blob: 2110817cfdeacfaacead5862f6010f1ec9bdc02c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace web {
class DownloadTask;
// Allows observation of DownloadTask updates. All methods are called on UI
// thread.
class DownloadTaskObserver {
// Called when the download task has started, downloaded a chunk of data or
// the download has been completed. Clients may call DownloadTask::IsDone() to
// check if the task has completed, call DownloadTask::GetErrorCode() to check
// if the download has failed, DownloadTask::GetPercentComplete() to check
// the download progress, and DownloadTask::GetResponseWriter() to obtain the
// downloaded data.
virtual void OnDownloadUpdated(DownloadTask* task) {}
// Called when the download task is about to be destructed. After this
// callback all references to provided DownloadTask should be cleared.
virtual void OnDownloadDestroyed(DownloadTask* task) {}
DownloadTaskObserver() = default;
virtual ~DownloadTaskObserver() = default;
} // namespace web