blob: c84183d297055d4ebf8aef4471432493280d0b0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 4
module arc.mojom;
import "components/arc/mojom/print_common.mojom";
// Represents the Chrome side of a print session. Used by ARC to send
// print-related messages to Chrome and interact with the ARC Custom Tab used
// for printing.
// Closing the interface will close the ARC Custom Tab.
// Next method ID: 0
interface PrintSessionHost {
// Represents the ARC side of a print session. Used by Chrome to send
// print-related messages to ARC and request rendered print documents.
// Next method ID: 2
interface PrintSessionInstance {
// Called when Chrome print preview is closed.
[MinVersion=2] OnPrintPreviewClosed@0();
// Creates a |preview_document| for print preview using the provided
// |request|.
// The returned |preview_document| will be null if errors occurred while
// rendering it.
[MinVersion=3] CreatePreviewDocument@1(PrintDocumentRequest request)
=> (handle? preview_document, int64 data_size);
// Used by ARC to create a new print session. A print session is used to print a
// document from ARC using Chrome print preview.
// Next method ID: 1
interface PrintSpoolerHost {
// Opens the file owned by |scoped_handle| in Chrome print preview in an ARC
// Custom Tab.
// The |task_id| and |surface_id| specify the Android task and the surface on
// which the ARC Custom Tab should be shown.
// The |top_margin| is the height of the space at the top of the window.
// The returned |host| will be null if errors occur while saving the print
// document or locating the Android surface.
[MinVersion=1] StartPrintInCustomTab@0(handle scoped_handle,
int32 task_id,
int32 surface_id,
int32 top_margin,
PrintSessionInstance instance)
=> (PrintSessionHost? host);
// Next method ID: 1
interface PrintSpoolerInstance {
// Establishes full-duplex communication with the host.
[MinVersion=0] Init@0(PrintSpoolerHost host_ptr) => ();