blob: e354823ca316fe76e609538c0fa08ddcbaca3fea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/data_decoder/web_bundle_parser.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/big_endian.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/cbor/reader.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
namespace data_decoder {
namespace {
// The maximum length of the CBOR item header (type and argument).
constexpr uint64_t kMaxCBORItemHeaderSize = 9;
// The maximum size of the section-lengths CBOR item.
constexpr uint64_t kMaxSectionLengthsCBORSize = 8192;
// The maximum size of a metadata section allowed in this implementation.
constexpr uint64_t kMaxMetadataSectionSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
// The maximum size of the response header CBOR.
constexpr uint64_t kMaxResponseHeaderLength = 512 * 1024;
// The initial buffer size for reading an item from the response section.
constexpr uint64_t kInitialBufferSizeForResponse = 4096;
// Step 2. of
const uint8_t kBundleMagicBytes[] = {
0x86, 0x48, 0xF0, 0x9F, 0x8C, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x9F, 0x93, 0xA6,
// Step 7. of
// We use an implementation-specific version string "b1\0\0".
const uint8_t kVersionB1MagicBytes[] = {
0x44, 0x62, 0x31, 0x00, 0x00,
// Section names.
constexpr char kCriticalSection[] = "critical";
constexpr char kIndexSection[] = "index";
constexpr char kManifestSection[] = "manifest";
constexpr char kResponsesSection[] = "responses";
constexpr char kSignaturesSection[] = "signatures";
enum class CBORType {
kByteString = 2,
kTextString = 3,
kArray = 4,
// A list of (section-name, length) pairs.
using SectionLengths = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, uint64_t>>;
// A map from section name to (offset, length) pair.
using SectionOffsets = std::map<std::string, std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>>;
bool IsMetadataSection(const std::string& name) {
return (name == kCriticalSection || name == kIndexSection ||
name == kManifestSection || name == kSignaturesSection);
// Parses a `section-lengths` CBOR item.
base::Optional<SectionLengths> ParseSectionLengths(
base::span<const uint8_t> data) {
cbor::Reader::DecoderError error;
base::Optional<cbor::Value> value = cbor::Reader::Read(data, &error);
if (!value.has_value() || !value->is_array())
return base::nullopt;
const cbor::Value::ArrayValue& array = value->GetArray();
if (array.size() % 2 != 0)
return base::nullopt;
SectionLengths result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < array.size(); i += 2) {
if (!array[i].is_string() || !array[i + 1].is_unsigned())
return base::nullopt;
result.emplace_back(array[i].GetString(), array[i + 1].GetUnsigned());
return result;
struct ParsedHeaders {
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> headers;
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> pseudos;
base::Optional<ParsedHeaders> ConvertCBORValueToHeaders(
const cbor::Value& headers_value) {
// Step 1. If item doesn’t match the headers rule in the above CDDL, return
// an error.
if (!headers_value.is_map())
return base::nullopt;
// Step 2. Let headers be a new header list ([FETCH]).
// Step 3. Let pseudos be an empty map ([INFRA]).
ParsedHeaders result;
// Step 4. For each pair (name, value) in item:
for (const auto& item : headers_value.GetMap()) {
if (!item.first.is_bytestring() || !item.second.is_bytestring())
return base::nullopt;
base::StringPiece name = item.first.GetBytestringAsString();
base::StringPiece value = item.second.GetBytestringAsString();
// Step 4.1. If name contains any upper-case or non-ASCII characters, return
// an error. This matches the requirement in Section 8.1.2 of [RFC7540].
if (!base::IsStringASCII(name) ||
std::any_of(name.begin(), name.end(), base::IsAsciiUpper<char>))
return base::nullopt;
// Step 4.2. If name starts with a ‘:’:
if (!name.empty() && name[0] == ':') {
// Step 4.2.1. Assert: pseudos[name] does not exist, because CBOR maps
// cannot contain duplicate keys.
// This is ensured by cbor::Reader.
// Step 4.2.2. Set pseudos[name] to value.
std::make_pair(name.as_string(), value.as_string()));
// Step 4.3.3. Continue.
// Step 4.3. If name or value doesn’t satisfy the requirements for a header
// in [FETCH], return an error.
if (!net::HttpUtil::IsValidHeaderName(name) ||
return base::nullopt;
// Step 4.4. Assert: headers does not contain ([FETCH]) name, because CBOR
// maps cannot contain duplicate keys and an earlier step rejected
// upper-case bytes.
// This is ensured by cbor::Reader.
