blob: b0501fa13668f9e28c3f7fcc5cb668f5480946c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/atomic_flag.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/tracked_ref.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class WorkerThreadObserver;
namespace internal {
class TaskTracker;
// A worker that manages a single thread to run Tasks from TaskSources returned
// by a delegate.
// A WorkerThread starts out sleeping. It is woken up by a call to WakeUp().
// After a wake-up, a WorkerThread runs Tasks from TaskSources returned by
// the GetWork() method of its delegate as long as it doesn't return nullptr. It
// also periodically checks with its TaskTracker whether shutdown has completed
// and exits when it has.
// This class is thread-safe.
class BASE_EXPORT WorkerThread : public RefCountedThreadSafe<WorkerThread>,
public PlatformThread::Delegate {
// Labels this WorkerThread's association. This doesn't affect any logic
// but will add a stack frame labeling this thread for ease of stack trace
// identification.
enum class ThreadLabel {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// Delegate interface for WorkerThread. All methods are called from the
// thread managed by the WorkerThread instance.
class BASE_EXPORT Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Returns the ThreadLabel the Delegate wants its WorkerThreads' stacks
// to be labeled with.
virtual ThreadLabel GetThreadLabel() const = 0;
// Called by |worker|'s thread when it enters its main function.
virtual void OnMainEntry(const WorkerThread* worker) = 0;
// Called by |worker|'s thread to get a TaskSource from which to run a Task.
virtual RegisteredTaskSource GetWork(WorkerThread* worker) = 0;
// Called by the WorkerThread after it ran a Task. If the Task's
// TaskSource should be reenqueued, it is passed to |task_source|.
// Otherwise, |task_source| is nullptr.
virtual void DidProcessTask(RegisteredTaskSource task_source) = 0;
// Called to determine how long to sleep before the next call to GetWork().
// GetWork() may be called before this timeout expires if the worker's
// WakeUp() method is called.
virtual TimeDelta GetSleepTimeout() = 0;
// Called by the WorkerThread's thread to wait for work. Override this
// method if the thread in question needs special handling to go to sleep.
// |wake_up_event| is a manually resettable event and is signaled on
// WorkerThread::WakeUp()
virtual void WaitForWork(WaitableEvent* wake_up_event);
// Called by |worker|'s thread right before the main function exits. The
// Delegate is free to release any associated resources in this call. It is
// guaranteed that WorkerThread won't access the Delegate or the
// TaskTracker after calling OnMainExit() on the Delegate.
virtual void OnMainExit(WorkerThread* worker) {}
// Creates a WorkerThread that runs Tasks from TaskSources returned by
// |delegate|. No actual thread will be created for this WorkerThread
// before Start() is called. |priority_hint| is the preferred thread priority;
// the actual thread priority depends on shutdown state and platform
// capabilities. |task_tracker| is used to handle shutdown behavior of Tasks.
// |predecessor_lock| is a lock that is allowed to be held when calling
// methods on this WorkerThread. |backward_compatibility| indicates
// whether backward compatibility is enabled. Either JoinForTesting() or
// Cleanup() must be called before releasing the last external reference.
WorkerThread(ThreadPriority priority_hint,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
TrackedRef<TaskTracker> task_tracker,
const CheckedLock* predecessor_lock = nullptr);
// Creates a thread to back the WorkerThread. The thread will be in a wait
// state pending a WakeUp() call. No thread will be created if Cleanup() was
// called. If specified, |worker_thread_observer| will be notified when the
// worker enters and exits its main function. It must not be destroyed before
// JoinForTesting() has returned (must never be destroyed in production).
// Returns true on success.
bool Start(WorkerThreadObserver* worker_thread_observer = nullptr);
// Wakes up this WorkerThread if it wasn't already awake. After this is
// called, this WorkerThread will run Tasks from TaskSources returned by
// the GetWork() method of its delegate until it returns nullptr. No-op if
// Start() wasn't called. DCHECKs if called after Start() has failed or after
// Cleanup() has been called.
void WakeUp();
WorkerThread::Delegate* delegate() { return delegate_.get(); }
// Joins this WorkerThread. If a Task is already running, it will be
// allowed to complete its execution. This can only be called once.
