blob: 2914ce4c193571807dbc1278d3ab687662201560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/animation/scroll_offset_animation_curve.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "cc/animation/timing_function.h"
#include "cc/base/time_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
const double kConstantDuration = 9.0;
const double kDurationDivisor = 60.0;
// 0.7 seconds limit for long-distance programmatic scrolls
const double kDeltaBasedMaxDuration = 0.7 * kDurationDivisor;
const double kInverseDeltaRampStartPx = 120.0;
const double kInverseDeltaRampEndPx = 480.0;
const double kInverseDeltaMinDuration = 6.0;
const double kInverseDeltaMaxDuration = 12.0;
const double kInverseDeltaSlope =
(kInverseDeltaMinDuration - kInverseDeltaMaxDuration) /
(kInverseDeltaRampEndPx - kInverseDeltaRampStartPx);
const double kInverseDeltaOffset =
kInverseDeltaMaxDuration - kInverseDeltaRampStartPx * kInverseDeltaSlope;
namespace cc {
namespace {
constexpr double kImpulseCurveX1 = 0.25;
constexpr double kImpulseCurveX2 = 0.0;
constexpr double kImpulseCurveY2 = 1.0;
constexpr double kImpulseMinDurationMs = 200.0;
constexpr double kImpulseMaxDurationMs = 500.0;
constexpr double kImpulseMillisecondsPerPixel = 1.5;
const double kEpsilon = 0.01f;
static float MaximumDimension(const gfx::Vector2dF& delta) {
return std::abs(delta.x()) > std::abs(delta.y()) ? delta.x() : delta.y();
static std::unique_ptr<TimingFunction> EaseInOutWithInitialSlope(double slope) {
// Clamp slope to a sane value.
slope = base::ClampToRange(slope, -1000.0, 1000.0);
// Based on CubicBezierTimingFunction::EaseType::EASE_IN_OUT preset
// with first control point scaled.
const double x1 = 0.42;
const double y1 = slope * x1;
return CubicBezierTimingFunction::Create(x1, y1, 0.58, 1);
std::unique_ptr<TimingFunction> ImpulseCurveWithInitialSlope(double slope) {
DCHECK_GE(slope, 0);
double x1 = kImpulseCurveX1;
double y1 = 1.0;
if (x1 * slope < 1.0) {
y1 = x1 * slope;
} else {
x1 = y1 / slope;
const double x2 = kImpulseCurveX2;
const double y2 = kImpulseCurveY2;
return CubicBezierTimingFunction::Create(x1, y1, x2, y2);
bool IsNewTargetInOppositeDirection(const gfx::ScrollOffset& current_position,
const gfx::ScrollOffset& old_target,
const gfx::ScrollOffset& new_target) {
gfx::Vector2dF old_delta = old_target.DeltaFrom(current_position);
gfx::Vector2dF new_delta = new_target.DeltaFrom(current_position);
// We only declare the new target to be in the "opposite" direction when
// one of the dimensions doesn't change at all. This may sound a bit strange,
// but it avoids lots of issues.
// For instance, if we are moving to the down & right and we are updated to
// move down & left, then are we moving in the opposite direction? If we don't
// do the check this way, then it would be considered in the opposite
// direction and the velocity gets set to 0. The update would therefore look
// pretty janky.
if (std::abs(old_delta.x() - new_delta.x()) < kEpsilon) {
return (old_delta.y() >= 0.0f) != (new_delta.y() >= 0.0f);
} else if (std::abs(old_delta.y() - new_delta.y()) < kEpsilon) {
return (old_delta.x() >= 0.0f) != (new_delta.x() >= 0.0f);
} else {
return false;
base::TimeDelta VelocityBasedDurationBound(gfx::Vector2dF old_delta,
double velocity,
gfx::Vector2dF new_delta) {
double new_delta_max_dimension = MaximumDimension(new_delta);
// If we are already at the target, stop animating.
if (std::abs(new_delta_max_dimension) < kEpsilon)
return base::TimeDelta();
// Guard against division by zero.
if (std::abs(velocity) < kEpsilon) {
return base::TimeDelta::Max();
// Estimate how long it will take to reach the new target at our present
// velocity, with some fudge factor to account for the "ease out".
double bound = (new_delta_max_dimension / velocity) * 2.5f;
// If bound < 0 we are moving in the opposite direction.