// Step 4.5. Append (name, value) to headers.
result.headers.insert(std::make_pair(name.as_string(), value.as_string()));
// Step 5. Return (headers, pseudos).
return result;
// A utility class for reading various values from input buffer.
class InputReader {
explicit InputReader(base::span<const uint8_t> buf) : buf_(buf) {}
uint64_t CurrentOffset() const { return current_offset_; }
size_t Size() const { return buf_.size(); }
base::Optional<uint8_t> ReadByte() {
if (buf_.empty())
return base::nullopt;
uint8_t byte = buf_[0];
return byte;
template <typename T>
bool ReadBigEndian(T* out) {
auto bytes = ReadBytes(sizeof(T));
if (!bytes)
return false;
base::ReadBigEndian(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes->data()), out);
return true;
base::Optional<base::span<const uint8_t>> ReadBytes(size_t n) {
if (buf_.size() < n)
return base::nullopt;
auto result = buf_.subspan(0, n);
return result;
base::Optional<base::StringPiece> ReadString(size_t n) {
auto bytes = ReadBytes(n);
if (!bytes)
return base::nullopt;
base::StringPiece str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes->data()),
if (!base::IsStringUTF8(str))
return base::nullopt;
return str;
// Parses the type and argument of a CBOR item from the input head. If parsed
// successfully and the type matches |expected_type|, returns the argument.
// Otherwise returns nullopt.
base::Optional<uint64_t> ReadCBORHeader(CBORType expected_type) {
auto pair = ReadTypeAndArgument();
if (!pair || pair->first != expected_type)
return base::nullopt;
return pair->second;
base::Optional<std::pair<CBORType, uint64_t>> ReadTypeAndArgument() {
base::Optional<uint8_t> first_byte = ReadByte();
if (!first_byte)
return base::nullopt;
CBORType type = static_cast<CBORType>((*first_byte & 0xE0) / 0x20);
uint8_t b = *first_byte & 0x1F;
if (b <= 23)
return std::make_pair(type, b);
if (b == 24) {
auto content = ReadByte();
if (!content || *content < 24)
return base::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(type, *content);
if (b == 25) {
uint16_t content;
if (!ReadBigEndian(&content) || content >> 8 == 0)
return base::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(type, content);
if (b == 26) {
uint32_t content;
if (!ReadBigEndian(&content) || content >> 16 == 0)
return base::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(type, content);
if (b == 27) {
uint64_t content;
if (!ReadBigEndian(&content) || content >> 32 == 0)
return base::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(type, content);
return base::nullopt;
void Advance(size_t n) {
DCHECK_LE(n, buf_.size());
buf_ = buf_.subspan(n);
current_offset_ += n;
base::span<const uint8_t> buf_;
uint64_t current_offset_ = 0;
GURL ParseExchangeURL(base::StringPiece str) {
if (!base::IsStringUTF8(str))
return GURL();
GURL url(str);
if (!url.is_valid())
return GURL();
// Exchange URL must not have a fragment or credentials.
if (url.has_ref() || url.has_username() || url.has_password())
return GURL();
// For now, we allow only http: and https: schemes in Web Bundle URLs.
// TODO( Revisit this once
// is resolved.
if (!url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS())
return GURL();
return url;
} // namespace
class WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::Observer {
Observer() {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
virtual void OnDisconnect() = 0;
// A parser for bundle's metadata. This class owns itself and will self destruct
// after calling the ParseMetadataCallback.
class WebBundleParser::MetadataParser
: WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::Observer {
MetadataParser(scoped_refptr<SharedBundleDataSource> data_source,
ParseMetadataCallback callback)
: data_source_(data_source), callback_(std::move(callback)) {
~MetadataParser() override { data_source_->RemoveObserver(this); }
void Start() {
// First, we will parse `magic`, `version`, and the CBOR header of
// `primary-url`.
const uint64_t length = sizeof(kBundleMagicBytes) +
sizeof(kVersionB1MagicBytes) +
data_source_->Read(0, length,
// Step 1-4 of
void ParseMagicBytes(const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data) {
if (!data) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Error reading bundle magic bytes.");
// Step 1. "Seek to offset 0 in stream. Assert: this operation doesn't
// fail."
InputReader input(*data);
// Step 2. "If reading 10 bytes from stream returns an error or doesn't
// return the bytes with hex encoding "86 48 F0 9F 8C 90 F0 9F 93 A6"
// (the CBOR encoding of the 6-item array initial byte and 8-byte bytestring
// initial byte, followed by 🌐📦 in UTF-8), return a "format error"."
const auto magic = input.ReadBytes(sizeof(kBundleMagicBytes));
if (!magic ||
!std::equal(magic->begin(), magic->end(), std::begin(kBundleMagicBytes),
std::end(kBundleMagicBytes))) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Wrong magic bytes.");
// Step 3. "Let version be the result of reading 5 bytes from stream. If
// this is an error, return a "format error"."
const auto version = input.ReadBytes(sizeof(kVersionB1MagicBytes));
if (!version) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot read version bytes.");
if (!std::equal(version->begin(), version->end(),
std::end(kVersionB1MagicBytes))) {
version_mismatch_ = true;
// Continue parsing until Step 7 where we get a fallback URL, and
// then return "version error" with the fallback URL.
