blob: 704b493101c986d774135dce731c1c543da0b9db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Security/Authorization.h>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
// ScopedAuthorizationRef maintains ownership of an AuthorizationRef. It is
// patterned after the unique_ptr interface.
namespace base {
namespace mac {
class BASE_EXPORT ScopedAuthorizationRef {
explicit ScopedAuthorizationRef(AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL)
: authorization_(authorization) {
~ScopedAuthorizationRef() {
if (authorization_) {
void reset(AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL) {
if (authorization_ != authorization) {
if (authorization_) {
authorization_ = authorization;
bool operator==(AuthorizationRef that) const {
return authorization_ == that;
bool operator!=(AuthorizationRef that) const {
return authorization_ != that;
operator AuthorizationRef() const {
return authorization_;
AuthorizationRef* get_pointer() { return &authorization_; }
AuthorizationRef get() const {
return authorization_;
void swap(ScopedAuthorizationRef& that) {
AuthorizationRef temp = that.authorization_;
that.authorization_ = authorization_;
authorization_ = temp;
// ScopedAuthorizationRef::release() is like std::unique_ptr<>::release. It is
// NOT a wrapper for AuthorizationFree(). To force a ScopedAuthorizationRef
// object to call AuthorizationFree(), use ScopedAuthorizationRef::reset().
AuthorizationRef release() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
AuthorizationRef temp = authorization_;
authorization_ = NULL;
return temp;
// Calling AuthorizationFree, defined in Security.framework, from an inline
// function, results in link errors when linking dynamically with
// libbase.dylib. So wrap the call in an un-inlined method. This method
// doesn't check if |authorization_| is null; that check should be in the
// inlined callers.
void FreeInternal();
AuthorizationRef authorization_;
} // namespace mac
} // namespace base