blob: 9ef1fbca8be831f3efd628b6f71b8451682ea5a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
typedef std::vector<long long> ContentLengthList;
// A bypass delay more than this is treated as a long delay.
const int kLongBypassDelayInSeconds = 30 * 60;
// The number of days of bandwidth usage statistics that are tracked.
const unsigned int kNumDaysInHistory = 60;
// The number of days of bandwidth usage statistics that are presented.
const unsigned int kNumDaysInHistorySummary = 30;
static_assert(kNumDaysInHistorySummary <= kNumDaysInHistory,
"kNumDaysInHistorySummary should be no larger than "
enum DataReductionProxyRequestType {
VIA_DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY, // A request served by the data reduction proxy.
// Below are reasons why a request is not served by the enabled data reduction
// proxy. Off-the-record profile data is not counted in all cases.
HTTPS, // An https request.
SHORT_BYPASS, // The client is bypassed by the proxy for a short time.
LONG_BYPASS, // The client is bypassed by the proxy for a long time (due
// to country bypass policy, for example).
UPDATE, // An update to already counted request data.
DIRECT_HTTP, // An http request with a disabled data reduction proxy.
UNKNOWN_TYPE, // Any other reason not listed above.
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy