blob: ec578ea48d6be4561142c8a73ad83225d851c484 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/layers/scrollbar_layer_impl_base.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "cc/base/math_util.h"
#include "cc/input/scrollbar.h"
#include "cc/input/scrollbar_controller.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_impl.h"
#include "cc/trees/scroll_node.h"
namespace cc {
ScrollbarController::~ScrollbarController() {
if (cancelable_autoscroll_task_) {
LayerTreeHostImpl* layer_tree_host_impl)
: layer_tree_host_impl_(layer_tree_host_impl),
last_known_pointer_position_(gfx::PointF(0, 0)),
cancelable_autoscroll_task_(nullptr) {}
void ScrollbarController::WillBeginImplFrame() {
drag_processed_for_current_frame_ = false;
gfx::Vector2dF ScrollbarController::GetThumbRelativePoint(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget) {
bool clipped;
const gfx::PointF position_in_layer =
GetScrollbarRelativePosition(scrollbar, position_in_widget, &clipped);
if (clipped)
return gfx::Vector2d(0, 0);
const gfx::RectF thumb_rect(scrollbar->ComputeThumbQuadRect());
return position_in_layer - gfx::PointF(thumb_rect.origin());
// Retrieves the ScrollbarLayerImplBase corresponding to the stashed ElementId.
ScrollbarLayerImplBase* ScrollbarController::ScrollbarLayer() {
if (!captured_scrollbar_metadata_.has_value())
return nullptr;
const ScrollbarSet scrollbars = layer_tree_host_impl_->ScrollbarsFor(
for (ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar : scrollbars) {
if (captured_scrollbar_metadata_->orientation == scrollbar->orientation())
return scrollbar;
return nullptr;
// Performs hit test and prepares scroll deltas that will be used by GSB and
// GSU.
InputHandlerPointerResult ScrollbarController::HandlePointerDown(
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget,
bool shift_modifier) {
LayerImpl* layer_impl = GetLayerHitByPoint(position_in_widget);
// If a non-custom scrollbar layer was not found, we return early as there is
// no point in setting additional state in the ScrollbarController. Return an
// empty InputHandlerPointerResult in this case so that when it is bubbled up
// to InputHandlerProxy::RouteToTypeSpecificHandler, the pointer event gets
// passed on to the main thread.
if (!(layer_impl && layer_impl->ToScrollbarLayer()))
return InputHandlerPointerResult();
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar = layer_impl->ToScrollbarLayer();
captured_scrollbar_metadata_ = CapturedScrollbarMetadata();
captured_scrollbar_metadata_->scroll_element_id =
captured_scrollbar_metadata_->orientation = scrollbar->orientation();
InputHandlerPointerResult scroll_result;
scroll_result.target_scroller = scrollbar->scroll_element_id();
scroll_result.type = PointerResultType::kScrollbarScroll;
const ScrollbarPart scrollbar_part =
GetScrollbarPartFromPointerDown(scrollbar, position_in_widget);
scroll_result.scroll_offset = GetScrollOffsetForScrollbarPart(
scrollbar, scrollbar_part, shift_modifier);
last_known_pointer_position_ = position_in_widget;
scrollbar_scroll_is_active_ = true;
scroll_result.scroll_units = Granularity(scrollbar_part, shift_modifier);
if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::THUMB) {
drag_state_ = DragState();
drag_state_->anchor_relative_to_thumb_ =
GetThumbRelativePoint(scrollbar, position_in_widget);
// Record the current scroller offset. This will be needed to snap the
// thumb back to its original position if the pointer moves too far away
// from the track during a thumb drag.
drag_state_->scroll_position_at_start_ = scrollbar->current_pos();
if (!scroll_result.scroll_offset.IsZero()) {
// Thumb drag is the only scrollbar manipulation that cannot produce an
// autoscroll. All other interactions like clicking on arrows/trackparts
// have the potential of initiating an autoscroll (if held down for long
// enough).