// Step 4. "Let urlType and urlLength be the result of reading the type and
// argument of a CBOR item from stream (Section 3.5.3). If this is an error
// or urlType is not 3 (a CBOR text string), return a "format error"."
const auto url_length = input.ReadCBORHeader(CBORType::kTextString);
if (!url_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse the size of fallback URL.");
// In the next step, we will parse the content of `primary-url`,
// `section-lengths`, and the CBOR header of `sections`.
const uint64_t length =
*url_length + kMaxSectionLengthsCBORSize + kMaxCBORItemHeaderSize * 2;
data_source_->Read(input.CurrentOffset(), length,
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), *url_length,
// Step 5-21 of
void ParseBundleHeader(uint64_t url_length,
uint64_t offset_in_stream,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data) {
if (!data) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Error reading bundle header.");
InputReader input(*data);
// Step 5. "Let fallbackUrlBytes be the result of reading urlLength bytes
// from stream. If this is an error, return a "format error"."
const auto fallback_url_string = input.ReadString(url_length);
if (!fallback_url_string) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot read fallback URL.");
// Step 6. "Let fallbackUrl be the result of parsing ([URL]) the UTF-8
// decoding of fallbackUrlBytes with no base URL. If either the UTF-8
// decoding or parsing fails, return a "format error"."
// For now, we enforce the same restriction as exchages' request URL.
// TODO( Revisit URL requirements here once
// is resolved.
GURL fallback_url = ParseExchangeURL(*fallback_url_string);
if (!fallback_url.is_valid()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse fallback URL.");
// "Note: From this point forward, errors also include the fallback URL to
// help clients recover."
fallback_url_ = std::move(fallback_url);
// Step 7. "If version does not have the hex encoding "44 31 00 00 00" (the
// CBOR encoding of a 4-byte byte string holding an ASCII "1" followed by
// three 0 bytes), return a "version error" with fallbackUrl. "
// Note: We use an implementation-specific version string
// kVersionB1MagicBytes.
if (version_mismatch_) {
"Version error: this implementation only supports "
"bundle format of version b1.",
// Step 8. "Let sectionLengthsLength be the result of getting the length of
// the CBOR bytestring header from stream (Section 3.5.2). If this is an
// error, return a "format error" with fallbackUrl."
const auto section_lengths_length =
if (!section_lengths_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse the size of section-lengths.");
// Step 9. "If sectionLengthsLength is 8192 (8*1024) or greater, return a
// "format error" with fallbackUrl."
if (*section_lengths_length >= kMaxSectionLengthsCBORSize) {
"The section-lengths CBOR must be smaller than 8192 bytes.");
// Step 10. "Let sectionLengthsBytes be the result of reading
// sectionLengthsLength bytes from stream. If sectionLengthsBytes is an
// error, return a "format error" with fallbackUrl."
const auto section_lengths_bytes = input.ReadBytes(*section_lengths_length);
if (!section_lengths_bytes) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot read section-lengths.");
// Step 11. "Let sectionLengths be the result of parsing one CBOR item
// (Section 3.5) from sectionLengthsBytes, matching the section-lengths
// rule in the CDDL ([I-D.ietf-cbor-cddl]) above. If sectionLengths is an
// error, return a "format error" with fallbackUrl."
const auto section_lengths = ParseSectionLengths(*section_lengths_bytes);
if (!section_lengths) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse section-lengths.");
// Step 12. "Let (sectionsType, numSections) be the result of parsing the
// type and argument of a CBOR item from stream (Section 3.5.3)."
const auto num_sections = input.ReadCBORHeader(CBORType::kArray);
if (!num_sections) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse the number of sections.");
// Step 13. "If sectionsType is not 4 (a CBOR array) or numSections is not
// half of the length of sectionLengths, return a "format error" with
// fallbackUrl."
if (*num_sections != section_lengths->size()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Unexpected number of sections.");
// Step 14. "Let sectionsStart be the current offset within stream."
// Note: This doesn't exceed |size_|.
const uint64_t sections_start = offset_in_stream + input.CurrentOffset();
// Step 15. "Let knownSections be the subset of the Section 6.2 that this
// client has implemented."
// Step 16. "Let ignoredSections be an empty set."
// This implementation doesn't use knownSections nor ignoredSections.
// Step 17. "Let sectionOffsets be an empty map ([INFRA]) from section names
// to (offset, length) pairs. These offsets are relative to the start of
// stream."
// |section_offsets_| is defined as a class member field.
// Step 18. "Let currentOffset be sectionsStart."
uint64_t current_offset = sections_start;
// Step 19. "For each ("name", length) pair of adjacent elements in
// sectionLengths:"
for (const auto& pair : *section_lengths) {
const std::string& name = pair.first;
const uint64_t length = pair.second;
// Step 19.1. "If "name"'s specification in knownSections says not to
// process other sections, add those sections' names to ignoredSections."
