blob: bd2dfea955aee4dd9dfd63273d448f8c0f5ad595 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
strict_error_checking_closure_args = [
# Additional closure args for performing full checks.
default_closure_args = strict_error_checking_closure_args + [
js_modules_args = [
# chrome://resources maps to root, since both ../../ui/webui/resources and
# gen/ui/webui/resources are js_module_roots.
# Turn off primarily because cr.define() should not be used in any JS Modules
# based code, and secondarily because of b/133333578.
mojom_js_args = [
"js_module_root=" +
rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/mojo/public/js", root_build_dir),
"js_module_root=" + rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/mojom-webui", root_build_dir),
"js_module_root=" +
# Mojom WebUI JS modules load bindings.js which may be compiled and stripped
# of type annotations. Rewrite these references to the uncompiled equivalent
# for compilation and type-checking.
# Shared Mojom WebUI JS modules are by convention exposed through URLs like
# chrome://resources/mojo/<path-to-module>. At build time these will be given
# as gen/<path-to-module> for compilation, so we can rewrite them as absolute
# paths.
polymer3_args = js_modules_args + [
# TODO( Add the leading '../../' back to
# the path once the CrOS chroot no longer uses symlinks when
# building chrome.
# Note: "2" is counter-intuitively the correct value to use for Polymer 3.
default_disabled_closure_args = [ "jscomp_off=duplicate" ]