blob: 2df9c1bebdedd36e8ca18886a10f2218cc678fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/providers/task_provider_observer.h"
namespace task_manager {
// Defines the interface for task providers. A concrete task provider must be
// able to collect all the tasks of a particular type which this provider
// supports as well as track any tasks addition / removal. Once StartUpdating()
// is called, the provider is responsible for notifying the observer about the
// tasks it's tracking. The TaskProviders own the tasks they provide.
class TaskProvider {
virtual ~TaskProvider();
// Should return the task associated to the specified IDs from a
// |content::ResourceRequestInfo| that represents a |URLRequest|. A value of
// nullptr will be returned if the desired task does not belong to this
// provider.
// |child_id| is the unique ID of the host of the child process requestor.
// |route_id| is the ID of the IPC route for the URLRequest (this identifies
// the RenderFrame in the renderer that initiated the request). |route_id|
// may be ignored if |child_id| is not a renderer process.
virtual Task* GetTaskOfUrlRequest(int child_id, int route_id) = 0;
// Set the sole observer of this provider. It's an error to set an observer
// if there's already one there.
void SetObserver(TaskProviderObserver* observer);
// Clears the currently set observer for this provider. It's an error to clear
// the observer if there's no one set.
void ClearObserver();
// Used by concrete task providers to notify the observer of tasks addition/
// removal/renderer unresponsive. These methods should only be called after
// StartUpdating() has been called and before StopUpdating() is called.
void NotifyObserverTaskAdded(Task* task) const;
void NotifyObserverTaskRemoved(Task* task) const;
void NotifyObserverTaskUnresponsive(Task* task) const;
void UpdateTaskProcessInfoAndNotifyObserver(
Task* existing_task,
base::ProcessHandle new_process_handle,
base::ProcessId new_process_id) const;
// This will be called once an observer is set for this provider. When it is
// called, the concrete provider must notify the observer of all pre-existing
// tasks as well as track new addition and terminations and notify the
// observer of these changes.
virtual void StartUpdating() = 0;
// This will be called once the observer is cleared, at which point the
// provider can stop tracking tasks addition / removal and can clear its own
// resources.
virtual void StopUpdating() = 0;
// We support only one single obsever which will be the sampler in this case.
TaskProviderObserver* observer_;
} // namespace task_manager