blob: 85d8fd8ffa0993cbf071a2d68f2d4e082ae2a2fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/device_context.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/metrics.h"
namespace autofill {
class PersonalDataManager;
} // namespace autofill
namespace autofill_assistant {
class AccessTokenFetcher;
class WebsiteLoginFetcher;
// A client interface that needs to be supplied to the controller by the
// embedder.
class Client {
virtual ~Client() = default;
// Attaches the controller to the UI.
// This method does whatever is necessary to guarantee that, at the end of the
// call, there is a Controller associated with a UI.
virtual void AttachUI() = 0;
// Destroys the UI immediately.
virtual void DestroyUI() = 0;
// Returns the API key to be used for requests to the backend.
virtual std::string GetApiKey() = 0;
// Returns the e-mail address that corresponds to the auth credentials. Might
// be empty.
virtual std::string GetAccountEmailAddress() = 0;
// Returns the AccessTokenFetcher to use to get oauth credentials.
virtual AccessTokenFetcher* GetAccessTokenFetcher() = 0;
// Returns the current active personal data manager.
virtual autofill::PersonalDataManager* GetPersonalDataManager() = 0;
// Returns the currently active login fetcher.
virtual WebsiteLoginFetcher* GetWebsiteLoginFetcher() = 0;
// Returns the server URL to be used for requests to the backend.
virtual std::string GetServerUrl() = 0;
// Returns the locale.
virtual std::string GetLocale() = 0;
// Returns the country code.
virtual std::string GetCountryCode() = 0;
// Returns details about the device.
virtual DeviceContext GetDeviceContext() = 0;
// Stops autofill assistant for the current WebContents, both controller and
// UI.
virtual void Shutdown(Metrics::DropOutReason reason) = 0;
Client() = default;
} // namespace autofill_assistant