// Note: A thread that detaches before JoinForTesting() is called may still be
// running after JoinForTesting() returns. However, it can't run tasks after
// JoinForTesting() returns.
void JoinForTesting();
// Returns true if the worker is alive.
bool ThreadAliveForTesting() const;
// Makes a request to cleanup the worker. This may be called from any thread.
// The caller is expected to release its reference to this object after
// calling Cleanup(). Further method calls after Cleanup() returns are
// undefined.
// Expected Usage:
// scoped_refptr<WorkerThread> worker_ = /* Existing Worker */
// worker_->Cleanup();
// worker_ = nullptr;
void Cleanup();
// Informs this WorkerThread about periods during which it is not being
// used. Thread-safe.
void BeginUnusedPeriod();
void EndUnusedPeriod();
// Returns the last time this WorkerThread was used. Returns a null time if
// this WorkerThread is currently in-use. Thread-safe.
TimeTicks GetLastUsedTime() const;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<WorkerThread>;
class Thread;
~WorkerThread() override;
bool ShouldExit() const;
// Returns the thread priority to use based on the priority hint, current
// shutdown state, and platform capabilities.
ThreadPriority GetDesiredThreadPriority() const;
// Changes the thread priority to |desired_thread_priority|. Must be called on
// the thread managed by |this|.
void UpdateThreadPriority(ThreadPriority desired_thread_priority);
// PlatformThread::Delegate:
void ThreadMain() override;
// Dummy frames to act as "RunLabeledWorker()" (see RunMain() below). Their
// impl is aliased to prevent compiler/linker from optimizing them out.
void RunPooledWorker();
void RunBackgroundPooledWorker();
void RunSharedWorker();
void RunBackgroundSharedWorker();
void RunDedicatedWorker();
void RunBackgroundDedicatedWorker();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
void RunSharedCOMWorker();
void RunBackgroundSharedCOMWorker();
void RunDedicatedCOMWorker();
void RunBackgroundDedicatedCOMWorker();
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// The real main, invoked through :
// ThreadMain() -> RunLabeledWorker() -> RunWorker().
// "RunLabeledWorker()" is a dummy frame based on ThreadLabel+ThreadPriority
// and used to easily identify threads in stack traces.
void RunWorker();
// Self-reference to prevent destruction of |this| while the thread is alive.
// Set in Start() before creating the thread. Reset in ThreadMain() before the
// thread exits. No lock required because the first access occurs before the
// thread is created and the second access occurs on the thread.
scoped_refptr<WorkerThread> self_;
mutable CheckedLock thread_lock_;
// Handle for the thread managed by |this|.
PlatformThreadHandle thread_handle_ GUARDED_BY(thread_lock_);
// The last time this worker was used by its owner (e.g. to process work or
// stand as a required idle thread).
TimeTicks last_used_time_ GUARDED_BY(thread_lock_);
// Event to wake up the thread managed by |this|.
WaitableEvent wake_up_event_{WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::AUTOMATIC,
// Whether the thread should exit. Set by Cleanup().
AtomicFlag should_exit_;
const std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
const TrackedRef<TaskTracker> task_tracker_;
// Optional observer notified when a worker enters and exits its main
// function. Set in Start() and never modified afterwards.
WorkerThreadObserver* worker_thread_observer_ = nullptr;
// Desired thread priority.
const ThreadPriority priority_hint_;
// Actual thread priority. Can be different than |priority_hint_| depending on
// system capabilities and shutdown state. No lock required because all post-
// construction accesses occur on the thread.
ThreadPriority current_thread_priority_;
// Set once JoinForTesting() has been called.
AtomicFlag join_called_for_testing_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base