blob: 824363a97c7e7e11443a1b6c74481d2d710f7946 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file. */
/* This file is generated from:
{%- for path in in_files %}
* {{path}}
{%- endfor %}
{% macro render_variables_for_mode(mode) -%}
{%- for model_name, color in colors[mode].items() %}
{{model_name | to_css_var_name}}-rgb: {{color | css_color_rgb}};
{{model_name | to_css_var_name}}: {{css_color_from_rgb_var(model_name, color)}};
{% endfor %}
{%- for name, value in opacities[mode].items() %}
{{name | to_css_var_name}}: {{value | css_opacity}};
{% endfor -%}
{%- endmacro %}
The :not(body) adds extra selector specificity so that these colors 'win'
against paper-styles/color.html.
TODO( Remove once deprecated colors are removed from
Chrome OS pages.
html:not(body) {
{{- render_variables_for_mode(Modes.DEFAULT) -}}
{%- if colors[Modes.DARK] and dark_mode_selector is not none %}
{{dark_mode_selector}} {
{{- render_variables_for_mode(Modes.DARK) -}}
{%- elif colors[Modes.DARK] %}
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
The :not(body) adds extra selector specificity so that these colors 'win'
against paper-styles/color.html.
TODO( Remove once deprecated colors are removed from
Chrome OS pages.
html:not(body) {
{{- render_variables_for_mode(Modes.DARK) -}}
{%- endif %}