// There're no such sections at the moment.
// Step 19.2. "If sectionOffsets["name"] exists, return a "format error"
// with fallbackUrl. That is, duplicate sections are forbidden."
// Step 19.3. "Set sectionOffsets["name"] to (currentOffset, length)."
bool added = section_offsets_
name, std::make_pair(current_offset, length)))
if (!added) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Duplicated section.");
// Step 19.4. "Set currentOffset to currentOffset + length."
if (!base::CheckAdd(current_offset, length)
.AssignIfValid(&current_offset)) {
"Integer overflow calculating section offsets.");
// Step 20. "If the "responses" section is not last in sectionLengths,
// return a "format error" with fallbackUrl. This allows a streaming parser
// to assume that it'll know the requests by the time their responses
// arrive."
if (section_lengths->empty() ||
section_lengths->back().first != kResponsesSection) {
"Responses section is not the last in section-lengths.");
// Step 21. "Let metadata be a map ([INFRA]) initially containing the single
// key/value pair "primaryUrl"/fallbackUrl."
metadata_ = mojom::BundleMetadata::New();
metadata_->primary_url = fallback_url_;
// Step 22-25 of
void ReadMetadataSections(SectionOffsets::const_iterator section_iter) {
// Step 22. "For each "name" -> (offset, length) triple in sectionOffsets:"
for (; section_iter != section_offsets_.end(); ++section_iter) {
const auto& name = section_iter->first;
// Step 22.1. "If "name" isn't in knownSections, continue to the next
// triple."
// Step 22.2. "If "name"'s Metadata field (Section 6.2) is "No", continue
// to the next triple."
if (!IsMetadataSection(name))
// Step 22.3. "If "name" is in ignoredSections, continue to the next
// triple."
// In the current spec, ignoredSections is always empty.
const uint64_t section_offset = section_iter->second.first;
const uint64_t section_length = section_iter->second.second;
if (section_length > kMaxMetadataSectionSize) {
"Metadata sections larger than 1MB are not supported.");
data_source_->Read(section_offset, section_length,
section_iter, section_length));
// This loop will be resumed by ParseMetadataSection().
// Step 23. "Assert: metadata has an entry with the key "primaryUrl"."
// Step 24. "If metadata doesn't have an entry with the key "requests",
// return a "format error" with fallbackUrl."
if (metadata_->requests.empty()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Bundle must have an index section.");
// Step 25. "Return metadata."
void ParseMetadataSection(SectionOffsets::const_iterator section_iter,
uint64_t expected_data_length,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data) {
if (!data || data->size() != expected_data_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Error reading section content.");
// Parse the section contents as a CBOR item.
cbor::Reader::DecoderError error;
base::Optional<cbor::Value> section_value =
cbor::Reader::Read(*data, &error);
if (!section_value) {
std::string("Error parsing section contents as CBOR: ") +
// Step 22.6. "Follow "name"'s specification from knownSections to process
// the section, passing sectionContents, stream, sectionOffsets, and
// metadata. If this returns an error, return a "format error" with
// fallbackUrl."
const auto& name = section_iter->first;
// Note: Parse*Section() delete |this| on failure.
if (name == kIndexSection) {
if (!ParseIndexSection(*section_value))
} else if (name == kManifestSection) {
if (!ParseManifestSection(*section_value))
} else if (name == kSignaturesSection) {
if (!ParseSignaturesSection(*section_value))
} else if (name == kCriticalSection) {
if (!ParseCriticalSection(*section_value))
} else {
// Resume the loop of Step 22.
bool ParseIndexSection(const cbor::Value& section_value) {
// Step 1. "Let index be the result of parsing sectionContents as a CBOR
// item matching the index rule in the above CDDL (Section 3.5). If index is
// an error, return an error."
if (!section_value.is_map()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Index section must be a map.");
return false;
// Step 2. "Let requests be an initially-empty map ([INFRA]) from URLs to
// response descriptions, each of which is either a single
// location-in-stream value or a pair of a Variants header field value
// ([I-D.ietf-httpbis-variants]) and a map from that value's possible
// Variant-Keys to location-in-stream values, as described in Section 2.2."
base::flat_map<GURL, mojom::BundleIndexValuePtr> requests;
// Step 3. "Let MakeRelativeToStream be a function that takes a
// location-in-responses value (offset, length) and returns a
// ResponseMetadata struct or error by running the following
// sub-steps:"
// The logic of MakeRelativeToStream is inlined at the callsite below.
auto responses_section = section_offsets_.find(kResponsesSection);
DCHECK(responses_section != section_offsets_.end());
const uint64_t responses_section_offset = responses_section->second.first;
const uint64_t responses_section_length = responses_section->second.second;
// Step 4. "For each (url, responses) entry in the index map:"
for (const auto& item : section_value.GetMap()) {
if (!item.first.is_string()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Index section: key must be a string.");
return false;
if (!item.second.is_array()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Index section: value must be an array.");
return false;
const std::string& url = item.first.GetString();
const cbor::Value::ArrayValue& responses_array = item.second.GetArray();
// Step 4.1. "Let parsedUrl be the result of parsing ([URL]) url with no
// base URL."
