blob: c085c83db0b48f3afd3ab2b666726385ac56a51e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/base/sync_stop_metadata_fate.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/status_counters.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/model_type_processor.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
#include "components/sync/model/conflict_resolution.h"
#include "components/sync/model/data_batch.h"
#include "components/sync/model/data_type_activation_request.h"
#include "components/sync/model/metadata_batch.h"
#include "components/sync/model/metadata_change_list.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_error.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_change_processor.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_sync_bridge.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/model_type_state.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
namespace syncer {
class CommitQueue;
class ProcessorEntity;
// A sync component embedded on the model type's thread that tracks entity
// metadata in the model store and coordinates communication between sync and
// model type threads. All changes in flight (either incoming from the server
// or local changes reported by the bridge) must specify a client tag.
// See //docs/sync/uss/ for a more
// thorough description.
class ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor : public ModelTypeProcessor,
public ModelTypeChangeProcessor,
public ModelTypeControllerDelegate {
ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor(ModelType type,
const base::RepeatingClosure& dump_stack);
// Used only for unit-tests.
ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor(ModelType type,
const base::RepeatingClosure& dump_stack,
bool commit_only);
~ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessor() override;
// Returns true if the handshake with sync thread is complete.
bool IsConnected() const;
// ModelTypeChangeProcessor implementation.
void Put(const std::string& storage_key,
std::unique_ptr<EntityData> entity_data,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_change_list) override;
void Delete(const std::string& storage_key,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_change_list) override;
void UpdateStorageKey(const EntityData& entity_data,
const std::string& storage_key,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_change_list) override;
void UntrackEntityForStorageKey(const std::string& storage_key) override;
void UntrackEntityForClientTagHash(
const std::string& client_tag_hash) override;
bool IsEntityUnsynced(const std::string& storage_key) override;
base::Time GetEntityCreationTime(
const std::string& storage_key) const override;
base::Time GetEntityModificationTime(
const std::string& storage_key) const override;
void OnModelStarting(ModelTypeSyncBridge* bridge) override;
void ModelReadyToSync(std::unique_ptr<MetadataBatch> batch) override;
bool IsTrackingMetadata() override;
std::string TrackedAccountId() override;
std::string TrackedCacheGuid() override;
void ReportError(const ModelError& error) override;
base::Optional<ModelError> GetError() const override;
base::WeakPtr<ModelTypeControllerDelegate> GetControllerDelegate() override;
// ModelTypeProcessor implementation.
void ConnectSync(std::unique_ptr<CommitQueue> worker) override;
void DisconnectSync() override;
void GetLocalChanges(size_t max_entries,
GetLocalChangesCallback callback) override;
void OnCommitCompleted(const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& type_state,
const CommitResponseDataList& response_list) override;
void OnUpdateReceived(const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& type_state,
UpdateResponseDataList updates) override;
// ModelTypeControllerDelegate implementation.
void OnSyncStarting(const DataTypeActivationRequest& request,
StartCallback callback) override;
void OnSyncStopping(SyncStopMetadataFate metadata_fate) override;
void GetAllNodesForDebugging(AllNodesCallback callback) override;
void GetStatusCountersForDebugging(StatusCountersCallback callback) override;
void RecordMemoryUsageAndCountsHistograms() override;
// Returns the estimate of dynamically allocated memory in bytes.
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
bool HasLocalChangesForTest() const;
bool IsTrackingEntityForTest(const std::string& storage_key) const;
bool IsModelReadyToSyncForTest() const;
friend class ModelTypeDebugInfo;
friend class ClientTagBasedModelTypeProcessorTest;
// Clears all metadata and directs the bridge to clear the persisted metadata
// as well. In addition, it resets the state of the processor and clears all
// tracking maps such as |entities_| and |storage_key_to_tag_hash_|.
void ClearMetadataAndResetState();
// Whether the processor is allowing changes to its model type. If this is
// false, the bridge should not allow any changes to its data.
bool IsAllowingChanges() const;
// If preconditions are met, inform sync that we are ready to connect.
void ConnectIfReady();
// Helper function to process the update for a single entity. If a local data
// change is required, it will be added to |entity_changes|. The return value
// is the tracked entity, or nullptr if the update should be ignored.
