blob: b45fd72dac5bcb862b207c8ac9fd628fcbbcb634 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/trace_event/traced_value.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
namespace gfx {
struct PresentationFeedback;
namespace viz {
struct BeginFrameAck;
struct BeginFrameArgs;
struct BeginFrameId;
} // namespace viz
namespace cc {
class FrameSequenceTracker;
class CompositorFrameReportingController;
class ThroughputUkmReporter;
class UkmManager;
enum class FrameSequenceTrackerType {
// Used as an enum for metrics. DO NOT reorder or delete values. Rather,
// add them at the end and increment kMaxType.
kCompositorAnimation = 0,
kMainThreadAnimation = 1,
kPinchZoom = 2,
kRAF = 3,
kTouchScroll = 4,
kUniversal = 5,
kVideo = 6,
kWheelScroll = 7,
kScrollbarScroll = 8,
kCustom = 9, // Note that the metrics for kCustom are not reported on UMA,
// and instead are dispatched back to the LayerTreeHostClient.
typedef uint16_t ActiveFrameSequenceTrackers;
class CC_EXPORT FrameSequenceMetrics {
FrameSequenceMetrics(FrameSequenceTrackerType type,
ThroughputUkmReporter* ukm_reporter);
FrameSequenceMetrics(const FrameSequenceMetrics&) = delete;
FrameSequenceMetrics& operator=(const FrameSequenceMetrics&) = delete;
enum class ThreadType { kMain, kCompositor, kSlower, kUnknown };
struct ThroughputData {
static std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> ToTracedValue(
const ThroughputData& impl,
const ThroughputData& main);
// Returns the throughput in percent, a return value of base::nullopt
// indicates that no throughput metric is reported.
static base::Optional<int> ReportHistogram(FrameSequenceMetrics* metrics,
ThreadType thread_type,
int metric_index,
const ThroughputData& data);
void Merge(const ThroughputData& data) {
frames_expected += data.frames_expected;
frames_produced += data.frames_produced;
frames_processed += data.frames_processed;
frames_received += data.frames_received;
// Tracks the number of frames that were expected to be shown during this
// frame-sequence.
uint32_t frames_expected = 0;
// Tracks the number of frames that were actually presented to the user
// during this frame-sequence.
uint32_t frames_produced = 0;
// Tracks the number of frames that is either submitted or reported as no
// damage.
uint32_t frames_processed = 0;
// Tracks the number of begin-frames that are received.
uint32_t frames_received = 0;
void SetScrollingThread(ThreadType thread);
// Returns the 'effective thread' for the metrics (i.e. the thread most
// relevant for this metric).
ThreadType GetEffectiveThread() const;
void Merge(std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceMetrics> metrics);
bool HasEnoughDataForReporting() const;
bool HasDataLeftForReporting() const;
// Report related metrics: throughput, checkboarding...
void ReportMetrics();
void ComputeAggregatedThroughputForTesting() {
ThroughputData& impl_throughput() { return impl_throughput_; }
ThroughputData& main_throughput() { return main_throughput_; }
ThroughputData& aggregated_throughput() { return aggregated_throughput_; }
void add_checkerboarded_frames(int64_t frames) {
frames_checkerboarded_ += frames;
uint32_t frames_checkerboarded() const { return frames_checkerboarded_; }
FrameSequenceTrackerType type() const { return type_; }
ThroughputUkmReporter* ukm_reporter() const {
return throughput_ukm_reporter_;
void ComputeAggregatedThroughput();
const FrameSequenceTrackerType type_;
// Pointer to the reporter owned by the FrameSequenceTrackerCollection.
ThroughputUkmReporter* const throughput_ukm_reporter_;
ThroughputData impl_throughput_;
ThroughputData main_throughput_;
// The aggregated throughput for the main/compositor thread.
ThroughputData aggregated_throughput_;
ThreadType scrolling_thread_ = ThreadType::kUnknown;
// Tracks the number of produced frames that had some amount of
// checkerboarding, and how many frames showed such checkerboarded frames.
uint32_t frames_checkerboarded_ = 0;
// Map of kCustom tracker results keyed by a sequence id.
using CustomTrackerResults =
base::flat_map<int, FrameSequenceMetrics::ThroughputData>;
// Used for notifying attached FrameSequenceTracker's of begin-frames and
// submitted frames.
class CC_EXPORT FrameSequenceTrackerCollection {
bool is_single_threaded,
CompositorFrameReportingController* frame_reporting_controller);
FrameSequenceTrackerCollection(const FrameSequenceTrackerCollection&) =
FrameSequenceTrackerCollection& operator=(
const FrameSequenceTrackerCollection&) = delete;
// Creates a tracker for the specified sequence-type.