return bound < 0 ? base::TimeDelta::Max()
: base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(bound);
} // namespace
const gfx::ScrollOffset& target_value,
AnimationType animation_type,
base::Optional<DurationBehavior> duration_behavior)
: target_value_(target_value),
has_set_initial_value_(false) {
DCHECK_EQ((animation_type == AnimationType::kEaseInOut),
switch (animation_type) {
case AnimationType::kEaseInOut:
timing_function_ = CubicBezierTimingFunction::CreatePreset(
case AnimationType::kLinear:
timing_function_ = LinearTimingFunction::Create();
case AnimationType::kImpulse:
timing_function_ = ImpulseCurveWithInitialSlope(0);
const gfx::ScrollOffset& target_value,
std::unique_ptr<TimingFunction> timing_function,
AnimationType animation_type,
base::Optional<DurationBehavior> duration_behavior)
: target_value_(target_value),
has_set_initial_value_(false) {
DCHECK_EQ((animation_type == AnimationType::kEaseInOut),
ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::~ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve() = default;
// static
base::TimeDelta ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::EaseInOutSegmentDuration(
const gfx::Vector2dF& delta,
DurationBehavior duration_behavior,
base::TimeDelta delayed_by) {
double duration = kConstantDuration;
if (!animation_duration_for_testing_) {
switch (duration_behavior) {
case DurationBehavior::CONSTANT:
duration = kConstantDuration;
case DurationBehavior::DELTA_BASED:
duration =
case DurationBehavior::INVERSE_DELTA:
duration = kInverseDeltaOffset +
std::abs(MaximumDimension(delta)) * kInverseDeltaSlope;
duration = base::ClampToRange(duration, kInverseDeltaMinDuration,
duration /= kDurationDivisor;
} else {
duration = animation_duration_for_testing_.value();
base::TimeDelta delay_adjusted_duration =
base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(duration) - delayed_by;
return (delay_adjusted_duration >= base::TimeDelta())
? delay_adjusted_duration
: base::TimeDelta();
base::TimeDelta ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::EaseInOutBoundedSegmentDuration(
const gfx::Vector2dF& new_delta,
base::TimeDelta t,
base::TimeDelta delayed_by) {
gfx::Vector2dF old_delta = target_value_.DeltaFrom(initial_value_);
double velocity = CalculateVelocity(t);
// Use the velocity-based duration bound when it is less than the constant
// segment duration. This minimizes the "rubber-band" bouncing effect when
// |velocity| is large and |new_delta| is small.
return std::min(EaseInOutSegmentDuration(
new_delta, duration_behavior_.value(), delayed_by),
VelocityBasedDurationBound(old_delta, velocity, new_delta));
base::TimeDelta ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::SegmentDuration(
const gfx::Vector2dF& delta,
base::TimeDelta delayed_by,
base::Optional<double> velocity) {
switch (animation_type_) {
case AnimationType::kEaseInOut:
return EaseInOutSegmentDuration(delta, duration_behavior_.value(),
case AnimationType::kLinear:
return LinearSegmentDuration(delta, delayed_by, velocity.value());
case AnimationType::kImpulse:
return ImpulseSegmentDuration(delta, delayed_by);
// static
base::TimeDelta ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::LinearSegmentDuration(
const gfx::Vector2dF& delta,
base::TimeDelta delayed_by,
float velocity) {
double duration_in_seconds =
? animation_duration_for_testing_.value()
: std::abs(MaximumDimension(delta) / velocity);
base::TimeDelta delay_adjusted_duration =
base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(duration_in_seconds) - delayed_by;
return (delay_adjusted_duration >= base::TimeDelta())
? delay_adjusted_duration
: base::TimeDelta();
// static
base::TimeDelta ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::ImpulseSegmentDuration(
const gfx::Vector2dF& delta,
base::TimeDelta delayed_by) {
base::TimeDelta duration;
if (animation_duration_for_testing_.has_value()) {
duration =
} else {
double duration_in_milliseconds =
kImpulseMillisecondsPerPixel * std::abs(MaximumDimension(delta));
duration_in_milliseconds = base::ClampToRange(
duration_in_milliseconds, kImpulseMinDurationMs, kImpulseMaxDurationMs);
duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMillisecondsD(duration_in_milliseconds);
duration -= delayed_by;
return (duration >= base::TimeDelta()) ? duration : base::TimeDelta();
void ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::SetInitialValue(
const gfx::ScrollOffset& initial_value,
base::TimeDelta delayed_by,
float velocity) {
initial_value_ = initial_value;
has_set_initial_value_ = true;
gfx::Vector2dF delta = target_value_.DeltaFrom(initial_value);
total_animation_duration_ = SegmentDuration(delta, delayed_by, velocity);
bool ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::HasSetInitialValue() const {
return has_set_initial_value_;
void ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::ApplyAdjustment(
const gfx::Vector2dF& adjustment) {
initial_value_ = ScrollOffsetWithDelta(initial_value_, adjustment);
target_value_ = ScrollOffsetWithDelta(target_value_, adjustment);
gfx::ScrollOffset ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::GetValue(
