blob: a2a86686dfd96eb5bb9b8fe4e7a63ecc69b0f4b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/password_recovery_manager.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include <lm.h> // Needed for LSA_UNICODE_STRING
#include <process.h>
#define _NTDEF_ // Prevent redefition errors, must come after <winternl.h>
#include <ntsecapi.h> // For POLICY_ALL_ACCESS types
#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/common/gcp_strings.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gcp_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/logging.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/mdm_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/reg_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/scoped_lsa_policy.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/win_http_url_fetcher.h"
#include "crypto/aead.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/aead.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/err.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/evp.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/rand.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/rsa.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/include/openssl/x509.h"
namespace credential_provider {
const base::TimeDelta
PasswordRecoveryManager::kDefaultEscrowServiceRequestTimeout =
namespace {
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string*>>
// Constants for storing password recovery information in the LSA.
constexpr char kUserPasswordLsaStoreIdKey[] = "resource_id";
constexpr char kUserPasswordLsaStoreEncryptedPasswordKey[] =
// Constants used for contacting the password escrow service.
const char kEscrowServiceGenerateKeyPairPath[] = "/v1/generatekeypair";
const char kGenerateKeyPairRequestDeviceIdParameterName[] = "deviceId";
const char kGenerateKeyPairResponsePublicKeyParameterName[] = "base64PublicKey";
const char kGenerateKeyPairResponseResourceIdParameterName[] = "resourceId";
const char kEscrowServiceGetPrivateKeyPath[] = "/v1/getprivatekey";
const char kGetPrivateKeyResponsePrivateKeyParameterName[] = "base64PrivateKey";
constexpr wchar_t kUserPasswordLsaStoreKeyPrefix[] =
// Constants used during padding and unpadding given secret.
constexpr char kPaddedPassword[] = "password";
constexpr char kPasswordLength[] = "password_length";
constexpr char kPaddingChar = '-';
constexpr size_t kMinPaddedPasswordLength = 64;
// Constants used during encrypting and decrypting given secret.
constexpr size_t kNonceLength = 12;
constexpr size_t kSessionKeyLength = 32;
// Self deleting escrow service requester. This class will try to make a query
// using the given url fetcher. It will delete itself when the request is
// completed, either because the request completed successfully within the
// timeout or the request has timed out and is allowed to complete in the
// background without having the result read by anyone.
// There are two situations where the request will be deleted:
// 1. If the background thread making the request returns within the given
// timeout, the function is guaranteed to return the result that was fetched.
// 2. If however the background thread times out there are two potential
// race conditions that can occur:
// 1. The main thread making the request can mark that the background thread
// is orphaned before it can complete. In this case when the background
// thread completes it will check whether the request is orphaned and self
// delete.
// 2. The background thread completes before the main thread can mark the
// request as orphaned. In this case the background thread will have
// marked that the request is no longer processing and thus the main
// thread can self delete.
class EscrowServiceRequest {
explicit EscrowServiceRequest(std::unique_ptr<WinHttpUrlFetcher> fetcher)
: fetcher_(std::move(fetcher)) {
// Tries to fetch the request stored in |fetcher_| in a background thread
// within the given |request_timeout|. If the background thread returns before
// the timeout expires, it is guaranteed that a result can be returned and the
// requester will delete itself.
base::Optional<base::Value> WaitForResponseFromEscrowService(
const base::TimeDelta& request_timeout) {
base::Optional<base::Value> result;
// Start the thread and wait on its handle until |request_timeout| expires
// or the thread finishes.
unsigned wait_thread_id;
uintptr_t wait_thread = ::_beginthreadex(
nullptr, 0, &EscrowServiceRequest::FetchResultFromEscrowService,
reinterpret_cast<void*>(this), 0, &wait_thread_id);
if (wait_thread == 0) {
return result;
} else {
// Hold the handle in the scoped handle so that it can be immediately
// closed when the wait is complete allowing the thread to finish
// completely if needed.
base::win::ScopedHandle thread_handle(
hr = ::WaitForSingleObject(thread_handle.Get(),
// The race condition starts here. It is possible that between the expiry of
// the timeout in the call for WaitForSingleObject and the call to
// OrphanRequest, the fetching thread could have finished. So there is a two
// part handshake. Either the background thread has called ProcessingDone
// in which case it has already passed its own check for |is_orphaned_| and
// the call to OrphanRequest should delete this object right now. Otherwise
// the background thread is still running and will be able to query the
// |is_orphaned_| state and delete the object after thread completion.