GURL parsed_url = ParseExchangeURL(url);
// Step 4.2. "If parsedUrl is a failure, its fragment is not null, or it
// includes credentials, return an error."
if (!parsed_url.is_valid()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Index section: exchange URL is not valid.");
return false;
// Step 4.3. "If the first element of responses is the empty string:"
if (responses_array.empty() || !responses_array[0].is_bytestring()) {
"Index section: the first element of responses array must be a "
return false;
base::StringPiece variants_value =
if (variants_value.empty()) {
// Step 4.3.1. "If the length of responses is not 3 (i.e. there is more
// than one location-in-responses in responses), return an error."
if (responses_array.size() != 3) {
"Index section: unexpected size of responses array.");
return false;
} else {
// Step 4.4. "Otherwise:"
// TODO( Parse variants_value to compute the number of
// variantKeys, and check that responses_array has
// (2 * #variantKeys + 1) elements.
if (responses_array.size() < 3 || responses_array.size() % 2 != 1) {
"Index section: unexpected size of responses array.");
return false;
// Instead of constructing a map from Variant-Keys to location-in-stream,
// this implementation just returns the responses array's structure as
// a BundleIndexValue.
std::vector<mojom::BundleResponseLocationPtr> response_locations;
for (size_t i = 1; i < responses_array.size(); i += 2) {
if (!responses_array[i].is_unsigned() ||
!responses_array[i + 1].is_unsigned()) {
"Index section: offset and length values must be unsigned.");
return false;
uint64_t offset = responses_array[i].GetUnsigned();
uint64_t length = responses_array[i + 1].GetUnsigned();
// MakeRelativeToStream (Step 3.) is inlined here.
// Step 3.1. "If offset + length is larger than
// sectionOffsets["responses"].length, return an error."
uint64_t response_end;
if (!base::CheckAdd(offset, length).AssignIfValid(&response_end) ||
response_end > responses_section_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Index section: response out of range.");
return false;
// Step 3.2. "Otherwise, return a ResponseMetadata struct whose offset
// is sectionOffsets["responses"].offset + offset and whose length is
// length."
// This doesn't wrap because (offset <= responses_section_length) and
// (responses_section_offset + responses_section_length) doesn't wrap.
uint64_t offset_within_stream = responses_section_offset + offset;
mojom::BundleResponseLocation::New(offset_within_stream, length));
// Step 5. "Set metadata["requests"] to requests."
metadata_->requests = std::move(requests);
return true;
bool ParseManifestSection(const cbor::Value& section_value) {
// Step 1. "Let urlString be the result of parsing sectionContents as a CBOR
// item matching the above manifest rule (Section 3.5). If urlString is an
// error, return that error."
if (!section_value.is_string()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Manifest section must be a string.");
return false;
// Step 2. "Let url be the result of parsing ([URL]) urlString with no base
// URL."
GURL parsed_url = ParseExchangeURL(section_value.GetString());
// Step 3. "If url is a failure, its fragment is not null, or it includes
// credentials, return an error."
if (!parsed_url.is_valid()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Manifest URL is not a valid exchange URL.");
return false;
// Step 4. "Set metadata["manifest"] to url."
metadata_->manifest_url = std::move(parsed_url);
return true;
bool ParseSignaturesSection(const cbor::Value& section_value) {
// Step 1. "Let signatures be the result of parsing sectionContents as a
// CBOR item matching the signatures rule in the above CDDL (Section 3.5)."
if (!section_value.is_array() || section_value.GetArray().size() != 2) {
"Signatures section must be an array of size 2.");
return false;
const cbor::Value& authorities_value = section_value.GetArray()[0];
const cbor::Value& vouched_subsets_value = section_value.GetArray()[1];
if (!authorities_value.is_array()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Authorities must be an array.");
return false;
std::vector<mojom::AugmentedCertificatePtr> authorities;
for (const cbor::Value& value : authorities_value.GetArray()) {
// ParseAugmentedCertificate deletes |this| on failure.
