blob: b2b92c1e0d0def2036ea12a83392cc2bab25b53a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/signin/public/base/signin_pref_names.h"
namespace prefs {
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Boolean identifying if Mirror account consistency is required for profile.
// If Chrome OS Account Manager is not available, this has the effect of
// disabling secondary account sign-ins within the content area.
// TODO( Clean this up after releasing Chrome OS
// Account Manager.
const char kAccountConsistencyMirrorRequired[] =
// An integer property indicating the state of account id migration from
// email to gaia id for the the profile. See account_tracker_service.h
// for possible values.
const char kAccountIdMigrationState[] = "account_id_migration_state";
// Name of the preference property that persists the account information
// tracked by this signin.
const char kAccountInfo[] = "account_info";
// Boolean identifying whether reverse auto-login is enabled.
const char kAutologinEnabled[] = "autologin.enabled";
// A hash of the GAIA accounts present in the content area. Order does not
// affect the hash, but signed in/out status will. Stored as the Base64 string.
const char kGaiaCookieHash[] = "gaia_cookie.hash";
// The last time that kGaiaCookieHash was last updated. Stored as a double that
// should be converted into base::Time.
const char kGaiaCookieChangedTime[] = "gaia_cookie.changed_time";
// The last time that periodic reporting occured, to allow us to report as close
// to once per intended interval as possible, through restarts. Stored as a
// double that should be converted into base::Time.
const char kGaiaCookiePeriodicReportTime[] = "gaia_cookie.periodic_report_time";
// Typically contains an obfuscated gaiaid and will match the value of
// kGoogleServicesUserAccountId. Some platforms and legacy clients may have
// an email stored in this preference instead. This is transitional and will
// eventually be fixed, allowing the removal of kGoogleServicesUserAccountId.
const char kGoogleServicesAccountId[] = "";
// The profile's hosted domain; empty if unset; kNoHostedDomainFound if there
// is none.
const char kGoogleServicesHostedDomain[] = "";
// Similar to kGoogleServicesLastUsername, this is the corresponding version of
// kGoogleServicesAccountId that is not cleared on signout.
const char kGoogleServicesLastAccountId[] = "";
// String the identifies the last user that logged into sync and other
// google services. This value is not cleared on signout.
// This pref remains in order to pre-fill the sign in page when reconnecting a
// profile, but programmatic checks to see if a given account is the same as the
// last account should use kGoogleServicesLastAccountId instead.
const char kGoogleServicesLastUsername[] = "";
// Device id scoped to single signin. This device id will be regenerated if user
// signs out and signs back in. When refresh token is requested for this user it
// will be annotated with this device id.
const char kGoogleServicesSigninScopedDeviceId[] =
// Obfuscated account ID that identifies the current user logged into sync and
// other google services.
const char kGoogleServicesUserAccountId[] = "";
// Local state pref containing a string regex that restricts which accounts
// can be used to log in to chrome (e.g. "*"). If missing or blank,
// all accounts are allowed (no restrictions).
const char kGoogleServicesUsernamePattern[] =
// List to keep track of emails for which the user has rejected one-click
// sign-in.
const char kReverseAutologinRejectedEmailList[] =
// Boolean indicating if this profile was signed in with information from a
// credential provider.
const char kSignedInWithCredentialProvider[] =
// Boolean which stores if the user is allowed to signin to chrome.
const char kSigninAllowed[] = "signin.allowed";
// True if the token service has been prepared for Dice migration.
const char kTokenServiceDiceCompatible[] = "token_service.dice_compatible";
// Boolean which stores if the ProfileOAuth2TokenService should ignore secondary
// accounts.
const char kTokenServiceExcludeAllSecondaryAccounts[] =
// List that identifies the account id that should be ignored by the token
// service.
const char kTokenServiceExcludedSecondaryAccounts[] =
// Contains last |ListAccounts| data which corresponds to Gaia cookies.
const char kGaiaCookieLastListAccountsData[] =
} // namespace prefs