blob: 0d2c916d8c84ee5656ca34033f2e851881b0b888 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/installable/installable_metrics.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/components/install_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/components/web_app_install_utils.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
class GURL;
class Profile;
struct WebApplicationInfo;
namespace blink {
struct Manifest;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace web_app {
class InstallFinalizer;
class WebAppDataRetriever;
class WebAppInstallTask : content::WebContentsObserver {
WebAppInstallTask(Profile* profile,
InstallFinalizer* install_finalizer,
std::unique_ptr<WebAppDataRetriever> data_retriever);
~WebAppInstallTask() override;
// Checks a WebApp installability, retrieves manifest and icons and
// then performs the actual installation.
void InstallWebAppFromManifest(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
WebappInstallSource install_source,
InstallManager::WebAppInstallDialogCallback dialog_callback,
InstallManager::OnceInstallCallback callback);
// This method infers WebApp info from the blink renderer process
// and then retrieves a manifest in a way similar to
// |InstallWebAppFromManifest|. If manifest is incomplete or missing, the
// inferred info is used.
void InstallWebAppFromManifestWithFallback(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
bool force_shortcut_app,
WebappInstallSource install_source,
InstallManager::WebAppInstallDialogCallback dialog_callback,
InstallManager::OnceInstallCallback callback);
// Starts a web app installation process using prefilled
// |web_application_info| which holds all the data needed for installation.
// InstallManager doesn't fetch a manifest. If |no_network_install| is true,
// the app will not be synced, since if the data is locally available we
// assume there is an external sync mechanism.
void InstallWebAppFromInfo(
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_application_info,
bool no_network_install,
WebappInstallSource install_source,
InstallManager::OnceInstallCallback callback);
// Starts a background web app installation process for a given
// |web_contents|. This method infers WebApp info from the blink renderer
// process and then retrieves a manifest in a way similar to
// |InstallWebAppFromManifestWithFallback|.
void InstallWebAppWithParams(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
const InstallManager::InstallParams& install_params,
WebappInstallSource install_source,
InstallManager::OnceInstallCallback callback);
// Starts background installation of a web app: does not show UI dialog.
// |web_application_info| contains all the data needed for installation. Icons
// will be downloaded from the icon URLs provided in |web_application_info|.
void InstallWebAppFromInfoRetrieveIcons(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_application_info,
bool is_locally_installed,
WebappInstallSource install_source,
InstallManager::OnceInstallCallback callback);
// WebContentsObserver:
void WebContentsDestroyed() override;
void SetInstallFinalizerForTesting(InstallFinalizer* install_finalizer);
void CheckInstallPreconditions();
void RecordInstallEvent(ForInstallableSite for_installable_site);
// Calling the callback may destroy |this| task. Callers shoudln't work with
// any |this| class members after calling it.
void CallInstallCallback(const AppId& app_id, InstallResultCode code);
// Checks if any errors occurred while |this| was async awaiting. All On*
// completion handlers below must return early if this is true. Also, if
// ShouldStopInstall is true, install_callback_ is already invoked or may be
// invoked later: All On* completion handlers don't need to call
// install_callback_.
bool ShouldStopInstall() const;
void OnGetWebApplicationInfo(
bool force_shortcut_app,
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info);
void OnDidPerformInstallableCheck(
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
bool force_shortcut_app,
const blink::Manifest& manifest,
bool valid_manifest_for_web_app,
bool is_installable);
// Either dispatches an asynchronous check for whether this installation
// should be stopped and
void CheckForPlayStoreIntentOrGetIcons(
const blink::Manifest& manifest,
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
std::vector<GURL> icon_urls,
ForInstallableSite for_installable_site,
bool skip_page_favicons);
// Called when the asynchronous check for whether an intent to the Play Store
// should be made returns.
void OnDidCheckForIntentToPlayStore(
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
std::vector<GURL> icon_urls,
ForInstallableSite for_installable_site,
bool skip_page_favicons,
const std::string& intent,
bool should_intent_to_store);
void OnIconsRetrieved(std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
bool is_locally_installed,
IconsMap icons_map);
void OnIconsRetrievedShowDialog(
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
ForInstallableSite for_installable_site,
IconsMap icons_map);
void OnDialogCompleted(ForInstallableSite for_installable_site,
bool user_accepted,
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info);
void OnInstallFinalized(const AppId& app_id, InstallResultCode code);
void OnInstallFinalizedCreateShortcuts(
std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
const AppId& app_id,
InstallResultCode code);
void OnShortcutsCreated(std::unique_ptr<WebApplicationInfo> web_app_info,
const AppId& app_id,
bool shortcut_created);
InstallManager::WebAppInstallDialogCallback dialog_callback_;
InstallManager::OnceInstallCallback install_callback_;
base::Optional<InstallManager::InstallParams> install_params_;
bool background_installation_ = false;
// The mechanism via which the app creation was triggered.
static constexpr WebappInstallSource kNoInstallSource =
WebappInstallSource install_source_ = kNoInstallSource;
std::unique_ptr<WebAppDataRetriever> data_retriever_;
InstallFinalizer* install_finalizer_;
Profile* profile_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebAppInstallTask> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace web_app