blob: a2584d395b4351c786b72c024183e179c60761d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/freezing/freezing.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/graph/node.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/coordination_unit.mojom.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/mojom/lifecycle.mojom.h"
#include "components/performance_manager/public/web_contents_proxy.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
class GURL;
namespace performance_manager {
class FrameNode;
class PageNodeObserver;
// A PageNode represents the root of a FrameTree, or equivalently a WebContents.
// These may correspond to normal tabs, WebViews, Portals, Chrome Apps or
// Extensions.
class PageNode : public Node {
using FrameNodeVisitor = base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const FrameNode*)>;
using LifecycleState = mojom::LifecycleState;
using Observer = PageNodeObserver;
class ObserverDefaultImpl;
// Reasons for which a frame can become the opener of a page.
enum class OpenedType {
// Returned if this node doesn't have an opener.
// This page is a popup (the opener created it via
// This page is a guest view. This can be many things (<webview>, <appview>,
// etc) but is backed by the same inner/outer WebContents mechanism.
// This page is a portal.
// Returns a string for a PageNode::OpenedType enumeration.
static const char* ToString(PageNode::OpenedType opened_type);
// Loading state of a page.
enum class LoadingState {
// No top-level document has started loading yet.
// A different top-level document is loading. The load started less than 5
// seconds ago or the initial response was received.
// A different top-level document is loading. The load started more than 5
// seconds ago and no response was received yet. Note: The state will
// transition back to |kLoading| if a response is received.
// A different top-level document finished loading, but the page did not
// reach CPU and network quiescence since then. Note: A page is considered
// to have reached CPU and network quiescence after 1 minute, even if the
// CPU and network are still busy - see page_load_tracker_decorator.h.
// The page reached CPU and network quiescence after loading the current
// top-level document, or the load failed.
// Returns a string for a PageNode::LoadingState enumeration.
static const char* ToString(PageNode::LoadingState loading_state);
~PageNode() override;
// Returns the unique ID of the browser context that this page belongs to.
virtual const std::string& GetBrowserContextID() const = 0;
// Returns the opener frame node, if there is one. This may change over the
// lifetime of this page. See "OnOpenerFrameNodeChanged".
virtual const FrameNode* GetOpenerFrameNode() const = 0;
// Returns the type of relationship this node has with its opener, if it has
// an opener.
virtual OpenedType GetOpenedType() const = 0;
// Returns true if this page is currently visible, false otherwise.
// See PageNodeObserver::OnIsVisibleChanged.
virtual bool IsVisible() const = 0;
// Returns the time since the last visibility change. It is always well
// defined as the visibility property is set at node creation.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetTimeSinceLastVisibilityChange() const = 0;
// Returns true if this page is currently audible, false otherwise.
// See PageNodeObserver::OnIsAudibleChanged.
virtual bool IsAudible() const = 0;
// Returns the page's loading state.
virtual LoadingState GetLoadingState() const = 0;
// Returns the UKM source ID associated with the URL of the main frame of
// this page.
// See PageNodeObserver::OnUkmSourceIdChanged.
virtual ukm::SourceId GetUkmSourceID() const = 0;
// Returns the lifecycle state of this page. This is aggregated from the
// lifecycle state of each frame in the frame tree. See
// PageNodeObserver::OnPageLifecycleStateChanged.
virtual LifecycleState GetLifecycleState() const = 0;
// Returns true if at least one of the frame in this page is currently
// holding a WebLock.
virtual bool IsHoldingWebLock() const = 0;
// Returns true if at least one of the frame in this page is currently
// holding an IndexedDB lock.
virtual bool IsHoldingIndexedDBLock() const = 0;
// Returns the navigation ID associated with the last committed navigation
// event for the main frame of this page.
// See PageNodeObserver::OnMainFrameNavigationCommitted.
virtual int64_t GetNavigationID() const = 0;
// Returns the MIME type of the contents associated with the last committed
// navigation event for the main frame of this page.
virtual const std::string& GetContentsMimeType() const = 0;
// Returns "zero" if no navigation has happened, otherwise returns the time
// since the last navigation commit.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetTimeSinceLastNavigation() const = 0;
// Returns the current main frame node (if there is one), otherwise returns
// any of the potentially multiple main frames that currently exist. If there
// are no main frames at the moment, returns nullptr.
virtual const FrameNode* GetMainFrameNode() const = 0;
// Visits the main frame nodes associated with this page. The iteration is
// halted if the visitor returns false. Returns true if every call to the
// visitor returned true, false otherwise.
virtual bool VisitMainFrameNodes(const FrameNodeVisitor& visitor) const = 0;
// Returns all of the main frame nodes, both current and otherwise. If there
// are no main frames at the moment, returns the empty set. Note that this
// incurs a full container copy of all main frame nodes. Please use
// VisitMainFrameNodes when that makes sense.
virtual const base::flat_set<const FrameNode*> GetMainFrameNodes() const = 0;
// Returns the URL the main frame last committed a navigation to, or the
// initial URL of the page before navigation. The latter case is distinguished
// by a zero navigation ID.
