blob: 11e78d111c1e4b0a4de4108cd2a5b63077b7fc16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/service.pb.h"
namespace autofill_assistant {
// Abstract base class for trigger context, providing data provided by callers.
class TriggerContext {
// Returns an empty trigger context
static std::unique_ptr<TriggerContext> CreateEmpty();
// Creates a trigger context with the given values.
// Takes ownership (through std:move) of the content |params|.
static std::unique_ptr<TriggerContext> Create(
std::map<std::string, std::string> params,
const std::string& exp);
// Creates a trigger context that references one or more other contexts.
// The pointers must remain valid for the lifetime of the returned instance.
static std::unique_ptr<TriggerContext> Merge(
std::vector<const TriggerContext*> contexts);
virtual ~TriggerContext();
// Adds all parameters to the given proto field.
virtual void AddParameters(
google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ScriptParameterProto>* dest) const = 0;
// Returns the value of a specific parameter, if present.
virtual base::Optional<std::string> GetParameter(
const std::string& name) const = 0;
// Returns a comma-separated set of experiment ids.
virtual std::string experiment_ids() const = 0;
// Returns true if we're in a Chrome Custom Tab created for Autofill
// Assistant, originally created through AutofillAssistantFacade.start(), in
// Java.
virtual bool is_cct() const = 0;
// Returns true if the onboarding was shown at the beginning when this
// autofill assistant flow got triggered.
virtual bool is_onboarding_shown() const = 0;
// Returns true if the current action was triggered by a direct action.
virtual bool is_direct_action() const = 0;
// Straightforward implementation of TriggerContext.
class TriggerContextImpl : public TriggerContext {
// An empty context
// Takes ownership (through std:move) of the content |params| and |exp|.
TriggerContextImpl(std::map<std::string, std::string> params,
const std::string& exp);
~TriggerContextImpl() override;
// Implements TriggerContext:
void AddParameters(google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ScriptParameterProto>*
dest) const override;
base::Optional<std::string> GetParameter(
const std::string& name) const override;
void SetCCT(bool value) { cct_ = value; }
void SetOnboardingShown(bool value) { onboarding_shown_ = value; }
void SetDirectAction(bool value) { direct_action_ = value; }
std::string experiment_ids() const override;
bool is_cct() const override;
bool is_onboarding_shown() const override;
bool is_direct_action() const override;
// Script parameters provided by the caller.
std::map<std::string, std::string> parameters_;
// Experiment ids to be passed to the backend in requests. They may also be
// used to change client behavior.
std::string experiment_ids_;
bool cct_ = false;
bool direct_action_ = false;
bool onboarding_shown_ = false;
// Merges several TriggerContexts together.
class MergedTriggerContext : public TriggerContext {
// The pointers in |contexts| must remain valid for the lifetime of the
// instances. The vector can be empty.
MergedTriggerContext(std::vector<const TriggerContext*> contexts);
~MergedTriggerContext() override;
// Implements TriggerContext:
void AddParameters(google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<ScriptParameterProto>*
dest) const override;
base::Optional<std::string> GetParameter(
const std::string& name) const override;
std::string experiment_ids() const override;
bool is_cct() const override;
bool is_onboarding_shown() const override;
bool is_direct_action() const override;
std::vector<const TriggerContext*> contexts_;
} // namespace autofill_assistant