FrameSequenceMetrics* StartSequence(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
// Schedules |tracker| for destruction. This is preferred instead of outright
// desrtruction of the tracker, since this ensures that the actual tracker
// instance is destroyed *after* the presentation-feedbacks have been received
// for all submitted frames.
void StopSequence(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
// Creates a kCustom tracker for the given sequence id. It is an error and
// DCHECKs if there is already a tracker associated with the sequence id.
void StartCustomSequence(int sequence_id);
// Schedules the kCustom tracker representing |sequence_id| for destruction.
// It is a no-op if there is no tracker associated with the sequence id.
// Similar to StopSequence above, the tracker instance is destroyed *after*
// the presentation feedbacks have been received for all submitted frames.
void StopCustomSequence(int sequence_id);
// Removes all trackers. This also immediately destroys all trackers that had
// been scheduled for destruction, even if there are pending
// presentation-feedbacks. This is typically used if the client no longer
// expects to receive presentation-feedbacks for the previously submitted
// frames (e.g. when the gpu process dies).
void ClearAll();
// Notifies all trackers of various events.
void NotifyBeginImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyBeginMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyMainFrameProcessed(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyImplFrameCausedNoDamage(const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack);
void NotifyMainFrameCausedNoDamage(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyPauseFrameProduction();
void NotifySubmitFrame(uint32_t frame_token,
bool has_missing_content,
const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& origin_args);
void NotifyFrameEnd(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& main_args);
// Note that this notifies the trackers of the presentation-feedbacks, and
// destroys any tracker that had been scheduled for destruction (using
// |ScheduleRemoval()|) if it has no more pending frames. Data from non
// kCustom typed trackers are reported to UMA. Data from kCustom typed
// trackers are added to |custom_tracker_results_| for caller to pick up.
void NotifyFramePresented(uint32_t frame_token,
const gfx::PresentationFeedback& feedback);
// Return the type of each active frame tracker, encoded into a 16 bit
// integer with the bit at each position corresponding to the enum value of
// each type.
ActiveFrameSequenceTrackers FrameSequenceTrackerActiveTypes();
// Reports the accumulated kCustom tracker results and clears it.
CustomTrackerResults TakeCustomTrackerResults();
FrameSequenceTracker* GetTrackerForTesting(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
FrameSequenceTracker* GetRemovalTrackerForTesting(
FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
void SetUkmManager(UkmManager* manager);
friend class FrameSequenceTrackerTest;
void RecreateTrackers(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
// Destroy the trackers that are ready to be terminated.
void DestroyTrackers();
const bool is_single_threaded_;
// The callsite can use the type to manipulate the tracker.
// Custom trackers are keyed by a custom sequence id.
base::flat_map<int, std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceTracker>>
CustomTrackerResults custom_tracker_results_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceTracker>> removal_trackers_;
CompositorFrameReportingController* const
// The reporter takes throughput data and connect to UkmManager to report it.
std::unique_ptr<ThroughputUkmReporter> throughput_ukm_reporter_;
std::pair<FrameSequenceTrackerType, FrameSequenceMetrics::ThreadType>,
// Tracks a sequence of frames to determine the throughput. It tracks this by
// tracking the vsync sequence-numbers (from |BeginFrameArgs::sequence_number|),
// and the presentation-timestamps (from |gfx::PresentationFeedback|). It also
// tracks which frames were expected to include update from the main-thread, and
// which presented frames did include updates from the main-thread.
// This object should be created through
// FrameSequenceTrackerCollection::CreateTracker() API.
class CC_EXPORT FrameSequenceTracker {
enum class TerminationStatus {
static const char* GetFrameSequenceTrackerTypeName(
FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
FrameSequenceTracker(const FrameSequenceTracker&) = delete;
FrameSequenceTracker& operator=(const FrameSequenceTracker&) = delete;
// Notifies the tracker when the compositor thread starts to process a
// BeginFrameArgs.
void ReportBeginImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
// Notifies the tracker when a BeginFrameArgs is dispatched to the main
// thread.
void ReportBeginMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void ReportMainFrameProcessed(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
// Notifies the tracker when the compositor submits a CompositorFrame.
