blob: 72bd827cba8bc250477cdbe1741e933933c776a1 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: AndroidX Browser
Short Name: AndroidX Browser
Version: 8d0dd1606d54f678b94328a855a21baa9b99f682
License: Apache 2.0
Security Critical: yes
License Android Compatible: yes
This is a copy of the files from androidx.browser to be used in Chromium.
This covers Custom Tabs and Trusted Web Activities. The original code (not the
Chromium hosted modified copy) can be found at:
Local Modifications:
Since Chromium does not yet rely on AndroidX (it still relies on the Android
Support Library), various parts of androidx.browser have been omitted:
- Browser Actions, which rely on androidx.concurrent.futures.ResolvableFuture.
Chromium has dropped support for Browser Actions so we don't need this code.
- Tests, which rely on androidx.testutils.PollingCheck. New development on
the code in androidx.browser should happen in the AndroidX repository
(and will be automatically copied to the Chromium one).
In addition, we don't compile with the included AndroidManifest.xml because
in the AndroidX the minSdkVersion is set in build.gradle. Chromium's tooling
can't read this and expects the minSdkVersion to be present in the manifest
(which conversely Android's tooling complains about). If we omit the
AndroidManifest, Chromium's tooling chooses a sensible default.