if (hr != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Wait for response timed out or failed hr=" << putHR(hr);
return result;
result = base::JSONReader::Read(
base::StringPiece(, response_.size()),
if (!result || !result->is_dict()) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to read json result from server response";
delete this;
return result;
void OrphanRequest() {
bool delete_self = false;
base::AutoLock locker(orphan_lock_);
if (!is_processing_) {
delete_self = true;
} else {
is_orphaned_ = true;
if (delete_self)
delete this;
void ProcessingDone() {
bool delete_self = false;
base::AutoLock locker(orphan_lock_);
if (is_orphaned_) {
delete_self = true;
} else {
is_processing_ = false;
if (delete_self)
delete this;
// Background thread function that is used to query the request to the
// escrow service. This thread never times out and simply marks the fetcher
// as finished processing when it is done.
static unsigned __stdcall FetchResultFromEscrowService(void* param) {
EscrowServiceRequest* requester =
HRESULT hr = requester->fetcher_->Fetch(&requester->response_);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOGFN(INFO) << "fetcher.Fetch hr=" << putHR(hr);
return 0;
base::Lock orphan_lock_;
std::unique_ptr<WinHttpUrlFetcher> fetcher_;
std::vector<char> response_;
bool is_orphaned_ = false;
bool is_processing_ = true;
// Builds the required json request to be sent to the escrow service and fetches
// the json response from the escrow service (if any). Returns S_OK if
// |needed_outputs| can be filled correctly with the requested data, otherwise
// returns an error code.
// |request_url| is the full query url from which to fetch a response.
// |headers| are all the header key value pairs to be sent with the request.
// |parameters| are all the json parameters to be sent with the request. This
// argument will be converted to a json string and sent as part of the body of
// the request.
// |request_timeout| is the maximum time to wait for a response.
// |needed_outputs| is the mapping of the desired result key to an address where
// the result can be stored.
// If any |needed_outputs| is missing, all of the outputs are cleared.
HRESULT BuildRequestAndFetchResultFromEscrowService(
const GURL& request_url,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& headers,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& parameters,
const UrlFetchResultNeedOutputs& needed_outputs,
const base::TimeDelta& request_timeout) {
if (request_url.is_empty()) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "No escrow service url specified";
return E_FAIL;
auto url_fetcher = WinHttpUrlFetcher::Create(request_url);
if (!url_fetcher) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Could not create valid fetcher for url="
<< request_url.spec();
return E_FAIL;
url_fetcher->SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
for (auto& header : headers)
url_fetcher->SetRequestHeader(header.first.c_str(), header.second.c_str());
if (!parameters.empty()) {
base::Value request_dict(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
for (auto& parameter : parameters)
request_dict.SetStringKey(parameter.first, parameter.second);
std::string json;
if (!base::JSONWriter::Write(request_dict, &json)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "base::JSONWriter::Write failed";
return E_FAIL;
hr = url_fetcher->SetRequestBody(json.c_str());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "fetcher.SetRequestBody hr=" << putHR(hr);
return E_FAIL;
base::Optional<base::Value> request_result =
(new EscrowServiceRequest(std::move(url_fetcher)))
if (!request_result)
return E_FAIL;
for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string*>& output : needed_outputs) {
const std::string* output_value =
if (!output_value) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Could not extract value '" << output.first
<< "' from server response";
hr = E_FAIL;
*output.second = *output_value;
if (FAILED(hr)) {
for (const std::pair<std::string, std::string*>& output : needed_outputs)
return hr;
// Makes a standard: "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" header for passing
// authorization information to a server.
std::pair<std::string, std::string> MakeAuthorizationHeader(
const std::string& access_token) {
return {"Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token};
bool Base64DecodeCryptographicKey(const std::string& cryptographic_key,
std::string* out) {
std::string cryptographic_key_copy;
base::RemoveChars(cryptographic_key, "\n", &cryptographic_key_copy);
if (!base::Base64Decode(cryptographic_key_copy, out)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Base64Decode failed";
return false;
return true;
// Callback to log password encryption/decryption errors.
static int LogBoringSSLError(const char* str, size_t len, void* ctx) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << base::StringPiece(str, len);
return 1;
// PadSecret pads the given |secret| with kPaddingChar and serializes the padded
// secret into JSON along with original secret length.
bool PadSecret(const std::string& secret, std::string* out) {
size_t padded_length = (secret.size() + kMinPaddedPasswordLength - 1) &
~(kMinPaddedPasswordLength - 1);
std::string padded_secret(padded_length, kPaddingChar);
std::memcpy(&padded_secret[padded_length - secret.size()],,
base::Value pwd_padding_dict(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
pwd_padding_dict.SetStringKey(kPaddedPassword, padded_secret);
pwd_padding_dict.SetIntKey(kPasswordLength, secret.size());
auto result = base::JSONWriter::Write(pwd_padding_dict, out);
const std::string* password_value =
if (password_value)
return result;
// UnpadSecret deserializes given |padded_secret| into json object and tries to
// find padded secret. It then removes the padding and returns original secret.
