blob: 282772f55c9c105ecafe846acb528b0c4628461b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/session_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/web_cache/web_cache_resource_type_stats.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
class Profile;
namespace task_manager {
class TaskProviderObserver;
// Defines a task that corresponds to a tab, an app, an extension, ... etc. It
// represents one row in the task manager table. Multiple tasks can share the
// same process, in which case they're grouped together in the task manager
// table. See |task_manager::TaskGroup| which represents a process possibly
// shared by multiple tasks.
class Task {
// Note that the declaration order here determines the default sort order
// in the task manager.
enum Type {
/* Singleton processes first that don't belong to a particular tab. */
BROWSER, /* The main browser process. */
GPU, /* A graphics process. */
ARC, /* An ARC process. */
CROSTINI, /* A Crostini VM process. */
PLUGIN_VM, /* A Plugin VM process. */
ZYGOTE, /* A Linux zygote process. */
UTILITY, /* A browser utility process. */
/* Per-Tab processes next. */
RENDERER, /* A normal WebContents renderer process. */
EXTENSION, /* An extension or app process. */
/* Plugin processes last.*/
GUEST, /* A browser plugin guest process. */
PLUGIN, /* A plugin process. */
WORKER, /* A web worker process. */
NACL, /* A NativeClient loader or broker process. */
SANDBOX_HELPER, /* A sandbox helper process. */
SERVICE_WORKER, /* A service worker running on the renderer process. */
// Create a task with the given |title| and the given favicon |icon|. This
// task runs on a process whose handle is |handle|. |rappor_sample| is the
// name of the sample to be recorded if this task needs to be reported by
// Rappor. If |process_id| is not supplied, it will be determined by |handle|.
Task(const base::string16& title,
const std::string& rappor_sample,
const gfx::ImageSkia* icon,
base::ProcessHandle handle,
base::ProcessId process_id = base::kNullProcessId);
virtual ~Task();
// Gets the name of the given |profile| from the ProfileAttributesStorage.
static base::string16 GetProfileNameFromProfile(Profile* profile);
// Activates this TaskManager's task by bringing its container to the front
// (if possible).
virtual void Activate();
// Returns if the task should be killable from the Task Manager UI.
virtual bool IsKillable();
// Kills this task.
virtual void Kill();
// Will be called to let the task refresh itself between refresh cycles.
// |update_interval| is the time since the last task manager refresh.
// the |refresh_flags| indicate which resources should be calculated on each
// refresh.
virtual void Refresh(const base::TimeDelta& update_interval,
int64_t refresh_flags);
// Modifies the value of process_id(). To mutate the process ID, this Task is
// temporarily unregistered from |observer|, and then re-registered before
// returning.
void UpdateProcessInfo(base::ProcessHandle handle,
base::ProcessId process_id,
TaskProviderObserver* observer);
// Will receive this notification through the task manager from
// |ChromeNetworkDelegate::OnNetworkBytesReceived()|. The task will add to the
// |cummulative_read_bytes_|.
void OnNetworkBytesRead(int64_t bytes_read);
// Will receive this notification through the task manager from
// |ChromeNetworkDelegate::OnNetworkBytesSent()|. The task will add to the
// |cummulative_sent_bytes_| in this refresh cycle.
void OnNetworkBytesSent(int64_t bytes_sent);
// Returns the task type.
virtual Type GetType() const = 0;
// This is the unique ID of the BrowserChildProcessHost/RenderProcessHost. It
// is not the PID nor the handle of the process.
// For a task that represents the browser process, the return value is 0. For
// other tasks that represent renderers and other child processes, the return
// value is whatever unique IDs of their hosts in the browser process.
virtual int GetChildProcessUniqueID() const = 0;
// If the process, in which this task is running, is terminated, this gets the
// termination status. Currently implemented only for Renderer processes.
virtual void GetTerminationStatus(base::TerminationStatus* out_status,
int* out_error_code) const;
// The name of the profile owning this task.
virtual base::string16 GetProfileName() const;
// Returns the unique ID of the tab if this task represents a renderer
// WebContents used for a tab. Returns SessionID::InvalidValue() if this task
// does not represent a renderer, or a contents of a tab.
virtual SessionID GetTabId() const;
// For Tasks that represent a subactivity of some other task (e.g. a plugin
// embedded in a page), this returns the Task representing the parent
// activity.
bool HasParentTask() const;
virtual const Task* GetParentTask() const;
// Getting the Sqlite used memory (in bytes). Not all tasks reports Sqlite
// memory, in this case a default invalid value of -1 will be returned.
