blob: 0cd96b351d9b235c4d7502a92a344ac65f41a76d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
namespace media {
class Buffer;
class VideoDecodeContext;
enum VideoCodec {
static const uint32 kProfileDoNotCare = static_cast<uint32>(-1);
static const uint32 kLevelDoNotCare = static_cast<uint32>(-1);
struct VideoCodecConfig {
VideoCodecConfig() : codec(kCodecH264),
opaque_context(NULL) {}
VideoCodec codec;
// TODO(jiesun): video profile and level are specific to individual codec.
// Define enum to.
uint32 profile;
uint32 level;
// Container's concept of width and height of this video.
int32 width;
int32 height; // TODO(jiesun): Do we allow height to be negative to
// indicate output is upside-down?
// FFMPEG's will use this to pass AVStream. Otherwise, we should remove this.
void* opaque_context;
struct VideoStreamInfo {
VideoFrame::Format surface_format;
VideoFrame::SurfaceType surface_type;
// Can be different with container's value.
uint32 surface_width;
// Can be different with container's value.
uint32 surface_height;
struct VideoCodecInfo {
// Other parameter is only meaningful when this is true.
bool success;
// Whether decoder provides output buffer pool.
// TODO(hclam): This is not important anymore. Remove this.
bool provides_buffers;
// Initial Stream Info. Only part of them could be valid.
// If they are not valid, Engine should update with OnFormatChange.
VideoStreamInfo stream_info;
class VideoDecodeEngine {
struct EventHandler {
virtual ~EventHandler() {}
virtual void OnInitializeComplete(const VideoCodecInfo& info) = 0;
virtual void OnUninitializeComplete() = 0;
virtual void OnFlushComplete() = 0;
virtual void OnSeekComplete() = 0;
virtual void OnError() = 0;
virtual void OnFormatChange(VideoStreamInfo stream_info) = 0;
// TODO(hclam): The following two methods shouldn't belong to this class
// because they are not video decode events but used to send decoded
// video frames and request video packets.
// Signal the user of VideoDecodeEngine to provide a video sample.
// In the normal running state, this method is called by the video decode
// engine to request video samples used for decoding.
// In the case when the video decode engine is flushing, this method is
// called to return video samples acquired by the video decode engine.
// |buffer| can be NULL in which case this method call is purely for
// requesting new video samples. If |buffer| is non-NULL, the buffer is
// returned to the owner at the sample time as a request for video sample
// is made.
virtual void ProduceVideoSample(scoped_refptr<Buffer> buffer) = 0;
// Signal the user of VideoDecodeEngine that a video frame is ready to
// be consumed or a video frame is returned to the owner.
// In the normal running state, this method is called to signal that
// |frame| contains a decoded video frame and is ready to be used.
// In the case of flushing and video frame is provided externally, this
// method is called to return the video frame object to the owner.
// The content of the video frame may be invalid.
virtual void ConsumeVideoFrame(scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame) = 0;
virtual ~VideoDecodeEngine() {}
// Initialize the engine with specified configuration.
// |decode_context| is used for allocation of VideoFrame.
// It is important that |decode_context| is called only on |message_loop|.
// TODO(hclam): Currently refactoring code to use VideoDecodeContext so
// |context| may be NULL in some cases.
// Engine should call EventHandler::OnInitializeDone() whether the
// initialization operation finished successfully or not.
virtual void Initialize(MessageLoop* message_loop,
EventHandler* event_handler,
VideoDecodeContext* context,
const VideoCodecConfig& config) = 0;
// Uninitialize the engine. Engine should destroy all resources and call
// EventHandler::OnUninitializeComplete().
virtual void Uninitialize() = 0;
// Flush the engine. Engine should return all the buffers to owner ( which
// could be itself. ) then call EventHandler::OnFlushDone().
virtual void Flush() = 0;
// This method is used as a signal for the decode engine to prefoll and
// issue read requests after Flush() us made.
virtual void Seek() = 0;
// Provide a video sample to be used by the video decode engine.
// This method is called in response to ProvideVideoSample() called to the
// user.
virtual void ConsumeVideoSample(scoped_refptr<Buffer> buffer) = 0;
// Signal the video decode engine to produce a video frame or return the
// video frame object to the video decode engine.
// In the normal running state, this method is called by the user of the
// video decode engine to request a decoded video frame. If |frame| is
// NULL the video decode engine should allocate a video frame object.
// Otherwise video decode engine should try to use the video frame object
// provided as output.
// In flushing state and video frames are allocated internally this method
// is called by the user to return the video frame object.
// In response to this method call, ConsumeVideoFrame() is called with a
// video frame object containing decoded video content.
virtual void ProduceVideoFrame(scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> frame) = 0;
} // namespace media