bool UnpadSecret(const std::string& serialized_padded_secret,
std::string* out) {
base::Optional<base::Value> pwd_padding_dict = base::JSONReader::Read(
serialized_padded_secret, base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
if (!pwd_padding_dict.has_value() || !pwd_padding_dict->is_dict()) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize given secret from json.";
return false;
auto* padded_secret = pwd_padding_dict->FindStringKey(kPaddedPassword);
auto pwd_length = pwd_padding_dict->FindIntKey(kPasswordLength);
auto result = true;
if (!padded_secret || !pwd_length.has_value()) {
result = false;
} else {
out->assign(&(*padded_secret)[padded_secret->size() - *pwd_length],
SecurelyClearDictionaryValueWithKey(&pwd_padding_dict, kPaddedPassword);
return result;
// Encrypts the given |secret| with the provided |public_key|. Returns a vector
// of uint8_t as the encrypted secret.
base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> PublicKeyEncrypt(
const std::string& public_key,
const std::string& secret) {
CBS pub_key_cbs;
CBS_init(&pub_key_cbs, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&public_key[0]),
bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> pub_key(EVP_parse_public_key(&pub_key_cbs));
if (!pub_key || CBS_len(&pub_key_cbs)) {
ERR_print_errors_cb(&LogBoringSSLError, /*unused*/ nullptr);
return base::nullopt;
RSA* rsa = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(pub_key.get());
if (!rsa) {
ERR_print_errors_cb(&LogBoringSSLError, /*unused*/ nullptr);
return base::nullopt;
// Generate a random session key and random nonce.
uint8_t session_key_with_nonce[kSessionKeyLength + kNonceLength];
RAND_bytes(session_key_with_nonce, sizeof(session_key_with_nonce));
// Encrypt the session key with the RSA public key.
size_t rsa_len;
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext(RSA_size(rsa));
if (!RSA_encrypt(rsa, &rsa_len,, ciphertext.size(),
session_key_with_nonce, sizeof(session_key_with_nonce),
ERR_print_errors_cb(&LogBoringSSLError, /*unused*/ nullptr);
return base::nullopt;
std::string session_key(session_key_with_nonce,
session_key_with_nonce + kSessionKeyLength);
std::string sealed_secret;
crypto::Aead aead(crypto::Aead::AES_256_GCM);
base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
/*ad=*/nullptr, &sealed_secret);
ciphertext.insert(ciphertext.end(),, + sealed_secret.size());
return ciphertext;
// Decrypts the provided |ciphertext| with the given |private_key|. Returns
// an base::Optional<std::string> as the decrypted secret.
base::Optional<std::string> PrivateKeyDecrypt(
const std::string& private_key,
base::span<const uint8_t> ciphertext) {
CBS priv_key_cbs;
CBS_init(&priv_key_cbs, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&private_key[0]),
bssl::UniquePtr<EVP_PKEY> priv_key(EVP_parse_private_key(&priv_key_cbs));
if (!priv_key || CBS_len(&priv_key_cbs)) {
ERR_print_errors_cb(&LogBoringSSLError, /*unused*/ nullptr);
return base::nullopt;
RSA* rsa = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(priv_key.get());
if (!rsa) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "No RSA is found in EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA";
return base::nullopt;
const size_t rsa_size = RSA_size(rsa);
if (ciphertext.size() < rsa_size) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Incorrect RSA size for given cipher text";
return base::nullopt;
// Decrypt the encrypted session key using given provided key.
std::vector<uint8_t> session_key_with_nonce(rsa_size);
size_t session_key_with_nonce_len;
if (!RSA_decrypt(rsa, &session_key_with_nonce_len,, session_key_with_nonce.size(),, rsa_size, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING)) {
ERR_print_errors_cb(&LogBoringSSLError, /*unused*/ nullptr);
return base::nullopt;
std::string session_key(, + kSessionKeyLength);
std::string plaintext;
crypto::Aead aead(crypto::Aead::AES_256_GCM);
base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&ciphertext[rsa_size]),
ciphertext.size() - rsa_size),
base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
/*ad=*/nullptr, &plaintext);
return plaintext;
// Request a new public key and corresponding resource id from the escrow
// service in order to encrypt |password|. |access_token| is used to authorize
// the request on the escrow service. |device_id| is used to identify the device
// making the request. Fills in |encrypted_data| the resource id for the
// encryption key and also with the encryped password.