DCHECK(scrollbar_part != ScrollbarPart::THUMB);
cancelable_autoscroll_task_ = std::make_unique<base::CancelableOnceClosure>(
scrollbar, scroll_result.scroll_offset),
scrollbar, scrollbar_part));
->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, cancelable_autoscroll_task_->callback(),
return scroll_result;
bool ScrollbarController::SnapToDragOrigin(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const gfx::PointF pointer_position_in_widget) {
// Consult the ScrollbarTheme to check if thumb snapping is supported on the
// current platform.
if (!(scrollbar && scrollbar->SupportsDragSnapBack()))
return false;
bool clipped = false;
const gfx::PointF pointer_position_in_layer = GetScrollbarRelativePosition(
scrollbar, pointer_position_in_widget, &clipped);
if (clipped)
return false;
const ScrollbarOrientation orientation = scrollbar->orientation();
const gfx::Rect forward_track_rect = scrollbar->ForwardTrackRect();
// When dragging the thumb, there needs to exist "gutters" on either side of
// the track. The thickness of these gutters is a multiple of the track (or
// thumb) thickness. As long as the pointer remains within the bounds of these
// gutters in the non-scrolling direction, thumb drag proceeds as expected.
// The moment the pointer moves outside the bounds, the scroller needs to snap
// back to the drag_origin (aka the scroll offset of the parent scroller
// before the thumb drag initiated).
int track_thickness = orientation == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? forward_track_rect.width()
: forward_track_rect.height();
if (!track_thickness) {
// For overlay scrollbars (or for tests that do not set up a track
// thickness), use the thumb_thickness instead to determine the gutters.
const int thumb_thickness = scrollbar->ThumbThickness();
// If the thumb doesn't have thickness, the gutters can't be determined.
// Snapping shouldn't occur in this case.
if (!thumb_thickness)
return false;
track_thickness = thumb_thickness;
const float gutter_thickness = kOffSideMultiplier * track_thickness;
const float gutter_min_bound =
orientation == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? (forward_track_rect.x() - gutter_thickness)
: (forward_track_rect.y() - gutter_thickness);
const float gutter_max_bound =
orientation == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? (forward_track_rect.x() + track_thickness + gutter_thickness)
: (forward_track_rect.y() + track_thickness + gutter_thickness);
const float pointer_location = orientation == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? pointer_position_in_layer.x()
: pointer_position_in_layer.y();
return pointer_location < gutter_min_bound ||
pointer_location > gutter_max_bound;
ui::input_types::ScrollGranularity ScrollbarController::Granularity(
const ScrollbarPart scrollbar_part,
const bool shift_modifier) {
const bool shift_click_on_scrollbar_track =
shift_modifier && (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_TRACK ||
scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::BACK_TRACK);
if (shift_click_on_scrollbar_track || scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::THUMB)
return ui::input_types::ScrollGranularity::kScrollByPrecisePixel;
// TODO(arakeri): This needs to be updated to kLine once cc implements
// handling it.
return ui::input_types::ScrollGranularity::kScrollByPixel;
float ScrollbarController::GetScrollDeltaForAbsoluteJump(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar) {
bool clipped = false;
const gfx::PointF pointer_position_in_layer = GetScrollbarRelativePosition(
scrollbar, last_known_pointer_position_, &clipped);
if (clipped)
return 0;
const float pointer_location =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? pointer_position_in_layer.y()
: pointer_position_in_layer.x();
// During a shift + click, the pointers current location (on the track) needs
// to be considered as the center of the thumb and the thumb origin needs to
// be calculated based on that. This will ensure that when shift + click is
// processed, the thumb will be centered on the pointer.
const int thumb_length = scrollbar->ThumbLength();
const float desired_thumb_origin = pointer_location - thumb_length / 2.f;
const gfx::Rect thumb_rect(scrollbar->ComputeThumbQuadRect());
const float current_thumb_origin =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? thumb_rect.y()
: thumb_rect.x();
const float delta =
round(std::abs(desired_thumb_origin - current_thumb_origin));
return delta * GetScrollerToScrollbarRatio(scrollbar);
gfx::ScrollOffset ScrollbarController::GetScrollOffsetForDragPosition(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const gfx::PointF pointer_position_in_widget) {
if (SnapToDragOrigin(scrollbar, pointer_position_in_widget)) {
const float delta =
scrollbar->current_pos() - drag_state_->scroll_position_at_start_;
return scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? gfx::ScrollOffset(0, -delta)
: gfx::ScrollOffset(-delta, 0);
const gfx::Rect thumb_rect(scrollbar->ComputeThumbQuadRect());
const gfx::PointF drag_position_relative_to_layer =
gfx::PointF(thumb_rect.origin()) + drag_state_->anchor_relative_to_thumb_;
bool clipped = false;
const gfx::PointF pointer_position_in_layer = GetScrollbarRelativePosition(
scrollbar, pointer_position_in_widget, &clipped);
if (clipped)
return gfx::ScrollOffset(0, 0);
// Calculate the delta based on the previously known thumb drag point.
