blob: 31acb4b6299d1ddac49b3740b61bba0b1d858381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace performance_manager {
class FrameNode;
class WorkerNode;
namespace execution_context {
class ExecutionContext;
// Constructs ExecutionContext wrappers (implemented as NodeAttachedData) for
// FrameNodes and WorkerNodes. Once created the objects will live until the
// underlying node disappears. These should only be called from the graph
// sequence, like the underlying objects they wrap. The public interface of
// this is via ExecutionContextRegistry::GetExecutionContextFor*Node().
const ExecutionContext* GetOrCreateExecutionContextForFrameNode(
const FrameNode* frame_node);
const ExecutionContext* GetOrCreateExecutionContextForWorkerNode(
const WorkerNode* worker_node);
} // namespace execution_context
} // namespace performance_manager