auto authority = ParseAugmentedCertificate(value);
if (!authority)
return false;
if (!vouched_subsets_value.is_array()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Vouched-subsets must be an array.");
return false;
std::vector<mojom::VouchedSubsetPtr> vouched_subsets;
for (const cbor::Value& value : vouched_subsets_value.GetArray()) {
if (!value.is_map()) {
"An element of vouched-subsets must be a map.");
return false;
const cbor::Value::MapValue& item_map = value.GetMap();
auto* authority_value = Lookup(item_map, "authority");
if (!authority_value || !authority_value->is_unsigned()) {
"authority is not found in vouched-subsets map, or not an "
return false;
int64_t authority = authority_value->GetUnsigned();
auto* sig_value = Lookup(item_map, "sig");
if (!sig_value || !sig_value->is_bytestring()) {
"sig is not found in vouched-subsets map, or not a bytestring.");
return false;
const cbor::Value::BinaryValue& sig = sig_value->GetBytestring();
auto* signed_value = Lookup(item_map, "signed");
if (!signed_value || !signed_value->is_bytestring()) {
"signed is not found in vouched-subsets map, or not a bytestring.");
return false;
const cbor::Value::BinaryValue& raw_signed =
// ParseSignedSubset deletes |this| on failure.
auto parsed_signed = ParseSignedSubset(raw_signed);
if (!parsed_signed)
return false;
authority, sig, raw_signed, std::move(parsed_signed)));
// Step 2. "Set metadata["authorities"] to the list of authorities in the
// first element of the signatures array."
metadata_->authorities = std::move(authorities);
// Step 3. "Set metadata["vouched-subsets"] to the second element of the
// signatures array."
metadata_->vouched_subsets = std::move(vouched_subsets);
return true;
bool ParseCriticalSection(const cbor::Value& section_value) {
// Step 1. "Let critical be the result of parsing sectionContents as a CBOR
// item matching the above critical rule (Section 3.5). If critical is an
// error, return that error."
if (!section_value.is_array()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Critical section must be an array.");
return false;
// Step 2. "For each value sectionName in the critical list, if the client
// has not implemented sections named sectionName, return an error."
for (const cbor::Value& elem : section_value.GetArray()) {
if (!elem.is_string()) {
"Non-string element in the critical section.");
return false;
const auto& section_name = elem.GetString();
if (!IsMetadataSection(section_name) &&
section_name != kResponsesSection) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Unknown critical section.");
return false;
return true;
mojom::AugmentedCertificatePtr ParseAugmentedCertificate(
const cbor::Value& value) {
if (!value.is_map()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("augmented-certificate must be a map.");
return nullptr;
const cbor::Value::MapValue& item_map = value.GetMap();
mojom::AugmentedCertificatePtr authority =
auto* cert_value = Lookup(item_map, "cert");
if (!cert_value || !cert_value->is_bytestring()) {
"cert is not found in augmented-certificate, or not a bytestring.");
return nullptr;
authority->cert = cert_value->GetBytestring();
if (auto* ocsp_value = Lookup(item_map, "ocsp")) {
if (!ocsp_value->is_bytestring()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("ocsp is not a bytestring.");
return nullptr;
authority->ocsp = ocsp_value->GetBytestring();
if (auto* sct_value = Lookup(item_map, "sct")) {
if (!sct_value->is_bytestring()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("sct is not a bytestring.");
return nullptr;
authority->sct = sct_value->GetBytestring();
return authority;
mojom::SignedSubsetPtr ParseSignedSubset(
const cbor::Value::BinaryValue& signed_bytes) {
// Parse |signed_bytes| as a CBOR item.
cbor::Reader::DecoderError error;
base::Optional<cbor::Value> value =
cbor::Reader::Read(signed_bytes, &error);
if (!value) {
std::string("Error parsing signed bytes as CBOR: ") +
return nullptr;
if (!value->is_map()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("signed-subset must be a CBOR map");
return nullptr;
const cbor::Value::MapValue& value_map = value->GetMap();
auto* validity_url_value = Lookup(value_map, "validity-url");
if (!validity_url_value || !validity_url_value->is_string()) {
"validity-url is not found in signed-subset, or not a string.");
return nullptr;
// TODO( Revisit this once requirements for validity URL
// are speced.
