blob: cdc9755ca6c6641d62aed3c611ca8c339a85ee6a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
common_namespace_rewrites_polymer = [
# TODO(dpapad): Add more such rewrites as they get discovered.
common_auto_imports = [
# TODO(dpapad): Add more auto-imports here, as needed.
template("polymer_modulizer") {
action(target_name + "_module") {
script = "//tools/polymer/"
inputs = [ invoker.html_file ]
if (invoker.html_type == "dom-module" || invoker.html_type == "v3-ready") {
inputs += [ invoker.js_file ]
output_js_file = invoker.js_file
if (invoker.html_type == "dom-module") {
output_js_file = get_path_info(invoker.js_file, "name") + ".m.js"
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/" + output_js_file ]
args = [
rebase_path(".", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
args += [ "--namespace_rewrites" ] + common_namespace_rewrites_polymer
if (defined(invoker.namespace_rewrites)) {
args += invoker.namespace_rewrites
args += [ "--auto_imports" ] + common_auto_imports
if (defined(invoker.auto_imports)) {
args += invoker.auto_imports