// |origin_args| represents the BeginFrameArgs that triggered the update from
// the main-thread.
void ReportSubmitFrame(uint32_t frame_token,
bool has_missing_content,
const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& origin_args);
void ReportFrameEnd(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& main_args);
// Notifies the tracker of the presentation-feedback of a previously submitted
// CompositorFrame with |frame_token|.
void ReportFramePresented(uint32_t frame_token,
const gfx::PresentationFeedback& feedback);
// Notifies the tracker that a CompositorFrame is not going to be submitted
// for a particular BeginFrameArgs because it did not cause any damage (visual
// change). Note that if a begin-main-frame was dispatched, then a separate
// call to |ReportMainFrameCausedNoDamage()| is made to notify that the
// main-thread did not cause any damage/updates.
void ReportImplFrameCausedNoDamage(const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack);
// Notifies the tracker that a |BeginFrameArgs| either was not dispatched to
// the main-thread (because it did not ask for it), or that a |BeginFrameArgs|
// that was dispatched to the main-thread did not cause any updates/damage.
void ReportMainFrameCausedNoDamage(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
// Notifies that frame production has currently paused. This is typically used
// for interactive frame-sequences, e.g. during touch-scroll.
void PauseFrameProduction();
TerminationStatus termination_status() const { return termination_status_; }
// Returns true if we should ask this tracker to report its throughput data.
bool ShouldReportMetricsNow(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) const;
FrameSequenceMetrics* metrics() { return metrics_.get(); }
FrameSequenceTrackerType type() const { return type_; }
int custom_sequence_id() const { return custom_sequence_id_; }
std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceMetrics> TakeMetrics();
friend class FrameSequenceTrackerCollection;
friend class FrameSequenceTrackerTest;
FrameSequenceTracker(FrameSequenceTrackerType type,
ThroughputUkmReporter* throughput_ukm_reporter,
int custom_sequence_id = -1);
FrameSequenceMetrics::ThroughputData& impl_throughput() {
return metrics_->impl_throughput();
FrameSequenceMetrics::ThroughputData& main_throughput() {
return metrics_->main_throughput();
FrameSequenceMetrics::ThroughputData& aggregated_throughput() {
return metrics_->aggregated_throughput();
void ScheduleTerminate();
struct TrackedFrameData {
// Represents the |BeginFrameArgs::source_id| and
// |BeginFrameArgs::sequence_number| fields of the last processed
// BeginFrameArgs.
uint64_t previous_source = 0;
uint64_t previous_sequence = 0;
// The difference in |BeginFrameArgs::sequence_number| fields of the last
// two processed BeginFrameArgs.
uint32_t previous_sequence_delta = 0;
struct CheckerboardingData {
// Tracks whether the last presented frame had checkerboarding. This is used
// to track how many vsyncs showed frames with checkerboarding.
bool last_frame_had_checkerboarding = false;
base::TimeTicks last_frame_timestamp;
// A list of frame-tokens that had checkerboarding.
base::circular_deque<uint32_t> frames;
void UpdateTrackedFrameData(TrackedFrameData* frame_data,
uint64_t source_id,
uint64_t sequence_number);
bool ShouldIgnoreBeginFrameSource(uint64_t source_id) const;
bool ShouldIgnoreSequence(uint64_t sequence_number) const;
const FrameSequenceTrackerType type_;
const int custom_sequence_id_;
TerminationStatus termination_status_ = TerminationStatus::kActive;
TrackedFrameData begin_impl_frame_data_;
TrackedFrameData begin_main_frame_data_;
std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceMetrics> metrics_;
CheckerboardingData checkerboarding_;
// Tracks the list of frame-tokens for compositor-frames that included new
// updates from the main-thread, whose presentation-feedback have not been
// received yet. When the presentation-feedback for a frame is received, the
// corresponding frame-token is removed from this collection.
base::circular_deque<uint32_t> main_frames_;
// Keeps track of the sequence-number of the first received begin-main-frame.