// See PageNodeObserver::OnMainFrameNavigationCommitted.
virtual const GURL& GetMainFrameUrl() const = 0;
// Indicates if at least one of the frames in the page has received some form
// interactions.
virtual bool HadFormInteraction() const = 0;
// Returns the web contents associated with this page node. It is valid to
// call this function on any thread but the weak pointer must only be
// dereferenced on the UI thread.
virtual const WebContentsProxy& GetContentsProxy() const = 0;
// Indicates if there's a freezing vote for this page node. This has 3
// possible values:
// - base::nullopt: There's no active freezing vote for this page.
// - freezing::FreezingVoteValue::kCanFreeze: There's one or more positive
// freezing vote for this page and no negative vote.
// - freezing::FreezingVoteValue::kCannotFreeze: There's at least one
// negative freezing vote for this page.
virtual const base::Optional<freezing::FreezingVote>& GetFreezingVote()
const = 0;
// Pure virtual observer interface. Derive from this if you want to be forced to
// implement the entire interface.
class PageNodeObserver {
using OpenedType = PageNode::OpenedType;
virtual ~PageNodeObserver();
// Node lifetime notifications.
// Called when a |page_node| is added to the graph.
virtual void OnPageNodeAdded(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Called before a |page_node| is removed from the graph.
virtual void OnBeforePageNodeRemoved(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Notifications of property changes.
// Invoked when this page has been assigned an opener, had the opener change,
// or had the opener removed. This can happen if a page is opened via
//, webviews, portals, etc, or when that relationship is
// subsequently severed or reparented.
virtual void OnOpenerFrameNodeChanged(const PageNode* page_node,
const FrameNode* previous_opener,
OpenedType previous_opened_type) = 0;
// Invoked when the IsVisible property changes.
virtual void OnIsVisibleChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the IsAudible property changes.
virtual void OnIsAudibleChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the GetLoadingState property changes.
virtual void OnLoadingStateChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the UkmSourceId property changes.
virtual void OnUkmSourceIdChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the PageLifecycleState property changes.
virtual void OnPageLifecycleStateChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the IsHoldingWebLock property changes.
virtual void OnPageIsHoldingWebLockChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the IsHoldingIndexedDBLock property changes.
virtual void OnPageIsHoldingIndexedDBLockChanged(
const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the MainFrameUrl property changes.
virtual void OnMainFrameUrlChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// This is fired when a non-same document navigation commits in the main
// frame. It indicates that the the |NavigationId| property and possibly the
// |MainFrameUrl| properties have changed.
virtual void OnMainFrameDocumentChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Invoked when the HadFormInteraction property changes.
virtual void OnHadFormInteractionChanged(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Events with no property changes.
// Fired when the tab title associated with a page changes. This property is
// not directly reflected on the node.
virtual void OnTitleUpdated(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Fired when the favicon associated with a page is updated. This property is
// not directly reflected on the node.
virtual void OnFaviconUpdated(const PageNode* page_node) = 0;
// Called every time the aggregated freezing vote changes or gets invalidated.
virtual void OnFreezingVoteChanged(
const PageNode* page_node,
base::Optional<freezing::FreezingVote> previous_vote) = 0;
// Default implementation of observer that provides dummy versions of each
// function. Derive from this if you only need to implement a few of the
// functions.
class PageNode::ObserverDefaultImpl : public PageNodeObserver {
~ObserverDefaultImpl() override;
// PageNodeObserver implementation:
void OnPageNodeAdded(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnBeforePageNodeRemoved(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnOpenerFrameNodeChanged(const PageNode* page_node,
const FrameNode* previous_opener,
OpenedType previous_opened_type) override {}
void OnIsVisibleChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnIsAudibleChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnLoadingStateChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnUkmSourceIdChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnPageLifecycleStateChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnPageIsHoldingWebLockChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnPageIsHoldingIndexedDBLockChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {
void OnMainFrameUrlChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnMainFrameDocumentChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnHadFormInteractionChanged(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnTitleUpdated(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnFaviconUpdated(const PageNode* page_node) override {}
void OnFreezingVoteChanged(
const PageNode* page_node,
base::Optional<freezing::FreezingVote> previous_vote) override {}
// std::ostream support for PageNode::OpenedType.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
performance_manager::PageNode::OpenedType opened_type);
} // namespace performance_manager