blob: 598d0954fd42e1d3f18a558ae6ed7f98660f560b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/clipboard/clipboard_history_item.h"
#include "ash/clipboard/clipboard_nudge_controller.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ash {
class ClipboardHistory;
class ClipboardHistoryMenuModelAdapter;
class ClipboardHistoryResourceManager;
// Shows a menu with the last few things saved in the clipboard when the
// keyboard shortcut is pressed.
class ASH_EXPORT ClipboardHistoryController {
ClipboardHistoryController(const ClipboardHistoryController&) = delete;
ClipboardHistoryController& operator=(const ClipboardHistoryController&) =
void Init();
// Returns if the contextual menu is currently showing.
bool IsMenuShowing() const;
// Returns bounds for the contextual menu in screen coordinates.
gfx::Rect GetMenuBoundsInScreenForTest() const;
// Returns the history which tracks what is being copied to the clipboard.
const ClipboardHistory* history() const { return clipboard_history_.get(); }
// Returns the resource manager which gets labels and images for items copied
// to the clipboard.
const ClipboardHistoryResourceManager* resource_manager() const {
return resource_manager_.get();
ClipboardNudgeController* nudge_controller() const {
return nudge_controller_.get();
const ClipboardHistoryMenuModelAdapter* context_menu_for_test() const {
return context_menu_.get();
class AcceleratorTarget;
class MenuDelegate;
bool CanShowMenu() const;
void ShowMenu();
void ExecuteSelectedMenuItem(int event_flags);
void MenuOptionSelected(int command_id, int event_flags);
// Delete the menu item being selected and its corresponding data. If no item
// is selected, do nothing.
void DeleteSelectedMenuItemIfAny();
gfx::Rect CalculateAnchorRect() const;
// Called when the contextual menu is closed.
void OnMenuClosed();
// The menu being shown.
std::unique_ptr<ClipboardHistoryMenuModelAdapter> context_menu_;
// Used to keep track of what is being copied to the clipboard.
std::unique_ptr<ClipboardHistory> clipboard_history_;
// Manages resources for clipboard history.
std::unique_ptr<ClipboardHistoryResourceManager> resource_manager_;
// Detects the search+v key combo.
std::unique_ptr<AcceleratorTarget> accelerator_target_;
// Handles events on the contextual menu.
std::unique_ptr<MenuDelegate> menu_delegate_;
// Controller that shows contextual nudges for multipaste.
std::unique_ptr<ClipboardNudgeController> nudge_controller_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ClipboardHistoryController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash