blob: bd54a25a22a2e07e3ff5a5aaf01a5b538c6d7e86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace remoting {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introduction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file defines the message format and messages used to interact with the
// remote_security_key process which is used to forward security key requests
// to a remote client and return security key responses from the remote client.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message Format
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// {Header: uint32_t}{Control Code: uint8_t}{Payload: optional, variable length}
// Header: Defines the length of the message (Control Code + Payload).
// The header endianness is determined by the platform.
// Control Code: Contains a value representing the message type.
// Payload: An optional field of variable length. Data being represented in
// this field is dependent on the message type.
// The endianess of the payload is dependent on the message type.
// Multi-byte payloads which are part of the security key request and
// response messages are expected to be big endian. The bytes for
// these messages will be transmitted across the network as-is.
// The format for all other payloads is the endianness of the platform.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Make sure SecurityKeyMessage::MessageTypeFromValue is updated when new
// enum values are added/removed.
enum class SecurityKeyMessageType : uint8_t {
// Sent to the remote_security_key process to ask it to establish a
// connection to the Chromoting host if a security key enabled session
// exists for the current user.
// Payload length: 0
// Sent is sent by the remote_security_key process in response to a
// |kConnectToSecurityKeyEnabledSessionMsg| request.
// Payload length: 1 byte bool indicating connection state.
// True(1): A connection with the Chromoting Host is established and ready
// to receive security key requests to forward.
// False(0): No security key session was found.
// Sent by the remote_security_key proces when an error occurs while
// attempting to detect the existence of a Chromoting session or when
// establishing a connection to it.
// Payload length: variable. If > 0 bytes, the bytes represent an error
// string which is ascii encoded and does not include a null terminator.
// Sent to the remote_security_key process to ask it to forward the
// security key request payload bytes to the remote machine.
// Payload length: > 0 bytes consisting of the security key message to
// forward to the remote machine using Length-Value format.
// Sent by the remote_security_key once a response has been received from
// the remote machine.
// Payload length: > 0 bytes consisting of the security key response from
// the remote machine using Length-Value format.
// Sent by the remote_security_key if an error occurs either in sending the
// request data to the remote host or when receiving the response.
// Payload length: variable. If > 0 bytes, the bytes represent an error
// string which is ascii encoded and does not include a null terminator.
// Sent by the remote_security_key if it receives an unknown command.
// Payload length: 0 bytes.
// Sent by the remote_security_key if an error occurs which does not conform
// to any existing category. No response to this message is expected.
// Payload length: variable. If > 0 bytes, the bytes represent an error
// string which is ascii encoded and does not include a null terminator.
const uint8_t kConnectResponseNoSession = 0;
const uint8_t kConnectResponseActiveSession = 1;
class SecurityKeyMessage final {
// The number of bytes used to represent the header.
static const int kHeaderSizeBytes;
// The number of bytes used to represent the message type.
static const int kMessageTypeSizeBytes;
// When given a header value (uint32_t), this method will return whether the
// length is within the allowable size range.
static bool IsValidMessageSize(uint32_t message_size);
// Returns a SecurityKeyMessageType enum value corresponding to the
// value passed in if it is valid, otherwise INVALID is returned.
static SecurityKeyMessageType MessageTypeFromValue(int value);
// Creates a message from the passed in values, no validation is done as this
// method is only expected to be called from test code.
static std::unique_ptr<SecurityKeyMessage> CreateMessageForTest(
SecurityKeyMessageType type,
const std::string& payload);
// Parses |message_data| and initializes the internal members. Returns true
// if |message_data| was parsed and the instance was initialized successfully.
bool ParseMessage(const std::string& message_data);
SecurityKeyMessageType type() { return type_; }
const std::string& payload() { return payload_; }
SecurityKeyMessageType type_ = SecurityKeyMessageType::INVALID;
std::string payload_;
// Used to pass security key message data between classes.
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<void(
std::unique_ptr<SecurityKeyMessage> message)>
} // namespace remoting