blob: 7a2c7d59fae19d745627043fe440c8c130a5edc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/providers/task_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/providers/task_provider_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/sampling/task_group.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/task_manager_interface.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/memory_stats.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_service.mojom.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/cpp/memory_instrumentation/global_memory_dump.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "chrome/browser/task_manager/sampling/arc_shared_sampler.h"
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
namespace task_manager {
class SharedSampler;
// Identifies the initiator of a network request, by a (child_id,
// route_id) tuple.
// BytesTransferredKey supports hashing and may be used as an unordered_map key.
struct BytesTransferredKey {
// The unique ID of the host of the child process requester.
int child_id;
// The ID of the IPC route for the URLRequest (this identifies the
// RenderView or like-thing in the renderer that the request gets routed
// to).
int route_id;
struct Hasher {
size_t operator()(const BytesTransferredKey& key) const;
bool operator==(const BytesTransferredKey& other) const;
// This is the entry of the unordered map that tracks bytes transfered by task.
struct BytesTransferredParam {
// The number of bytes read.
int64_t byte_read_count = 0;
// The number of bytes sent.
int64_t byte_sent_count = 0;
using BytesTransferredMap = std::unordered_map<BytesTransferredKey,
// Defines a concrete implementation of the TaskManagerInterface.
class TaskManagerImpl : public TaskManagerInterface,
public TaskProviderObserver {
~TaskManagerImpl() override;
static TaskManagerImpl* GetInstance();
// task_manager::TaskManagerInterface:
void ActivateTask(TaskId task_id) override;
bool IsTaskKillable(TaskId task_id) override;
void KillTask(TaskId task_id) override;
double GetPlatformIndependentCPUUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
base::Time GetStartTime(TaskId task_id) const override;
base::TimeDelta GetCpuTime(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetMemoryFootprintUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetSwappedMemoryUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetGpuMemoryUsage(TaskId task_id,
bool* has_duplicates) const override;
int GetIdleWakeupsPerSecond(TaskId task_id) const override;
int GetHardFaultsPerSecond(TaskId task_id) const override;
int GetNaClDebugStubPort(TaskId task_id) const override;
void GetGDIHandles(TaskId task_id,
int64_t* current,
int64_t* peak) const override;
void GetUSERHandles(TaskId task_id,
int64_t* current,
int64_t* peak) const override;
int GetOpenFdCount(TaskId task_id) const override;
bool IsTaskOnBackgroundedProcess(TaskId task_id) const override;
const base::string16& GetTitle(TaskId task_id) const override;
const std::string& GetTaskNameForRappor(TaskId task_id) const override;
base::string16 GetProfileName(TaskId task_id) const override;
const gfx::ImageSkia& GetIcon(TaskId task_id) const override;
const base::ProcessHandle& GetProcessHandle(TaskId task_id) const override;
const base::ProcessId& GetProcessId(TaskId task_id) const override;
Task::Type GetType(TaskId task_id) const override;
SessionID GetTabId(TaskId task_id) const override;
int GetChildProcessUniqueId(TaskId task_id) const override;
void GetTerminationStatus(TaskId task_id,
base::TerminationStatus* out_status,
int* out_error_code) const override;
int64_t GetNetworkUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetCumulativeNetworkUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetProcessTotalNetworkUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetCumulativeProcessTotalNetworkUsage(TaskId task_id) const override;
int64_t GetSqliteMemoryUsed(TaskId task_id) const override;
bool GetV8Memory(TaskId task_id,
int64_t* allocated,
int64_t* used) const override;
bool GetWebCacheStats(TaskId task_id,
blink::WebCacheResourceTypeStats* stats) const override;
int GetKeepaliveCount(TaskId task_id) const override;
const TaskIdList& GetTaskIdsList() const override;
TaskIdList GetIdsOfTasksSharingSameProcess(TaskId task_id) const override;
size_t GetNumberOfTasksOnSameProcess(TaskId task_id) const override;
bool IsRunningInVM(TaskId task_id) const override;
TaskId GetTaskIdForWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents) const override;
// task_manager::TaskProviderObserver:
void TaskAdded(Task* task) override;
void TaskRemoved(Task* task) override;
void TaskUnresponsive(Task* task) override;
// Used when Network Service is enabled.