HRESULT EncryptUserPasswordUsingEscrowService(
const std::string& access_token,
const std::string& device_id,
const base::string16& password,
const base::TimeDelta& request_timeout,
base::Optional<base::Value>* encrypted_data) {
std::string resource_id;
std::string public_key;
// Fetch the results and extract the |resource_id| for the key and the
// |public_key| to be used for encryption.
HRESULT hr = BuildRequestAndFetchResultFromEscrowService(
{{kGenerateKeyPairRequestDeviceIdParameterName, device_id}},
{kGenerateKeyPairResponseResourceIdParameterName, &resource_id},
{kGenerateKeyPairResponsePublicKeyParameterName, &public_key},
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "BuildRequestAndFetchResultFromEscrowService hr="
<< putHR(hr);
return E_FAIL;
std::string decoded_public_key;
if (!Base64DecodeCryptographicKey(public_key, &decoded_public_key)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to base64 decode public key";
return E_FAIL;
std::string password_utf8 = base::UTF16ToUTF8(password);
std::string padded_password;
auto result = PadSecret(password_utf8, &padded_password);
if (!result) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed while padding password";
return E_FAIL;
auto opt = PublicKeyEncrypt(decoded_public_key, padded_password);
if (opt == base::nullopt)
return E_FAIL;
(*encrypted_data)->SetStringKey(kUserPasswordLsaStoreIdKey, resource_id);
std::string cipher_text;
base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(opt->data()),
->SetStringKey(kUserPasswordLsaStoreEncryptedPasswordKey, cipher_text);
return hr;
// Given the |encrypted_data| which would contain the resource id of the
// encryption key and the encrypted password, recovers the |decrypted_password|
// by getting the private key from the escrow service and decrypting the
// password. |access_token| is used to authorize the request on the escrow
// service.
HRESULT DecryptUserPasswordUsingEscrowService(
const std::string& access_token,
const base::Optional<base::Value>& encrypted_data,
const base::TimeDelta& request_timeout,
base::string16* decrypted_password) {
if (!encrypted_data)
return E_FAIL;
DCHECK(encrypted_data && encrypted_data->is_dict());
const std::string* resource_id =
const std::string* encoded_cipher_text =
if (!resource_id) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "No password resource id found to restore";
return E_FAIL;
if (!encoded_cipher_text) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "No encrypted password found to restore";
return E_FAIL;
std::string private_key;
// Fetch the results and extract the |private_key| to be used for decryption.
HRESULT hr = BuildRequestAndFetchResultFromEscrowService(
{MakeAuthorizationHeader(access_token)}, {},
{kGetPrivateKeyResponsePrivateKeyParameterName, &private_key},
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "BuildRequestAndFetchResultFromEscrowService hr="
<< putHR(hr);
return E_FAIL;
std::string decoded_cipher_text;
if (!base::Base64Decode(*encoded_cipher_text, &decoded_cipher_text)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to base64 decode ciphertext";
return E_FAIL;
std::string decoded_private_key;
if (!Base64DecodeCryptographicKey(private_key, &decoded_private_key)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to base64 decode private key";
return E_FAIL;
auto decrypted_secret =
if (decrypted_secret == base::nullopt)
return E_FAIL;
std::string unpadded;
UnpadSecret(*decrypted_secret, &unpadded);
*decrypted_password = base::UTF8ToUTF16(unpadded);
return S_OK;
} // namespace
// static
PasswordRecoveryManager* PasswordRecoveryManager::Get() {
return *GetInstanceStorage();
// static
PasswordRecoveryManager** PasswordRecoveryManager::GetInstanceStorage() {
static PasswordRecoveryManager instance(kDefaultEscrowServiceRequestTimeout);
static PasswordRecoveryManager* instance_storage = &instance;
return &instance_storage;
base::TimeDelta request_timeout)
: request_timeout_(request_timeout) {}
PasswordRecoveryManager::~PasswordRecoveryManager() = default;
HRESULT PasswordRecoveryManager::GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey(
const base::string16& sid,
base::string16* store_key) {
*store_key = kUserPasswordLsaStoreKeyPrefix + sid;
return S_OK;
HRESULT PasswordRecoveryManager::ClearUserRecoveryPassword(
const base::string16& sid) {
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (!policy) {
HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
LOGFN(ERROR) << "ScopedLsaPolicy::Create hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
base::string16 store_key;
HRESULT hr = GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey(sid, &store_key);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
return policy->RemovePrivateData(store_key.c_str());
HRESULT PasswordRecoveryManager::StoreWindowsPasswordIfNeeded(
const base::string16& sid,
const std::string& access_token,
const base::string16& password) {
if (!MdmPasswordRecoveryEnabled())
return E_NOTIMPL;
base::string16 machine_guid;
HRESULT hr = GetMachineGuid(&machine_guid);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to get machine GUID hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
std::string device_id = base::UTF16ToUTF8(machine_guid);
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (!policy) {
HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
LOGFN(ERROR) << "ScopedLsaPolicy::Create hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
// See if a password key is already stored in the LSA for this user.
