blob: 6d0e605b6c0e6c4a79726d035569bc3a99027e70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
class SmartLockMetricsRecorder {
// This enum is tied directly to a UMA enum defined in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml, and should always reflect it (do not
// change one without changing the other). Entries should be never modified
// or deleted. Only additions possible.
enum class SmartLockGetRemoteStatusResultFailureReason {
kTimedOutBluetoothDisabled = 0,
kTimedOutCouldNotEstablishAuthenticatedChannel = 1,
kTimedOutDidNotReceiveRemoteStatusUpdate = 2,
kUserEnteredPasswordWhileBluetoothDisabled = 3,
kUserEnteredPasswordWhileConnecting = 4,
kAuthenticatedChannelDropped = 5,
kMaxValue = kAuthenticatedChannelDropped
// This enum is tied directly to a UMA enum defined in
// //tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml, and should always reflect it (do not
// change one without changing the other). Entries should be never modified
// or deleted. Only additions possible.
enum class SmartLockAuthResultFailureReason {
kUnlockNotAllowed = 0,
kDeprecatedAlreadyAttemptingAuth = 1,
kEmptyUserAccount = 2,
kInvalidAccoundId = 3,
kAuthAttemptCannotStart = 4,
kNoPendingOrActiveHost = 5,
kAuthenticatedChannelDropped = 6,
kFailedToSendUnlockRequest = 7,
kFailedToDecryptSignInChallenge = 8,
kFailedtoNotifyHostDeviceThatSmartLockWasUsed = 9,
kAuthAttemptTimedOut = 10,
kUnlockEventSentButNotAttemptingAuth = 11,
kUnlockRequestSentButNotAttemptingAuth = 12,
kLoginDisplayHostDoesNotExist = 13,
kUserControllerSignInFailure = 14,
kMaxValue = kUserControllerSignInFailure
enum class SmartLockAuthMethodChoice {
kSmartLock = 0,
kOther = 1,
kMaxValue = kOther
enum class SmartLockAuthEventPasswordState {
kUnknownState = 0,
kNoPairing = 1,
kPairingChanged = 2,
kUserHardlock = 3,
kServiceNotActive = 4,
kNoBluetooth = 5,
kBluetoothConnecting = 6,
kCouldNotConnectToPhone = 7,
kNotAuthenticated = 8,
kPhoneLocked = 9,
kRssiTooLow = 10,
kAuthenticatedPhone = 11,
kLoginFailed = 12,
kPairingAdded = 13,
kNoScreenlockStateHandler = 14,
kPhoneLockedAndRssiTooLow = 15,
kForcedReauth = 16,
kLoginWithSmartLockDisabled = 17,
kPhoneNotLockable = 18,
kPrimaryUserAbsent = 19,
kMaxValue = kPrimaryUserAbsent
static void RecordSmartLockUnlockAuthMethodChoice(
SmartLockAuthMethodChoice auth_method_choice);
static void RecordSmartLockSignInAuthMethodChoice(
SmartLockAuthMethodChoice auth_method_choice);
static void RecordAuthResultUnlockSuccess(bool success = true);
static void RecordAuthResultUnlockFailure(
SmartLockAuthResultFailureReason failure_reason);
static void RecordAuthResultSignInSuccess(bool success = true);
static void RecordAuthResultSignInFailure(
SmartLockAuthResultFailureReason failure_reason);
static void RecordAuthMethodChoiceUnlockPasswordState(
SmartLockAuthEventPasswordState password_state);
static void RecordAuthMethodChoiceSignInPasswordState(
SmartLockAuthEventPasswordState password_state);