blob: cd66982c0de9696dd1fa4db07a1e0bfcc897d572 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/time.h"
#include "net/base/ssl_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_vary_data.h"
class Pickle;
namespace net {
class AuthChallengeInfo;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class IOBufferWithSize;
class SSLCertRequestInfo;
class HttpResponseInfo {
HttpResponseInfo(const HttpResponseInfo& rhs);
HttpResponseInfo& operator=(const HttpResponseInfo& rhs);
// Even though we could get away with the copy ctor and default operator=,
// that would prevent us from doing a bunch of forward declaration.
// The following is only defined if the request_time member is set.
// If this response was resurrected from cache, then this bool is set, and
// request_time may corresponds to a time "far" in the past. Note that
// stale content (perhaps un-cacheable) may be fetched from cache subject to
// the load flags specified on the request info. For example, this is done
// when a user presses the back button to re-render pages, or at startup,
// when reloading previously visited pages (without going over the network).
bool was_cached;
// True if the request was fetched over a SPDY channel.
bool was_fetched_via_spdy;
// True if the npn was negotiated for this request.
bool was_npn_negotiated;
// True if response could use alternate protocol. However, browser
// will ingore the alternate protocol if spdy is not enabled.
bool was_alternate_protocol_available;
// True if the request was fetched via an explicit proxy. The proxy could
// be any type of proxy, HTTP or SOCKS. Note, we do not know if a
// transparent proxy may have been involved.
bool was_fetched_via_proxy;
// The time at which the request was made that resulted in this response.
// For cached responses, this is the last time the cache entry was validated.
base::Time request_time;
// The time at which the response headers were received. For cached
// this is the last time the cache entry was validated.
base::Time response_time;
// If the response headers indicate a 401 or 407 failure, then this structure
// will contain additional information about the authentication challenge.
scoped_refptr<AuthChallengeInfo> auth_challenge;
// The SSL client certificate request info.
// TODO(wtc): does this really belong in HttpResponseInfo? I put it here
// because it is similar to |auth_challenge|, but unlike HTTP authentication
// challenge, client certificate request is not part of an HTTP response.
scoped_refptr<SSLCertRequestInfo> cert_request_info;
// The SSL connection info (if HTTPS).
SSLInfo ssl_info;
// The parsed response headers and status line.
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers;
// The "Vary" header data for this response.
HttpVaryData vary_data;
// Any metadata asociated with this resource's cached data.
scoped_refptr<IOBufferWithSize> metadata;
// Initializes from the representation stored in the given pickle.
bool InitFromPickle(const Pickle& pickle, bool* response_truncated);
// Call this method to persist the response info.
void Persist(Pickle* pickle,
bool skip_transient_headers,
bool response_truncated) const;
} // namespace net