const gfx::Vector2dF pointer_delta =
pointer_position_in_layer - drag_position_relative_to_layer;
float scaled_scroller_to_scrollbar_ratio =
float current_scroll_position = scrollbar->current_pos();
// Thumb position needs to be floored and Values between 0 and 1 are rounded
// to one to match main thread per pixel behavior. Corresponding main thread
// code in ScrollbarTheme::ThumbPosition
float thumb_position = std::max(0.0f, current_scroll_position) /
thumb_position = (thumb_position < 1.0 && thumb_position > 0.0)
? 1.0
: floorf(thumb_position);
float delta_in_orientation =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? pointer_delta.y()
: pointer_delta.x();
// This is effectively equal to delta_in_orientation *
// scaled_scroller_to_scrollbar_ratio but is necessary due to truncated delta
// value. Floored thumb_position cancels out the rounding error introduced
// in pointer_delta due to static_cast<int> in
// ScrollbarLayerImplBase::ComputeThumbQuadRectWithThumbThicknessScale
float scroll_delta = (delta_in_orientation + thumb_position) *
scaled_scroller_to_scrollbar_ratio -
gfx::ScrollOffset scaled_thumb_drag_delta;
// Scroll delta floored to match main thread per pixel behavior
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? scaled_thumb_drag_delta.set_y(floorf(scroll_delta))
: scaled_thumb_drag_delta.set_x(floorf(scroll_delta));
return scaled_thumb_drag_delta;
// Performs hit test and prepares scroll deltas that will be used by GSU.
InputHandlerPointerResult ScrollbarController::HandlePointerMove(
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget) {
last_known_pointer_position_ = position_in_widget;
InputHandlerPointerResult scroll_result;
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar = ScrollbarLayer();
if (!scrollbar || !drag_state_.has_value())
return scroll_result;
// If the scrollbar thumb is being dragged, it qualifies as a kScrollbarScroll
// (although the delta might still be zero). Setting the "type" to
// kScrollbarScroll ensures that the correct event modifier (in
// InputHandlerProxy) is set which in-turn tells the main thread to invalidate
// the respective scrollbar parts. This needs to be done for all
// pointermove(s) since they are not VSync aligned.
scroll_result.type = PointerResultType::kScrollbarScroll;
// If a GSU was already produced for a thumb drag in this frame, there's no
// point in continuing on. Please see the header file for details.
if (drag_processed_for_current_frame_)
return scroll_result;
const ScrollNode* currently_scrolling_node =
// Thumb drag needs a scroll_node. Clear the thumb drag state and exit if it
// is unset.
if (currently_scrolling_node == nullptr) {
drag_state_ = base::nullopt;
return scroll_result;
// If scroll_offset can't be consumed, there's no point in continuing on.
const gfx::ScrollOffset scroll_offset(
GetScrollOffsetForDragPosition(scrollbar, position_in_widget));
const gfx::Vector2dF clamped_scroll_offset(
*currently_scrolling_node, ScrollOffsetToVector2dF(scroll_offset)));
if (clamped_scroll_offset.IsZero())
return scroll_result;
// Thumb drags have more granularity and are purely dependent on the pointer
// movement. Hence we use kPrecisePixel when dragging the thumb.
scroll_result.scroll_units =
scroll_result.scroll_offset = gfx::ScrollOffset(clamped_scroll_offset);
drag_processed_for_current_frame_ = true;
return scroll_result;
float ScrollbarController::GetScrollerToScrollbarRatio(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar) {
// Calculating the delta by which the scroller layer should move when
// dragging the thumb depends on the following factors:
// - scrollbar_track_length
// - scrollbar_thumb_length
// - scroll_layer_length
// - viewport_length
// - position_in_widget
// When a thumb drag is in progress, for every pixel that the pointer moves,
// the delta for the corresponding scroll_layer needs to be scaled by the
// following ratio:
// scaled_scroller_to_scrollbar_ratio =
// (scroll_layer_length - viewport_length) /
// (scrollbar_track_length - scrollbar_thumb_length)
// PS: Note that since this is a "ratio", it need not be scaled by the DSF.
