blob: 675774ea5b5a8a8413b1b43265f855f66713bd1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/message_pump_glib_x.h"
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "base/message_pump_glib_x_dispatch.h"
namespace {
gboolean PlaceholderDispatch(GSource* source,
GSourceFunc cb,
gpointer data) {
return TRUE;
} // namespace
namespace base {
MessagePumpGlibX::MessagePumpGlibX() : base::MessagePumpForUI(),
capture_gdk_events_(0) {
gdk_event_handler_set(&EventDispatcherX, this, NULL);
MessagePumpGlibX::~MessagePumpGlibX() {
bool MessagePumpGlibX::RunOnce(GMainContext* context, bool block) {
GdkDisplay* gdisp = gdk_display_get_default();
Display* display = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gdisp);
if (XPending(display)) {
XEvent xev;
XPeekEvent(display, &xev);
if (capture_x_events_[xev.type]) {
XNextEvent(display, &xev);
bool processed = static_cast<MessagePumpGlibXDispatcher*>
if (!processed) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "Event (" << xev.type << ") not handled.";
} else {
// TODO(sad): A couple of extra events can still sneak in during this.
// Those should be sent back to the X queue from the dispatcher
// EventDispatcherX.
g_main_context_iteration(context, FALSE);
bool retvalue;
if (gdksource_) {
// Replace the dispatch callback of the GDK event source temporarily so that
// it doesn't read events from X.
gboolean (*cb)(GSource*, GSourceFunc, void*) =
gdksource_->source_funcs->dispatch = PlaceholderDispatch;
dispatching_event_ = true;
retvalue = g_main_context_iteration(context, block);
dispatching_event_ = false;
gdksource_->source_funcs->dispatch = cb;
} else {
retvalue = g_main_context_iteration(context, block);
return retvalue;
void MessagePumpGlibX::InitializeEventsToCapture(void) {
// TODO(sad): Decide which events we want to capture and update the tables
// accordingly.
capture_x_events_[KeyPress] = true;
capture_gdk_events_[GDK_KEY_PRESS] = true;
capture_x_events_[KeyRelease] = true;
capture_gdk_events_[GDK_KEY_RELEASE] = true;
capture_x_events_[ButtonPress] = true;
capture_gdk_events_[GDK_BUTTON_PRESS] = true;
capture_x_events_[ButtonRelease] = true;
capture_gdk_events_[GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE] = true;
capture_x_events_[MotionNotify] = true;
capture_gdk_events_[GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY] = true;
void MessagePumpGlibX::EventDispatcherX(GdkEvent* event, gpointer data) {
MessagePumpGlibX* pump_x = reinterpret_cast<MessagePumpGlibX*>(data);
if (!pump_x->gdksource_) {
pump_x->gdksource_ = g_main_current_source();
} else if (!pump_x->IsDispatchingEvent()) {
if (event->type != GDK_NOTHING &&
pump_x->capture_gdk_events_[event->type]) {
// TODO(sad): An X event is caught by the GDK handler. Put it back in the
// X queue so that we catch it in the next iteration. When done, the
// following DLOG statement will be removed.
DLOG(WARNING) << "GDK received an event it shouldn't have";
} // namespace base