blob: 41c812644b47ad718f25ef0c2346b093d446cfcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "components/services/heap_profiling/public/cpp/settings.h"
#include "components/services/heap_profiling/public/mojom/heap_profiling_client.mojom.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace heap_profiling {
// This class runs tests for the Heap Profiling Service, a cross-platform,
// multi-process component.
// Chrome on Android does not support browser_tests. It does support
// content_browsertests, but those are not multi-process tests. On Android,
// processes have to be started via the Activity mechanism, and the test
// infrastructure does not support this.
// To avoid test-code duplication, all tests are pulled into this class.
// browser_tests will directly call this class. The android
// chrome_public_test_apk will invoke this class via a JNI shim. Since the
// latter is not running within the gtest framework, this class cannot use
// EXPECT* and ASSERT* macros. Instead, this class will return a bool indicating
// success of the entire test. On failure, errors will be output via LOG(ERROR).
// These will show up in the browser_tests output stream, and will be captured
// by logcat [the Android logging facility]. The latter is already the canonical
// mechanism for investigating test failures.
// Note: Outputting to stderr will not have the desired effect, since that is
// not captured by logcat.
class TestDriver {
struct Options {
// The profiling mode to test.
Mode mode = Mode::kBrowser;
// The stack profiling mode to test.
mojom::StackMode stack_mode = mojom::StackMode::NATIVE_WITHOUT_THREAD_NAMES;
// Whether the caller has already started profiling with the given mode.
// When false, the test driver is responsible for starting profiling.
bool profiling_already_started = false;
// If this is called on the content::BrowserThread::UI thread, then the
// platform must support nested message loops. [This is currently not
// supported on Android].
// Returns whether the test run was successful. Expectation/Assertion failures
// will be printed via LOG(ERROR).
bool RunTest(const Options& options);
// Populates |has_started_| and then signals |wait_for_ui_thread_|.
void GetHasStartedOnUIThread();
// Populates |initialization_success_| with the result of
// |RunInitializationOnUIThread|, and then signals |wait_for_ui_thread_|.
void CheckOrStartProfilingOnUIThreadAndSignal();
// If profiling is expected to already be started, confirm it.
// Otherwise, start profiling with the given mode.
// This method must only be called on platforms that supported nested run
// loops on the UI thread.
bool CheckOrStartProfilingOnUIThreadWithNestedRunLoops();
// If profiling is expected to already be started, confirm it.
// Otherwise, start profiling with the given mode.
// This method must only be called on platforms that are running the
// TestDriver from a non-UI thread, which allows for async signalling.
bool CheckOrStartProfilingOnUIThreadWithAsyncSignalling();
// Performs allocations. These are expected to be profiled.
void MakeTestAllocations();
// Collects a trace that contains a heap dump. The result is stored in
// |serialized_trace_|.
// When |synchronous| is true, this method spins a nested message loop. When
// |synchronous| is false, this method posts some tasks that will eventually
// signal |wait_for_ui_thread_|.
void CollectResults(bool synchronous);
void TraceFinished(base::OnceClosure closure,
bool success,
std::string trace_json);
bool ValidateBrowserAllocations(base::Value* dump_json);
bool ValidateRendererAllocations(base::Value* dump_json);
bool ShouldProfileBrowser();
bool ShouldProfileRenderer();
bool ShouldIncludeNativeThreadNames();
bool HasPseudoFrames();
bool HasNativeFrames();
void WaitForProfilingToStartForBrowserUIThread();
void WaitForProfilingToStartForAllRenderersUIThread();
// Android does not support nested RunLoops. Instead, it signals
// |wait_for_ui_thread_| when finished.
void WaitForProfilingToStartForAllRenderersUIThreadAndSignal();
void WaitForProfilingToStartForAllRenderersUIThreadCallback(
std::vector<base::ProcessId> results);
Options options_;
// Allocations made by this class. Intentionally leaked, since deallocating
// them would trigger a large number of IPCs, which is slow.
std::vector<char*> leaks_;
// Sum of size of all variadic allocations.
size_t total_variadic_allocations_ = 0;
// Use to make PA allocations, which should also be shimmed.
base::PartitionAllocatorGeneric partition_allocator_;
// Contains nothing until |CollectResults| has been called.
std::string serialized_trace_;
// Whether the test was invoked on the ui thread.
bool running_on_ui_thread_ = true;
// Whether the supervisor has started.
bool has_started_ = false;
// Whether an error has occurred.
bool initialization_success_ = false;
// When |true|, initialization will wait for the allocator shim to enable
// before continuing.
bool wait_for_profiling_to_start_ = false;
base::WaitableEvent wait_for_ui_thread_;
} // namespace heap_profiling