// |<--------------------- scroll_layer_length -------------------------->|
// +------------------------------------------------+......................
// | | .
// |<-------------- viewport_length --------------->| .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | | .
// | |<------- scrollbar_track_length --------->| | .
// | | .
// +--+-----+----------------------------+-------+--+......................
// |<|| |############################| ||>|
// +--+-----+----------------------------+-------+--+
// |<- scrollbar_thumb_length ->|
float scroll_layer_length = scrollbar->scroll_layer_length();
float scrollbar_track_length = scrollbar->TrackLength();
gfx::Rect thumb_rect(scrollbar->ComputeThumbQuadRect());
float scrollbar_thumb_length =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? thumb_rect.height()
: thumb_rect.width();
const LayerImpl* owner_scroll_layer =
const float viewport_length =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? owner_scroll_layer->scroll_container_bounds().height()
: (owner_scroll_layer->scroll_container_bounds().width());
return ((scroll_layer_length - viewport_length) /
(scrollbar_track_length - scrollbar_thumb_length));
void ScrollbarController::ResetState() {
drag_processed_for_current_frame_ = false;
drag_state_ = base::nullopt;
autoscroll_state_ = base::nullopt;
captured_scrollbar_metadata_ = base::nullopt;
void ScrollbarController::DidUnregisterScrollbar(ElementId element_id) {
if (captured_scrollbar_metadata_.has_value() &&
captured_scrollbar_metadata_->scroll_element_id == element_id)
void ScrollbarController::RecomputeAutoscrollStateIfNeeded() {
if (!autoscroll_state_.has_value() ||
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar = ScrollbarLayer();
const gfx::Rect thumb_quad = scrollbar->ComputeThumbQuadRect();
bool clipped;
gfx::PointF scroller_relative_position(GetScrollbarRelativePosition(
scrollbar, last_known_pointer_position_, &clipped));
if (clipped)
// Based on the orientation of the scrollbar and the direction of the
// autoscroll, the code below makes a decision of whether the track autoscroll
// should be canceled or not.
int thumb_start = 0;
int thumb_end = 0;
int pointer_position = 0;
if (scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL) {
thumb_start = thumb_quad.y();
thumb_end = thumb_quad.y() + thumb_quad.height();
pointer_position = scroller_relative_position.y();
} else {
thumb_start = thumb_quad.x();
thumb_end = thumb_quad.x() + thumb_quad.width();
pointer_position = scroller_relative_position.x();
// If the thumb reaches the pointer while autoscrolling, abort.
if ((autoscroll_state_->direction ==
AutoScrollDirection::AUTOSCROLL_FORWARD &&
thumb_end > pointer_position) ||
(autoscroll_state_->direction ==
AutoScrollDirection::AUTOSCROLL_BACKWARD &&
thumb_start < pointer_position))
// When the scroller is autoscrolling forward, its dimensions need to be
// monitored. If the length of the scroller layer increases, the old one needs
// to be aborted and a new autoscroll animation needs to start. This needs to
// be done only for the "autoscroll forward" case. Autoscrolling backward
// always has a constant value to animate to (which is '0'. See the function
// ScrollbarController::StartAutoScrollAnimation).
if (autoscroll_state_->direction == AutoScrollDirection::AUTOSCROLL_FORWARD) {
const float scroll_layer_length = scrollbar->scroll_layer_length();
if (autoscroll_state_->scroll_layer_length != scroll_layer_length) {
StartAutoScrollAnimation(autoscroll_state_->velocity, scrollbar,
// The animations need to be aborted/restarted based on the pointer location
// (i.e leaving/entering the track/arrows, reaching the track end etc). The
// autoscroll_state_ however, needs to be reset on pointer changes.
const gfx::RectF scrollbar_part_rect(GetRectForScrollbarPart(
scrollbar, autoscroll_state_->pressed_scrollbar_part));
if (!scrollbar_part_rect.Contains(scroller_relative_position)) {
// Stop animating if pointer moves outside the rect bounds.
