blob: d612ccdf37cba3a913e37e35e50535b8fdd77ae6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/cpp/data_decoder.h"
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
class SimpleURLLoader;
} // namespace network
namespace digital_asset_links {
extern const char kDigitalAssetLinksCheckResponseKeyLinked[];
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.components.digital_asset_links
enum class RelationshipCheckResult {
kSuccess = 0,
using RelationshipCheckResultCallback =
// A handler class for sending REST API requests to DigitalAssetLinks web
// end point. See
// for details of usage and APIs. These APIs are used to verify declared
// relationships between different asset types like web domains or Android apps.
// The lifecycle of this handler will be governed by the owner.
// The WebContents are used for logging console messages.
class DigitalAssetLinksHandler : public content::WebContentsObserver {
// Optionally include |web_contents| for logging error messages to DevTools.
explicit DigitalAssetLinksHandler(
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> factory,
content::WebContents* web_contents = nullptr);
~DigitalAssetLinksHandler() override;
// Checks whether the given "relationship" has been declared by the target
// |web_domain| for the source Android app which is uniquely defined by the
// |package| and SHA256 |fingerprint| (a string with 32 hexadecimals with :
// between) given. Any error in the string params here will result in a bad
// request and a nullptr response to the callback.
// Calling this multiple times on the same handler will cancel the previous
// checks.
// See
// for details.
bool CheckDigitalAssetLinkRelationshipForAndroidApp(
const std::string& web_domain,
const std::string& relationship,
const std::string& fingerprint,
const std::string& package,
RelationshipCheckResultCallback callback);
// Checks if the asset links for |web_domain| allow pages controlled by
// |manifest_url| to query for WebAPKs generated by |web_domain|.
// TODO(rayankans): Link to the developer blog when published.
bool CheckDigitalAssetLinkRelationshipForWebApk(
const std::string& web_domain,
const std::string& manifest_url,
RelationshipCheckResultCallback callback);
// Generic DAL verifier. Checks whether the given |relationship| has been
// declared by the target |web_domain| using the values in |target_values|.
// We require a match for every entry in the |target_values| map, but within
// the entry, we require a match only for one value in the set.
// For example, |target_values| may contain an entry with key="site" and
// values={"", ""}. In order to
// validate, the manifest must have an entry with key="site" with one or more
// of the URLs as the value.
bool CheckDigitalAssetLinkRelationship(
const std::string& web_domain,
const std::string& relationship,
const base::Optional<std::string>& fingerprint,
const std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>>& target_values,
RelationshipCheckResultCallback callback);
// The amount of time to wait before giving up on a given network request and
// considering it an error. If not set, then the request is allowed to take
// as much time as it wants. Passed directly to the URL loader.
void SetTimeoutDuration(base::TimeDelta timeout_duration);
void OnURLLoadComplete(
std::string relationship,
base::Optional<std::string> fingerprint,
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> target_values,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body);
// Callback for the DataDecoder.
void OnJSONParseResult(
std::string relationship,
base::Optional<std::string> fingerprint,
std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> target_values,
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError result);
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> shared_url_loader_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> url_loader_;
// The per request callback for receiving a URLFetcher result. This gets
// reset every time we get a new CheckDigitalAssetLinkRelationship call.
RelationshipCheckResultCallback callback_;
base::TimeDelta timeout_duration_ = base::TimeDelta();
base::WeakPtrFactory<DigitalAssetLinksHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace digital_asset_links