// Check for whether the task reports it or not first.
bool ReportsSqliteMemory() const;
virtual int64_t GetSqliteMemoryUsed() const;
// Getting the allocated and used V8 memory (in bytes). Not all tasks reports
// V8 memory, in this case a default invalid value of -1 will be returned.
// Check for whether the task reports it or not first.
bool ReportsV8Memory() const;
virtual int64_t GetV8MemoryAllocated() const;
virtual int64_t GetV8MemoryUsed() const;
// Checking if the task reports Webkit resource cache statistics and getting
// them if it does.
virtual bool ReportsWebCacheStats() const;
virtual blink::WebCacheResourceTypeStats GetWebCacheStats() const;
// Returns the keep-alive counter if the Task is an event page, -1 otherwise.
virtual int GetKeepaliveCount() const;
// Returns true if the task is running inside a VM.
virtual bool IsRunningInVM() const;
int64_t task_id() const { return task_id_; }
// Returns the instantaneous rate, in bytes per second, of network usage
// (sent and received), as measured over the last refresh cycle.
int64_t network_usage_rate() const {
return network_sent_rate_ + network_read_rate_;
// Returns the cumulative number of bytes of network use (sent and received)
// over the tasks lifetime. It is calculated independently of refreshes and
// is based on the current |cumulative_bytes_read_| and
// |cumulative_bytes_sent_|.
int64_t cumulative_network_usage() const {
return cumulative_bytes_sent_ + cumulative_bytes_read_;
const base::string16& title() const { return title_; }
const std::string& rappor_sample_name() const { return rappor_sample_name_; }
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon() const { return icon_; }
const base::ProcessHandle& process_handle() const { return process_handle_; }
const base::ProcessId& process_id() const { return process_id_; }
// If |*result_image| is not already set, fetch the image with id
// |id| from the resource database and put in |*result_image|.
// Returns |*result_image|.
static gfx::ImageSkia* FetchIcon(int id, gfx::ImageSkia** result_image);
void set_title(const base::string16& new_title) { title_ = new_title; }
void set_rappor_sample_name(const std::string& sample) {
rappor_sample_name_ = sample;
void set_icon(const gfx::ImageSkia& new_icon) { icon_ = new_icon; }
// The unique ID of this task.
const int64_t task_id_;
// The sum of all bytes that have been uploaded from this task calculated at
// the last refresh.
int64_t last_refresh_cumulative_bytes_sent_;
// The sum of all bytes that have been downloaded from this task calculated
// at the last refresh.
int64_t last_refresh_cumulative_bytes_read_;
// A continuously updating sum of all bytes that have been uploaded from this
// task. It is assigned to |last_refresh_cumulative_bytes_sent_| at the end
// of a refresh.
int64_t cumulative_bytes_sent_;
// A continuously updating sum of all bytes that have been downloaded from
// this task. It is assigned to |last_refresh_cumulative_bytes_sent_| at the
// end of a refresh.
int64_t cumulative_bytes_read_;
// The upload rate (in bytes per second) for this task during the latest
// refresh.
int64_t network_sent_rate_;
// The download rate (in bytes per second) for this task during the latest
// refresh.
int64_t network_read_rate_;
// The title of the task.
base::string16 title_;
// The name of the sample representing this task when a Rappor sample needs to
// be recorded for it.
std::string rappor_sample_name_;
// The favicon.
gfx::ImageSkia icon_;
// The handle of the process on which this task is running.
base::ProcessHandle process_handle_;
// The PID of the process on which this task is running.
base::ProcessId process_id_;
} // namespace task_manager