} else if (scrollbar_part_rect.Contains(scroller_relative_position) &&
scrollbar->scroll_element_id())) {
// Start animating if pointer re-enters the bounds.
StartAutoScrollAnimation(autoscroll_state_->velocity, scrollbar,
// Helper to calculate the autoscroll velocity.
float ScrollbarController::InitialDeltaToAutoscrollVelocity(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
gfx::ScrollOffset scroll_offset) const {
const float scroll_delta =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? scroll_offset.y()
: scroll_offset.x();
return scroll_delta * kAutoscrollMultiplier;
void ScrollbarController::StartAutoScrollAnimation(
const float velocity,
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
ScrollbarPart pressed_scrollbar_part) {
// Autoscroll and thumb drag are mutually exclusive. Both can't be active at
// the same time.
DCHECK_NE(velocity, 0);
// scroll_node is set up while handling GSB. If there's no node to scroll, we
// don't need to create any animation for it.
ScrollTree& scroll_tree =
ScrollNode* scroll_node =
if (!(scroll_node && scrollbar_scroll_is_active_))
float scroll_layer_length = scrollbar->scroll_layer_length();
gfx::ScrollOffset current_offset =
// Determine the max offset for the scroll based on the scrolling direction.
// Negative scroll velocity indicates backwards scrolling whereas a positive
// value indicates forwards scrolling.
const float target_offset = velocity < 0 ? 0 : scroll_layer_length;
const gfx::Vector2dF target_offset_vector =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? gfx::Vector2dF(current_offset.x(), target_offset)
: gfx::Vector2dF(target_offset, current_offset.y());
autoscroll_state_ = AutoScrollState();
autoscroll_state_->velocity = velocity;
autoscroll_state_->scroll_layer_length = scroll_layer_length;
autoscroll_state_->pressed_scrollbar_part = pressed_scrollbar_part;
autoscroll_state_->direction = velocity < 0
? AutoScrollDirection::AUTOSCROLL_BACKWARD
: AutoScrollDirection::AUTOSCROLL_FORWARD;
scroll_node, target_offset_vector, std::abs(velocity));
// Performs hit test and prepares scroll deltas that will be used by GSE.
InputHandlerPointerResult ScrollbarController::HandlePointerUp(
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget) {
InputHandlerPointerResult scroll_result;
if (scrollbar_scroll_is_active_) {
scrollbar_scroll_is_active_ = false;
scroll_result.type = PointerResultType::kScrollbarScroll;
// TODO(arakeri): This needs to be moved to ScrollOffsetAnimationsImpl as it
// has knowledge about what type of animation is running.
// Only abort the animation if it is an "autoscroll" animation.
if (autoscroll_state_.has_value())
if (cancelable_autoscroll_task_) {
return scroll_result;
// Returns the layer that is hit by the position_in_widget.
LayerImpl* ScrollbarController::GetLayerHitByPoint(
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget) {
LayerTreeImpl* active_tree = layer_tree_host_impl_->active_tree();
gfx::Point viewport_point(position_in_widget.x(), position_in_widget.y());
gfx::PointF device_viewport_point = gfx::ScalePoint(
gfx::PointF(viewport_point), active_tree->device_scale_factor());
LayerImpl* layer_impl =
return layer_impl;
int ScrollbarController::GetScrollDeltaForScrollbarPart(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const ScrollbarPart scrollbar_part,
const bool shift_modifier) {
int scroll_delta = 0;
int viewport_length = 0;
LayerImpl* owner_scroll_layer = nullptr;
switch (scrollbar_part) {
case ScrollbarPart::BACK_BUTTON:
case ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_BUTTON:
scroll_delta = kPixelsPerLineStep * ScreenSpaceScaleFactor();
case ScrollbarPart::BACK_TRACK:
case ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_TRACK:
if (shift_modifier) {
scroll_delta = GetScrollDeltaForAbsoluteJump(scrollbar);
owner_scroll_layer =
viewport_length =
scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? owner_scroll_layer->scroll_container_bounds().height()
: (owner_scroll_layer->scroll_container_bounds().width());
scroll_delta = viewport_length * kMinFractionToStepWhenPaging;
scroll_delta = 0;
return scroll_delta;
float ScrollbarController::ScreenSpaceScaleFactor() const {
// TODO(arakeri): When is fixed, this needs to be updated.
// If use_zoom_for_dsf is false, the click deltas and thumb drag ratios
// shouldn't be scaled. For example: On Mac, when the use_zoom_for_dsf is
// false and the device_scale_factor is 2, the scroll delta for pointer clicks
// on arrows would be incorrectly calculated as 80px instead of 40px. This is
// also necessary to ensure that hit testing works as intended.
return layer_tree_host_impl_->settings().use_zoom_for_dsf
? layer_tree_host_impl_->active_tree()
: 1.f;
gfx::PointF ScrollbarController::GetScrollbarRelativePosition(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget,
bool* clipped) {
gfx::Transform inverse_screen_space_transform(
// If use_zoom_for_dsf is false, the ScreenSpaceTransform needs to be scaled
// down by the DSF to ensure that position_in_widget is transformed correctly.
const float scale =
? 1.f / layer_tree_host_impl_->active_tree()->device_scale_factor()
: 1.f;
gfx::Transform scaled_screen_space_transform(
scaled_screen_space_transform.PostScale(scale, scale);
if (!scaled_screen_space_transform.GetInverse(
return gfx::PointF(0, 0);
return gfx::PointF(MathUtil::ProjectPoint(inverse_screen_space_transform,
position_in_widget, clipped));
// Determines the ScrollbarPart based on the position_in_widget.
ScrollbarPart ScrollbarController::GetScrollbarPartFromPointerDown(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const gfx::PointF position_in_widget) {
// position_in_widget needs to be transformed and made relative to the
// scrollbar layer because hit testing assumes layer relative coordinates.
bool clipped = false;
const gfx::PointF scroller_relative_position(
GetScrollbarRelativePosition(scrollbar, position_in_widget, &clipped));
if (clipped)
return ScrollbarPart::NO_PART;
return scrollbar->IdentifyScrollbarPart(scroller_relative_position);
// Determines the corresponding rect for the given scrollbar part.
gfx::Rect ScrollbarController::GetRectForScrollbarPart(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const ScrollbarPart scrollbar_part) {
if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::BACK_BUTTON)
return scrollbar->BackButtonRect();
if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_BUTTON)
return scrollbar->ForwardButtonRect();
if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::BACK_TRACK)
return scrollbar->BackTrackRect();
if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_TRACK)
return scrollbar->ForwardTrackRect();
return gfx::Rect(0, 0);
// Determines the scroll offsets based on the ScrollbarPart and the scrollbar
// orientation.
gfx::ScrollOffset ScrollbarController::GetScrollOffsetForScrollbarPart(
const ScrollbarLayerImplBase* scrollbar,
const ScrollbarPart scrollbar_part,
const bool shift_modifier) {
float scroll_delta =
GetScrollDeltaForScrollbarPart(scrollbar, scrollbar_part, shift_modifier);
// See CreateScrollStateForGesture for more information on how these values
// will be interpreted.
if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::BACK_BUTTON) {
return scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? gfx::ScrollOffset(0, -scroll_delta) // Up arrow
: gfx::ScrollOffset(-scroll_delta, 0); // Left arrow
} else if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_BUTTON) {
return scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? gfx::ScrollOffset(0, scroll_delta) // Down arrow
: gfx::ScrollOffset(scroll_delta, 0); // Right arrow
} else if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::BACK_TRACK) {
return scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? gfx::ScrollOffset(0, -scroll_delta) // Track click up
: gfx::ScrollOffset(-scroll_delta, 0); // Track click left
} else if (scrollbar_part == ScrollbarPart::FORWARD_TRACK) {
return scrollbar->orientation() == ScrollbarOrientation::VERTICAL
? gfx::ScrollOffset(0, scroll_delta) // Track click down
: gfx::ScrollOffset(scroll_delta, 0); // Track click right
return gfx::ScrollOffset(0, 0);
} // namespace cc