// |storage_key_to_clear| must not be null and allows the implementation to
// indicate that a certain storage key is now obsolete and should be cleared,
// which is leveraged in certain conflict resolution scenarios.
ProcessorEntity* ProcessUpdate(std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
EntityChangeList* entity_changes,
std::string* storage_key_to_clear);
// Resolve a conflict between |update| and the pending commit in |entity|.
ConflictResolution ResolveConflict(std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData> update,
ProcessorEntity* entity,
EntityChangeList* changes,
std::string* storage_key_to_clear);
// Recommit all entities for encryption except those in |already_updated|.
void RecommitAllForEncryption(
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& already_updated,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes);
// Validates the update specified by the input parameters and returns whether
// it should get further processed. If the update is incorrect, this function
// also reports an error.
bool ValidateUpdate(const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state,
const UpdateResponseDataList& updates);
// Handle the first update received from the server after being enabled. If
// the data type does not support incremental updates, this will be called for
// any server update.
base::Optional<ModelError> OnFullUpdateReceived(
const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& type_state,
UpdateResponseDataList updates);
// Handle any incremental updates received from the server after being
// enabled.
base::Optional<ModelError> OnIncrementalUpdateReceived(
const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& type_state,
UpdateResponseDataList updates);
// ModelTypeSyncBridge::GetData() callback for pending loading data upon
// GetLocalChanges call.
void OnPendingDataLoaded(size_t max_entries,
GetLocalChangesCallback callback,
std::unordered_set<std::string> storage_keys_to_load,
std::unique_ptr<DataBatch> data_batch);
// Caches EntityData from the |data_batch| in the entity and checks
// that every entity in |storage_keys_to_load| was successfully loaded (or is
// not tracked by the processor any more). Reports failed checks to UMA.
void ConsumeDataBatch(std::unordered_set<std::string> storage_keys_to_load,
std::unique_ptr<DataBatch> data_batch);
// Prepares Commit requests and passes them to the GetLocalChanges callback.
void CommitLocalChanges(size_t max_entries, GetLocalChangesCallback callback);
// Nudges worker if there are any local entities to be committed.
void NudgeForCommitIfNeeded();
// Returns true if there are any local entities to be committed.
bool HasLocalChanges() const;
// Looks up the client tag hash for the given |storage_key|, and regenerates
// with |data| if the lookup finds nothing. Does not update the storage key to
// client tag hash mapping.
std::string GetClientTagHash(const std::string& storage_key,
const EntityData& data) const;
// Gets the entity for the given storage key, or null if there isn't one.
ProcessorEntity* GetEntityForStorageKey(const std::string& storage_key);
const ProcessorEntity* GetEntityForStorageKey(
const std::string& storage_key) const;
// Gets the entity for the given tag hash, or null if there isn't one.
ProcessorEntity* GetEntityForTagHash(const std::string& tag_hash);
const ProcessorEntity* GetEntityForTagHash(const std::string& tag_hash) const;
// Create an entity in the entity map for |storage_key| and return a pointer
// to it.
// Requires that no entity for |storage_key| already exists in the map.
ProcessorEntity* CreateEntity(const std::string& storage_key,
const EntityData& data);
// Version of the above that generates a tag for |data|.
ProcessorEntity* CreateEntity(const EntityData& data);
// Returns true if all processor entities have non-empty storage keys.
bool AllStorageKeysPopulated() const;
// Expires entries according to garbage collection directives.
void ExpireEntriesIfNeeded(
const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress_marker);
// Clear metadata for the entries in |storage_key_to_be_deleted|.
void ClearMetadataForEntries(
const std::vector<std::string>& storage_key_to_be_deleted,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes);
// Removes metadata for all entries unless they are unsynced.