GURL validity_url(validity_url_value->GetString());
if (!validity_url.is_valid()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse validity-url.");
return nullptr;
auto* auth_sha256_value = Lookup(value_map, "auth-sha256");
if (!auth_sha256_value || !auth_sha256_value->is_bytestring()) {
"auth-sha256 is not found in signed-subset, or not a bytestring.");
return nullptr;
auto auth_sha256 = auth_sha256_value->GetBytestring();
auto* date_value = Lookup(value_map, "date");
if (!date_value || !date_value->is_unsigned()) {
"date is not found in signed-subset, or not an unsigned.");
return nullptr;
auto date = date_value->GetUnsigned();
auto* expires_value = Lookup(value_map, "expires");
if (!expires_value || !expires_value->is_unsigned()) {
"expires is not found in signed-subset, or not an unsigned.");
return nullptr;
auto expires = expires_value->GetUnsigned();
auto* subset_hashes_value = Lookup(value_map, "subset-hashes");
if (!subset_hashes_value || !subset_hashes_value->is_map()) {
"subset-hashes is not found in signed-subset, or not a map.");
return nullptr;
base::flat_map<GURL, mojom::SubsetHashesValuePtr> subset_hashes;
for (const auto& item : subset_hashes_value->GetMap()) {
if (!item.first.is_string()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("subset-hashes: key must be a string.");
return nullptr;
if (!item.second.is_array()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("subset-hashes: value must be an array.");
return nullptr;
const std::string& url = item.first.GetString();
const cbor::Value::ArrayValue& value_array = item.second.GetArray();
GURL parsed_url = ParseExchangeURL(url);
if (!parsed_url.is_valid()) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("subset-hashes: exchange URL is not valid.");
return nullptr;
if (value_array.empty() || !value_array[0].is_bytestring()) {
"subset-hashes: the first element of array must be a bytestring.");
return nullptr;
base::StringPiece variants_value = value_array[0].GetBytestringAsString();
if (value_array.size() < 3 || value_array.size() % 2 != 1) {
"subset-hashes: unexpected size of value array.");
return nullptr;
std::vector<mojom::ResourceIntegrityPtr> resource_integrities;
for (size_t i = 1; i < value_array.size(); i += 2) {
if (!value_array[i].is_bytestring()) {
"subset-hashes: header-sha256 must be a byte string.");
return nullptr;
if (!value_array[i + 1].is_string()) {
"subset-hashes: payload-integrity-header must be a string.");
return nullptr;
value_array[i].GetBytestring(), value_array[i + 1].GetString()));
return mojom::SignedSubset::New(validity_url, auth_sha256, date, expires,
// Returns nullptr if |key| is not in |map|.
const cbor::Value* Lookup(const cbor::Value::MapValue& map, const char* key) {
auto iter = map.find(cbor::Value(key));
if (iter == map.end())
return nullptr;
return &iter->second;
void RunSuccessCallbackAndDestroy() {
std::move(callback_).Run(std::move(metadata_), nullptr);
delete this;
void RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy(
const std::string& message,
mojom::BundleParseErrorType error_type =
mojom::BundleParseErrorType::kFormatError) {
mojom::BundleMetadataParseErrorPtr err =
mojom::BundleMetadataParseError::New(error_type, fallback_url_,
std::move(callback_).Run(nullptr, std::move(err));
delete this;
// Implements SharedBundleDataSource::Observer.
void OnDisconnect() override {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Data source disconnected.");
scoped_refptr<SharedBundleDataSource> data_source_;
ParseMetadataCallback callback_;
bool version_mismatch_ = false;
GURL fallback_url_;
SectionOffsets section_offsets_;
mojom::BundleMetadataPtr metadata_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MetadataParser> weak_factory_{this};
// A parser for reading single item from the responses section. This class owns
// itself and will self destruct after calling the ParseResponseCallback.
class WebBundleParser::ResponseParser
: public WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::Observer {
ResponseParser(scoped_refptr<SharedBundleDataSource> data_source,
uint64_t response_offset,
uint64_t response_length,
WebBundleParser::ParseResponseCallback callback)
: data_source_(data_source),
callback_(std::move(callback)) {
~ResponseParser() override { data_source_->RemoveObserver(this); }
void Start(uint64_t buffer_size = kInitialBufferSizeForResponse) {
const uint64_t length = std::min(response_length_, buffer_size);
data_source_->Read(response_offset_, length,
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), length));
void ParseResponseHeader(uint64_t expected_data_length,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data) {
// Step 1. "Seek to offset requestMetadata.offset in stream. If this fails,
// return an error."
if (!data || data->size() != expected_data_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Error reading response header.");
InputReader input(*data);
// Step 2. "Read 1 byte from stream. If this is an error or isn't 0x82,
// return an error."
auto num_elements = input.ReadCBORHeader(CBORType::kArray);
if (!num_elements || *num_elements != 2) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Array size of response must be 2.");
// Step 3. "Let headerLength be the result of getting the length of a CBOR
// bytestring header from stream (Section 3.5.2). If headerLength is an
// error, return that error."
auto header_length = input.ReadCBORHeader(CBORType::kByteString);
if (!header_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse response header length.");
// Step 4. "If headerLength is 524288 (512*1024) or greater, return an
// error."
if (*header_length >= kMaxResponseHeaderLength) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Response header is too big.");
// If we don't have enough data for the headers and the CBOR header of the
// payload, re-read with a larger buffer size.
const uint64_t required_buffer_size = std::min(
input.CurrentOffset() + *header_length + kMaxCBORItemHeaderSize,
if (data->size() < required_buffer_size) {
DVLOG(1) << "Re-reading response header with a buffer of size "
<< required_buffer_size;
// Step 5. "Let headerCbor be the result of reading headerLength bytes from
// stream and parsing a CBOR item from them matching the headers CDDL rule.
