blob: 2a56331cb09726f661bc8fbb9b03c1156e7f4bf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace site_isolation {
// A centralized place for making policy decisions about site isolation modes
// which can be shared between content embedders. This supplements
// content::SiteIsolationPolicy with features that may be useful to embedders.
// These methods can be called from any thread.
class SiteIsolationPolicy {
// Returns true if the site isolation mode for isolating sites where users
// enter passwords is enabled.
static bool IsIsolationForPasswordSitesEnabled();
// Returns true if Site Isolation related enterprise policies should take
// effect (e.g. such policies might not be applicable to low-end Android
// devices because of 1) performance impact and 2) infeasibility of
// Spectre-like attacks on such devices).
static bool IsEnterprisePolicyApplicable();
// Reads and applies any isolated origins stored in user prefs associated with
// |browser_context|. This is expected to be called on startup after user
// prefs have been loaded.
static void ApplyPersistedIsolatedOrigins(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Determines whether Site Isolation should be disabled because the device
// does not have the minimum required amount of memory.
// TODO(alexmos): Currently, the memory threshold is shared for all site
// isolation modes, including strict site isolation and password site
// isolation. In the future, some site isolation modes may require their own
// memory threshold.
static bool ShouldDisableSiteIsolationDueToMemoryThreshold();
// Returns true if the PDF compositor should be enabled to allow out-of-
// process iframes (OOPIF's) to print properly.
static bool ShouldPdfCompositorBeEnabledForOopifs();
} // namespace site_isolation