// Receives total network usages from |NetworkService|.
void OnTotalNetworkUsages(
std::vector<network::mojom::NetworkUsagePtr> total_network_usages);
using PidToTaskGroupMap =
std::map<base::ProcessId, std::unique_ptr<TaskGroup>>;
friend struct base::LazyInstanceTraitsBase<TaskManagerImpl>;
void OnVideoMemoryUsageStatsUpdate(
const gpu::VideoMemoryUsageStats& gpu_memory_stats);
void OnReceivedMemoryDump(
bool success,
std::unique_ptr<memory_instrumentation::GlobalMemoryDump> dump);
// task_manager::TaskManagerInterface:
void Refresh() override;
void StartUpdating() override;
void StopUpdating() override;
// Lookup a task by child_id and possibly route_id.
Task* GetTaskByRoute(int child_id, int route_id) const;
// Based on |param| the appropriate task will be updated by its network usage.
// Returns true if it was able to match |param| to an existing task, returns
// false otherwise, at which point the caller must explicitly match these
// bytes to the browser process by calling this method again with
// |param.origin_pid = 0| and |param.child_id = param.route_id = -1|.
bool UpdateTasksWithBytesTransferred(const BytesTransferredKey& key,
const BytesTransferredParam& param);
PidToTaskGroupMap* GetVmPidToTaskGroupMap(Task::Type type);
TaskGroup* GetTaskGroupByTaskId(TaskId task_id) const;
Task* GetTaskByTaskId(TaskId task_id) const;
// Called back by a TaskGroup when the resource calculations done on the
// background thread has completed.
void OnTaskGroupBackgroundCalculationsDone();
const base::Closure on_background_data_ready_callback_;
// Map TaskGroups by the IDs of the processes they represent.
PidToTaskGroupMap task_groups_by_proc_id_;
// Map ARC VM PidToTaskGroupMaps by the task type. This should be separate
// from the non-VM map |task_groups_by_proc_id_| as there can be conflicting
// PIDs.
PidToTaskGroupMap arc_vm_task_groups_by_proc_id_;
// Map each task by its ID to the TaskGroup on which it resides.
// Keys are unique but values will have duplicates (i.e. multiple tasks
// running on the same process represented by a single TaskGroup).
std::map<TaskId, TaskGroup*> task_groups_by_task_id_;
// A cached sorted list of the task IDs.
mutable std::vector<TaskId> sorted_task_ids_;
// Used when Network Service is enabled.
// Stores the total network usages per |process_id, routing_id| from last
// refresh.
BytesTransferredMap last_refresh_total_network_usages_map_;
// The list of the task providers that are owned and observed by this task
// manager implementation.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TaskProvider>> task_providers_;
// The current GPU memory usage stats that was last received from the
// GpuDataManager.
gpu::VideoMemoryUsageStats gpu_memory_stats_;
// The specific blocking pool SequencedTaskRunner that will be used to make
// sure TaskGroupSampler posts their refreshes serially.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> blocking_pool_runner_;
// A special sampler shared with all instances of TaskGroup that calculates a
// subset of resources for all processes at once.
scoped_refptr<SharedSampler> shared_sampler_;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// A sampler shared with all instances of TaskGroup that hold ARC tasks and
// calculates memory footprint for all processes at once.
std::unique_ptr<ArcSharedSampler> arc_shared_sampler_;
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// This will be set to true while there are observers and the task manager is
// running.
bool is_running_;
// This is set to true while waiting for a global memory dump from
// memory_instrumentation.
bool waiting_for_memory_dump_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<TaskManagerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace task_manager