::DataView>(
input.payload(), input.payload_num_bytes(),
std::move(*input.mutable_handles()), output, Validate);
{#--- Struct members #}
{% for field in struct.fields %}
{%- set type = field.kind|cpp_wrapper_type %}
{%- set name = %}
{{type}} {{name}};
{%- endfor %}
static bool Validate(const void* data,
mojo::internal::ValidationContext* validation_context);
{%- if struct|contains_move_only_members %}
{%- endif %}