base::string16 store_key;
hr = GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey(sid, &store_key);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
// Only check if a value already exists for the user's password. The call to
// RetrievePrivateData always succeeds if the value exists, regardless of
// the size of the buffer passed in. It will merely copy whatever it can
// into the buffer. In this case we don't care about the contents and
// just want to check the existence of a value.
wchar_t password_lsa_data[32];
hr = policy->RetrievePrivateData(store_key.c_str(), password_lsa_data,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
SecurelyClearBuffer(password_lsa_data, sizeof(password_lsa_data));
return S_OK;
base::Optional<base::Value> encrypted_dict;
hr = EncryptUserPasswordUsingEscrowService(access_token, device_id, password,
request_timeout_, &encrypted_dict);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
std::string lsa_value;
if (base::JSONWriter::Write(encrypted_dict.value(), &lsa_value)) {
base::string16 lsa_value16 = base::UTF8ToUTF16(lsa_value);
hr = policy->StorePrivateData(store_key.c_str(), lsa_value16.c_str());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "StorePrivateData hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
} else {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "base::JSONWriter::Write failed";
return E_FAIL;
&encrypted_dict, kUserPasswordLsaStoreEncryptedPasswordKey);
} else {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "EncryptUserPasswordUsingEscrowService hr=" << putHR(hr);
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
HRESULT PasswordRecoveryManager::RecoverWindowsPasswordIfPossible(
const base::string16& sid,
const std::string& access_token,
base::string16* recovered_password) {
if (!MdmPasswordRecoveryEnabled())
return E_NOTIMPL;
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (!policy) {
HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
LOGFN(ERROR) << "ScopedLsaPolicy::Create hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
// See if a password key is already stored in the LSA for this user.
base::string16 store_key;
HRESULT hr = GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey(sid, &store_key);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
wchar_t password_lsa_data[1024];
hr = policy->RetrievePrivateData(store_key.c_str(), password_lsa_data,
if (FAILED(hr))
LOGFN(ERROR) << "RetrievePrivateData hr=" << putHR(hr);
std::string json_string = base::UTF16ToUTF8(password_lsa_data);
base::Optional<base::Value> encrypted_dict =
base::JSONReader::Read(json_string, base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
SecurelyClearBuffer(password_lsa_data, sizeof(password_lsa_data));
base::string16 decrypted_password;
hr = DecryptUserPasswordUsingEscrowService(
access_token, encrypted_dict, request_timeout_, &decrypted_password);
if (encrypted_dict) {
&encrypted_dict, kUserPasswordLsaStoreEncryptedPasswordKey);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*recovered_password = decrypted_password;
return hr;
GURL PasswordRecoveryManager::GetEscrowServiceGenerateKeyPairUrl() {
if (!MdmPasswordRecoveryEnabled())
return GURL();
GURL escrow_service_server = MdmEscrowServiceUrl();
if (escrow_service_server.is_empty()) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "No escrow service server specified";
return GURL();
return escrow_service_server.Resolve(kEscrowServiceGenerateKeyPairPath);
GURL PasswordRecoveryManager::GetEscrowServiceGetPrivateKeyUrl(
const std::string& resource_id) {
if (!MdmPasswordRecoveryEnabled())
return GURL();
GURL escrow_service_server = MdmEscrowServiceUrl();
if (escrow_service_server.is_empty()) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "No escrow service server specified";
return GURL();
return escrow_service_server.Resolve(
base::StrCat({kEscrowServiceGetPrivateKeyPath, "/", resource_id}));
std::string PasswordRecoveryManager::MakeGenerateKeyPairResponseForTesting(
const std::string& public_key,
const std::string& resource_id) {
return base::StringPrintf(
R"({"%s": "%s", "%s": "%s"})",
kGenerateKeyPairResponsePublicKeyParameterName, public_key.c_str(),
kGenerateKeyPairResponseResourceIdParameterName, resource_id.c_str());
std::string PasswordRecoveryManager::MakeGetPrivateKeyResponseForTesting(
const std::string& private_key) {
return base::StringPrintf(R"({"%s": "%s"})",
} // namespace credential_provider