blob: 53aa0b73acdb13a9759ea57a7756d091caae3fef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
namespace base {
// Chromium code style is to not use malloc'd strings; this is only for use
// for interaction with APIs that require it.
inline char* strdup(const char* str) {
return _strdup(str);
inline int vsnprintf(char* buffer, size_t size,
const char* format, va_list arguments) {
int length = vsnprintf_s(buffer, size, size - 1, format, arguments);
if (length < 0)
return _vscprintf(format, arguments);
return length;
inline int vswprintf(wchar_t* buffer, size_t size,
const wchar_t* format, va_list arguments) {
int length = _vsnwprintf_s(buffer, size, size - 1, format, arguments);
if (length < 0)
return _vscwprintf(format, arguments);
return length;
// Utility functions to access the underlying string buffer as a wide char
// pointer.
// Note: These functions violate strict aliasing when char16 and wchar_t are
// unrelated types. We thus pass -fno-strict-aliasing to the compiler on
// non-Windows platforms [1], and rely on it being off in Clang's CL mode [2].
// [1]
// [2]
inline wchar_t* as_writable_wcstr(char16* str) {
return reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(str);
inline wchar_t* as_writable_wcstr(string16& str) {
return reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(data(str));
inline const wchar_t* as_wcstr(const char16* str) {
return reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(str);
inline const wchar_t* as_wcstr(StringPiece16 str) {
return reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(;
// Utility functions to access the underlying string buffer as a char16 pointer.
inline char16* as_writable_u16cstr(wchar_t* str) {
return reinterpret_cast<char16*>(str);
inline char16* as_writable_u16cstr(std::wstring& str) {
return reinterpret_cast<char16*>(data(str));
inline const char16* as_u16cstr(const wchar_t* str) {
return reinterpret_cast<const char16*>(str);
inline const char16* as_u16cstr(WStringPiece str) {
return reinterpret_cast<const char16*>(;
// Utility functions to convert between base::WStringPiece and
// base::StringPiece16.
inline WStringPiece AsWStringPiece(StringPiece16 str) {
return WStringPiece(as_wcstr(, str.size());
inline StringPiece16 AsStringPiece16(WStringPiece str) {
return StringPiece16(as_u16cstr(, str.size());
inline std::wstring AsWString(StringPiece16 str) {
return std::wstring(as_wcstr(, str.size());
inline string16 AsString16(WStringPiece str) {
return string16(as_u16cstr(, str.size());
// Compatibility shim for cross-platform code that passes a StringPieceType to a
// cross platform string utility function. Most of these functions are only
// implemented for base::StringPiece and base::StringPiece16, which is why
// base::WStringPieces need to be converted on API boundaries.
inline StringPiece16 AsCrossPlatformPiece(WStringPiece str) {
return AsStringPiece16(str);
inline WStringPiece AsNativeStringPiece(StringPiece16 str) {
return AsWStringPiece(str);
// The following section contains overloads of the cross-platform APIs for
// std::wstring and base::WStringPiece. These are only enabled if std::wstring
// and base::string16 are distinct types, as otherwise this would result in an
// ODR violation.
// TODO( Remove those guards once base::string16 is
// std::u16string.
BASE_EXPORT bool IsStringASCII(WStringPiece str);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring ToLowerASCII(WStringPiece str);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring ToUpperASCII(WStringPiece str);
BASE_EXPORT int CompareCaseInsensitiveASCII(WStringPiece a, WStringPiece b);
BASE_EXPORT bool EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(WStringPiece a, WStringPiece b);
BASE_EXPORT bool RemoveChars(WStringPiece input,
WStringPiece remove_chars,
std::wstring* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool ReplaceChars(WStringPiece input,
WStringPiece replace_chars,
WStringPiece replace_with,
std::wstring* output);
BASE_EXPORT bool TrimString(WStringPiece input,
WStringPiece trim_chars,
std::wstring* output);
BASE_EXPORT WStringPiece TrimString(WStringPiece input,
WStringPiece trim_chars,
TrimPositions positions);
BASE_EXPORT TrimPositions TrimWhitespace(WStringPiece input,
TrimPositions positions,
std::wstring* output);
BASE_EXPORT WStringPiece TrimWhitespace(WStringPiece input,
TrimPositions positions);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring CollapseWhitespace(
WStringPiece text,
bool trim_sequences_with_line_breaks);
BASE_EXPORT bool ContainsOnlyChars(WStringPiece input, WStringPiece characters);
BASE_EXPORT bool LowerCaseEqualsASCII(WStringPiece str,
StringPiece lowecase_ascii);
BASE_EXPORT bool EqualsASCII(StringPiece16 str, StringPiece ascii);
BASE_EXPORT bool StartsWith(
WStringPiece str,
WStringPiece search_for,
CompareCase case_sensitivity = CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
BASE_EXPORT bool EndsWith(
WStringPiece str,
WStringPiece search_for,
CompareCase case_sensitivity = CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
BASE_EXPORT void ReplaceFirstSubstringAfterOffset(std::wstring* str,
size_t start_offset,
WStringPiece find_this,
WStringPiece replace_with);
BASE_EXPORT void ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(std::wstring* str,
size_t start_offset,
WStringPiece find_this,
WStringPiece replace_with);
BASE_EXPORT wchar_t* WriteInto(std::wstring* str, size_t length_with_null);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring JoinString(span<const std::wstring> parts,
WStringPiece separator);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring JoinString(span<const WStringPiece> parts,
WStringPiece separator);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring JoinString(std::initializer_list<WStringPiece> parts,
WStringPiece separator);
BASE_EXPORT std::wstring ReplaceStringPlaceholders(
WStringPiece format_string,
const std::vector<string16>& subst,
std::vector<size_t>* offsets);
} // namespace base