blob: c089629886035ed8a463cf034d413b16ea14b615 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/cert/x509_cert_types.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/parse_number.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/parse_name.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
#include "net/der/input.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// Helper for ParseCertificateDate. |*field| must contain at least
// |field_len| characters. |*field| will be advanced by |field_len| on exit.
// |*ok| is set to false if there is an error in parsing the number, but left
// untouched otherwise. Returns the parsed integer.
int ParseIntAndAdvance(const char** field, size_t field_len, bool* ok) {
int result = 0;
*ok &= ParseInt32(base::StringPiece(*field, field_len),
ParseIntFormat::NON_NEGATIVE, &result);
*field += field_len;
return result;
} // anonymous namespace
CertPrincipal::CertPrincipal() = default;
CertPrincipal::CertPrincipal(const std::string& name) : common_name(name) {}
CertPrincipal::~CertPrincipal() = default;
bool CertPrincipal::ParseDistinguishedName(
const void* ber_name_data,
size_t length,
PrintableStringHandling printable_string_handling) {
RDNSequence rdns;
if (!ParseName(
der::Input(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ber_name_data), length),
return false;
auto string_handling =
printable_string_handling == PrintableStringHandling::kAsUTF8Hack
? X509NameAttribute::PrintableStringHandling::kAsUTF8Hack
: X509NameAttribute::PrintableStringHandling::kDefault;
for (const RelativeDistinguishedName& rdn : rdns) {
for (const X509NameAttribute& name_attribute : rdn) {
if (name_attribute.type == TypeCommonNameOid()) {
if (common_name.empty() &&
&common_name)) {
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeLocalityNameOid()) {
if (locality_name.empty() &&
&locality_name)) {
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeStateOrProvinceNameOid()) {
if (state_or_province_name.empty() &&
string_handling, &state_or_province_name)) {
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeCountryNameOid()) {
if (country_name.empty() &&
&country_name)) {
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeStreetAddressOid()) {
std::string s;
if (!name_attribute.ValueAsStringWithUnsafeOptions(string_handling, &s))
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeOrganizationNameOid()) {
std::string s;
if (!name_attribute.ValueAsStringWithUnsafeOptions(string_handling, &s))
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeOrganizationUnitNameOid()) {
std::string s;
if (!name_attribute.ValueAsStringWithUnsafeOptions(string_handling, &s))
return false;
} else if (name_attribute.type == TypeDomainComponentOid()) {
std::string s;
if (!name_attribute.ValueAsStringWithUnsafeOptions(string_handling, &s))
return false;
return true;
std::string CertPrincipal::GetDisplayName() const {
if (!common_name.empty())
return common_name;
if (!organization_names.empty())
return organization_names[0];
if (!organization_unit_names.empty())
return organization_unit_names[0];
return std::string();
bool ParseCertificateDate(const base::StringPiece& raw_date,
CertDateFormat format,
base::Time* time) {
size_t year_length = format == CERT_DATE_FORMAT_UTC_TIME ? 2 : 4;
if (raw_date.length() < 11 + year_length)
return false;
const char* field =;
bool valid = true;
base::Time::Exploded exploded = {0};
exploded.year = ParseIntAndAdvance(&field, year_length, &valid);
exploded.month = ParseIntAndAdvance(&field, 2, &valid);
exploded.day_of_month = ParseIntAndAdvance(&field, 2, &valid);
exploded.hour = ParseIntAndAdvance(&field, 2, &valid);
exploded.minute = ParseIntAndAdvance(&field, 2, &valid);
exploded.second = ParseIntAndAdvance(&field, 2, &valid);
if (valid && year_length == 2)
exploded.year += exploded.year < 50 ? 2000 : 1900;
if (!valid)
return false;
return base::Time::FromUTCExploded(exploded, time);
} // namespace net