base::TimeDelta t) const {
base::TimeDelta duration = total_animation_duration_ - last_retarget_;
t -= last_retarget_;
if (duration.is_zero())
return target_value_;
if (t <= base::TimeDelta())
return initial_value_;
if (t >= duration)
return target_value_;
double progress = timing_function_->GetValue(TimeUtil::Divide(t, duration));
return gfx::ScrollOffset(
gfx::Tween::FloatValueBetween(progress, initial_value_.x(),
gfx::Tween::FloatValueBetween(progress, initial_value_.y(),
base::TimeDelta ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::Duration() const {
return total_animation_duration_;
AnimationCurve::CurveType ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::Type() const {
std::unique_ptr<AnimationCurve> ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::Clone() const {
return CloneToScrollOffsetAnimationCurve();
ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::CloneToScrollOffsetAnimationCurve() const {
std::unique_ptr<TimingFunction> timing_function(
std::unique_ptr<ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve> curve_clone = base::WrapUnique(
new ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve(target_value_, std::move(timing_function),
animation_type_, duration_behavior_));
curve_clone->initial_value_ = initial_value_;
curve_clone->total_animation_duration_ = total_animation_duration_;
curve_clone->last_retarget_ = last_retarget_;
curve_clone->has_set_initial_value_ = has_set_initial_value_;
return curve_clone;
void ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::SetAnimationDurationForTesting(
base::TimeDelta duration) {
animation_duration_for_testing_ = duration.InSecondsF();
double ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::CalculateVelocity(base::TimeDelta t) {
base::TimeDelta duration = total_animation_duration_ - last_retarget_;
double slope = timing_function_->Velocity(
((t - last_retarget_).InSecondsF()) / duration.InSecondsF());
gfx::Vector2dF delta = target_value_.DeltaFrom(initial_value_);
// TimingFunction::Velocity just gives the slope of the curve. Convert it to
// units of pixels per second.
return slope * (MaximumDimension(delta) / duration.InSecondsF());
void ScrollOffsetAnimationCurve::UpdateTarget(
base::TimeDelta t,
const gfx::ScrollOffset& new_target) {
DCHECK_NE(animation_type_, AnimationType::kLinear)
<< "UpdateTarget is not supported on linear scroll animations.";
// If the new UpdateTarget actually happened before the previous one, keep
// |t| as the most recent, but reduce the duration of any generated
// animation.
base::TimeDelta delayed_by = std::max(base::TimeDelta(), last_retarget_ - t);
t = std::max(t, last_retarget_);
if (animation_type_ == AnimationType::kEaseInOut &&
std::abs(MaximumDimension(target_value_.DeltaFrom(new_target))) <
kEpsilon) {
// Don't update the animation if the new target is the same as the old one.
// This is done for EaseInOut-style animation curves, since the duration is
// inversely proportional to the distance, and it may cause an animation
// that is longer than the one currently running.
// Specifically avoid doing this for Impulse-style animation curves since
// its duration is directly proportional to the distance, and we don't want
// to drop user input.
target_value_ = new_target;
gfx::ScrollOffset current_position = GetValue(t);
gfx::Vector2dF new_delta = new_target.DeltaFrom(current_position);
// We are already at or very close to the new target. Stop animating.
if (std::abs(MaximumDimension(new_delta)) < kEpsilon) {
last_retarget_ = t;
total_animation_duration_ = t;
target_value_ = new_target;
// The last segment was of zero duration.
base::TimeDelta old_duration = total_animation_duration_ - last_retarget_;
if (old_duration.is_zero()) {
DCHECK_EQ(t, last_retarget_);
total_animation_duration_ = SegmentDuration(new_delta, delayed_by);
target_value_ = new_target;
base::TimeDelta new_duration =
(animation_type_ == AnimationType::kEaseInOut)
? EaseInOutBoundedSegmentDuration(new_delta, t, delayed_by)
: ImpulseSegmentDuration(new_delta, delayed_by);
if (new_duration.InSecondsF() < kEpsilon) {
// The duration is (close to) 0, so stop the animation.
target_value_ = new_target;
total_animation_duration_ = t;
// Adjust the slope of the new animation in order to preserve the velocity of
// the old animation.
double velocity = CalculateVelocity(t);
double new_slope =
velocity * (new_duration.InSecondsF() / MaximumDimension(new_delta));
if (animation_type_ == AnimationType::kEaseInOut) {
timing_function_ = EaseInOutWithInitialSlope(new_slope);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(animation_type_, AnimationType::kImpulse);
if (IsNewTargetInOppositeDirection(current_position, target_value_,
new_target)) {
// Prevent any rubber-banding by setting the velocity (and subsequently,
// the slope) to 0 when moving in the opposite direciton.
new_slope = 0;
timing_function_ = ImpulseCurveWithInitialSlope(new_slope);
initial_value_ = current_position;
target_value_ = new_target;
total_animation_duration_ = t + new_duration;
last_retarget_ = t;
} // namespace cc