// This is used to ignore submitted frames that include updates from earlier
// begin-main-frames.
uint64_t first_received_main_sequence_ = 0;
// Keeps track of the first submitted compositor-frame. This is used to ignore
// reports from frames that were submitted before this tracker had been
// created.
uint32_t first_submitted_frame_ = 0;
// Keeps track of the latest submitted compositor-frame, so that it can
// determine when it has received presentation-feedback for submitted frames.
// This is used to decide when to terminate this FrameSequenceTracker object.
uint32_t last_submitted_frame_ = 0;
// Keeps track of the begin-main-frame that needs to be processed next.
uint64_t awaiting_main_response_sequence_ = 0;
// Keeps track of the last sequence-number that produced a frame from the
// main-thread.
uint64_t last_submitted_main_sequence_ = 0;
// Keeps track of the last sequence-number that produced a frame that did not
// have any damage from the main-thread.
uint64_t last_no_main_damage_sequence_ = 0;
// The time when this tracker is created, or the time when it was previously
// scheduled to report histogram.
base::TimeTicks first_frame_timestamp_;
// Keeps track of whether the impl-frame being processed did not have any
// damage from the compositor (i.e. 'impl damage').
bool frame_had_no_compositor_damage_ = false;
// Keeps track of whether a CompositorFrame is submitted during the frame.
bool compositor_frame_submitted_ = false;
bool submitted_frame_had_new_main_content_ = false;
// Keeps track of whether the frame-states should be reset.
bool reset_all_state_ = false;
// A frame that is ignored at ReportSubmitFrame should never be presented.
// TODO(xidachen): this should not be necessary. Some webview tests seem to
// present a frame even if it is ignored by ReportSubmitFrame.
base::flat_set<uint32_t> ignored_frame_tokens_;
// Report the throughput metrics every 5 seconds.
const base::TimeDelta time_delta_to_report_ = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5);
uint64_t last_started_impl_sequence_ = 0;
uint64_t last_processed_impl_sequence_ = 0;
uint64_t last_processed_main_sequence_ = 0;
uint64_t last_processed_main_sequence_latency_ = 0;
// Used to compute aggregated throughput.
// When expecting a main frame, we accumulate the number of impl frames
// presented because if that main frame ends up with no-damage, then we should
// count the impl frames that were produced in the meantime.
uint32_t impl_frames_produced_while_expecting_main_ = 0;
// Each entry is a frame token, inserted at ReportSubmitFrame.
base::circular_deque<uint32_t> expecting_main_when_submit_impl_;
// Handle off-screen main damage case. In this case, the sequence is typically
// like: b(1)B(0,1)E(1)n(1)e(1)b(2)n(2)e(2)...b(10)E(2)B(10,10)n(10)e(10).
// Note that between two 'E's, all the impl frames caused no damage, and
// no main frames were submitted or caused no damage.
bool had_impl_frame_submitted_between_commits_ = false;
uint64_t previous_begin_main_sequence_ = 0;
// TODO(xidachen): remove this one.
uint64_t current_begin_main_sequence_ = 0;
// Tracks some data to generate useful trace events.
struct TraceData {
explicit TraceData(const void* trace_id);
const void* trace_id;
base::TimeTicks last_timestamp = base::TimeTicks::Now();
int frame_count = 0;
void Advance(base::TimeTicks new_timestamp);
} trace_data_;
// True when an impl-impl is not ended. A tracker is ready for termination
// only when the last impl-frame is ended (ReportFrameEnd).
bool is_inside_frame_ = false;
// This stringstream represents a sequence of frame reporting activities on
// the current tracker. Each letter can be one of the following:
// {'B', 'N', 'b', 'n', 'S', 'P'}, where
// 'B' = ReportBeginMainFrame(), 'N' = ReportMainFrameCausedNoDamage(),
// 'b' = ReportBeginImplFrame(), 'n' = ReportMainFrameCausedNoDamage(),
// 'S' = ReportSubmitFrame() and 'P' = ReportFramePresented().
// Note that |frame_sequence_trace_| is only defined and populated
// when DCHECK is on.
std::stringstream frame_sequence_trace_;
// |frame_sequence_trace_| can be very long, in some cases we just need a
// substring of it. This var tells us how many chars can be ignored from the
// beginning of that debug string.
unsigned ignored_trace_char_count_ = 0;
// If ReportBeginImplFrame is never called on a arg, then ReportBeginMainFrame
// should ignore that arg.
base::flat_set<viz::BeginFrameId> impl_frames_;
} // namespace cc