// This is used to limit the amount of data stored in sync, and this does not
// tell the bridge to delete the actual data.
void ExpireAllEntries(MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes);
// Removes metadata for all entries whose ages are older than
// |age_watermark_in_days| unless they are unsynced.
// This is used to limit the amount of data stored in sync, and this does not
// tell the bridge to delete the actual data.
void ExpireEntriesByAge(int32_t age_watermark_in_days,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_changes);
// Removes |entity| and clears metadata for |entity| from
// |metadata_change_list|.
void RemoveEntity(ProcessorEntity* entity,
MetadataChangeList* metadata_change_list);
// Resets the internal state of the processor to the one right after calling
// the ctor (with the exception of |bridge_| which remains intact).
// TODO(jkrcal): Replace the helper function by grouping the state naturally
// into a few structs / nested classes so that the state can be reset by
// resetting these structs.
void ResetState(SyncStopMetadataFate metadata_fate);
// Adds metadata to all data returned by the bridge.
// TODO(jkrcal): Mark as const (together with functions it depends on such as
// GetEntityForStorageKey, GetEntityForTagHash and maybe more).
void MergeDataWithMetadataForDebugging(AllNodesCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<DataBatch> batch);
// Processor state //
// The model type this object syncs.
const ModelType type_;
// The model type metadata (progress marker, initial sync done, etc).
sync_pb::ModelTypeState model_type_state_;
// ModelTypeSyncBridge linked to this processor. The bridge owns this
// processor instance so the pointer should never become invalid.
ModelTypeSyncBridge* bridge_;
// Function to capture and upload a stack trace when an error occurs.
const base::RepeatingClosure dump_stack_;
// Model state //
// The first model error that occurred, if any. Stored to track model state
// and so it can be passed to sync if it happened prior to sync being ready.
base::Optional<ModelError> model_error_;
// Whether the model has initialized its internal state for sync (and provided
// metadata).
bool model_ready_to_sync_ = false;
// Sync state //
// Stores the start callback in between OnSyncStarting() and ReadyToConnect().
StartCallback start_callback_;
// The request context passed in as part of OnSyncStarting().
DataTypeActivationRequest activation_request_;
// Reference to the CommitQueue.
// The interface hides the posting of tasks across threads as well as the
// CommitQueue's implementation. Both of these features are
// useful in tests.
std::unique_ptr<CommitQueue> worker_;
// Entity state //
// A map of client tag hash to sync entities known to this processor. This
// should contain entries and metadata for most everything, although the
// entities may not always contain model type data/specifics.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ProcessorEntity>> entities_;
// The bridge wants to communicate entirely via storage keys that it is free
// to define and can understand more easily. All of the sync machinery wants
// to use client tag hash. This mapping allows us to convert from storage key
// to client tag hash. The other direction can use |entities_|.
// Entity is temporarily not included in this map for the duration of
// MergeSyncData/ApplySyncChanges call when the bridge doesn't support
// GetStorageKey(). In this case the bridge is responsible for updating
// storage key with UpdateStorageKey() call from within
// MergeSyncData/ApplySyncChanges.
std::map<std::string, std::string> storage_key_to_tag_hash_;
// If the processor should behave as if |type_| is one of the commit only
// model types. For this processor, being commit only means that on commit
// confirmation, we should delete local data, because the model side never
// intends to read it. This includes both data and metadata.
const bool commit_only_;
// The day which processor already ran garbage collection against on.
// Cache this value is for saving resource purpose(ex. cpu, battery), we round
// up garbage collection age to day, so we only run GC once a day if server
// did not change the age out days.
base::Time cached_gc_directive_aged_out_day_;
// WeakPtrFactory for this processor for ModelTypeController (only gets
// invalidated during destruction).
// WeakPtrFactory for this processor which will be sent to sync thread.
} // namespace syncer