// If either the read or parse returns an error, return that error."
auto headers_bytes = input.ReadBytes(*header_length);
if (!headers_bytes) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot read response headers.");
cbor::Reader::DecoderError error;
base::Optional<cbor::Value> headers_value =
cbor::Reader::Read(*headers_bytes, &error);
if (!headers_value) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse response headers.");
// Step 6. "Let (headers, pseudos) be the result of converting headerCbor
// to a header list and pseudoheaders using the algorithm in Section 3.6.
// If this returns an error, return that error."
auto parsed_headers = ConvertCBORValueToHeaders(*headers_value);
if (!parsed_headers) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse response headers.");
// Step 7. "If pseudos does not have a key named ':status' or its size
// isn't 1, return an error."
const auto pseudo_status = parsed_headers->pseudos.find(":status");
if (parsed_headers->pseudos.size() != 1 ||
pseudo_status == parsed_headers->pseudos.end()) {
"Response headers map must have exactly one pseudo-header, :status.");
// Step 8. "If pseudos[':status'] isn't exactly 3 ASCII decimal digits,
// return an error."
int status;
const auto& status_str = pseudo_status->second;
if (status_str.size() != 3 ||
!std::all_of(status_str.begin(), status_str.end(),
base::IsAsciiDigit<char>) ||
!base::StringToInt(status_str, &status)) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy(":status must be 3 ASCII decimal digits.");
// Step 9. "Let payloadLength be the result of getting the length of a CBOR
// bytestring header from stream (Section 3.5.2). If payloadLength is an
// error, return that error."
auto payload_length = input.ReadCBORHeader(CBORType::kByteString);
if (!payload_length) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Cannot parse response payload length.");
// Step 10. "If payloadLength is greater than 0 and headers does not contain
// a Content-Type header, return an error."
if (*payload_length > 0 &&
!parsed_headers->headers.contains("content-type")) {
"Non-empty response must have a content-type header.");
// Step 11. "If stream.currentOffset + payloadLength !=
// requestMetadata.offset + requestMetadata.length, return an error."
if (input.CurrentOffset() + *payload_length != response_length_) {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Unexpected payload length.");
// Step 12. "Let body be a new body ([FETCH]) whose stream is a tee'd copy
// of stream starting at the current offset and ending after payloadLength
// bytes."
// Step 13. "Let response be a new response ([FETCH]) whose:
// - Url list is request's url list,
// - status is pseudos[':status'],
// - header list is headers, and
// - body is body."
mojom::BundleResponsePtr response = mojom::BundleResponse::New();
response->response_code = status;
response->response_headers = std::move(parsed_headers->headers);
response->payload_offset = response_offset_ + input.CurrentOffset();
response->payload_length = *payload_length;
void RunSuccessCallbackAndDestroy(mojom::BundleResponsePtr response) {
std::move(callback_).Run(std::move(response), nullptr);
delete this;
void RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy(
const std::string& message,
mojom::BundleParseErrorType error_type =
mojom::BundleParseErrorType::kFormatError) {
nullptr, mojom::BundleResponseParseError::New(error_type, message));
delete this;
// Implements SharedBundleDataSource::Observer.
void OnDisconnect() override {
RunErrorCallbackAndDestroy("Data source disconnected.");
scoped_refptr<SharedBundleDataSource> data_source_;
uint64_t response_offset_;
uint64_t response_length_;
ParseResponseCallback callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ResponseParser> weak_factory_{this};
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::BundleDataSource> pending_data_source)
: data_source_(std::move(pending_data_source)) {
&SharedBundleDataSource::OnDisconnect, base::Unretained(this)));
void WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
DCHECK(observers_.end() == observers_.find(observer));
void WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::RemoveObserver(
Observer* observer) {
auto it = observers_.find(observer);
DCHECK(observers_.end() != it);
WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::~SharedBundleDataSource() = default;
void WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::OnDisconnect() {
for (auto* observer : observers_)
void WebBundleParser::SharedBundleDataSource::Read(uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length,
ReadCallback callback) {
data_source_->Read(offset, length, std::move(callback));
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::WebBundleParser> receiver,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::BundleDataSource> data_source)
: receiver_(this, std::move(receiver)),
std::move(data_source))) {
&base::DeletePointer<WebBundleParser>, base::Unretained(this)));
WebBundleParser::~WebBundleParser() = default;
void WebBundleParser::ParseMetadata(ParseMetadataCallback callback) {
MetadataParser* parser =
new MetadataParser(data_source_, std::move(callback));
void WebBundleParser::ParseResponse(uint64_t response_offset,
uint64_t response_length,
ParseResponseCallback callback) {
ResponseParser* parser = new ResponseParser(
data_source_, response_offset, response_length, std::move(callback));
} // namespace data_decoder