blob: e3dc01d9af83392e90c304801af332929039c8a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/metrics/frame_sequence_metrics.h"
namespace gfx {
struct PresentationFeedback;
namespace viz {
struct BeginFrameAck;
struct BeginFrameArgs;
} // namespace viz
namespace cc {
class FrameSequenceTracker;
class CompositorFrameReportingController;
class ThroughputUkmReporter;
class UkmManager;
// Map of kCustom tracker results keyed by a sequence id.
using CustomTrackerResults =
base::flat_map<int, FrameSequenceMetrics::CustomReportData>;
typedef uint16_t ActiveFrameSequenceTrackers;
// Used for notifying attached FrameSequenceTracker's of begin-frames and
// submitted frames.
class CC_EXPORT FrameSequenceTrackerCollection {
bool is_single_threaded,
CompositorFrameReportingController* frame_reporting_controller);
FrameSequenceTrackerCollection(const FrameSequenceTrackerCollection&) =
FrameSequenceTrackerCollection& operator=(
const FrameSequenceTrackerCollection&) = delete;
// Creates a new tracker for the specified sequence-type if one doesn't
// already exist. Returns the associated FrameSequenceTracker instance.
FrameSequenceTracker* StartSequence(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
FrameSequenceTracker* StartScrollSequence(
FrameSequenceTrackerType type,
FrameSequenceMetrics::ThreadType scrolling_thread);
// Schedules |tracker| for destruction. This is preferred instead of outright
// desrtruction of the tracker, since this ensures that the actual tracker
// instance is destroyed *after* the presentation-feedbacks have been received
// for all submitted frames.
void StopSequence(FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
// Creates a kCustom tracker for the given sequence id. It is an error and
// DCHECKs if there is already a tracker associated with the sequence id.
void StartCustomSequence(int sequence_id);
// Schedules the kCustom tracker representing |sequence_id| for destruction.
// It is a no-op if there is no tracker associated with the sequence id.
// Similar to StopSequence above, the tracker instance is destroyed *after*
// the presentation feedbacks have been received for all submitted frames.
void StopCustomSequence(int sequence_id);
// Removes all trackers. This also immediately destroys all trackers that had
// been scheduled for destruction, even if there are pending
// presentation-feedbacks. This is typically used if the client no longer
// expects to receive presentation-feedbacks for the previously submitted
// frames (e.g. when the gpu process dies).
void ClearAll();
// Notifies all trackers of various events.
void NotifyBeginImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyBeginMainFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyMainFrameProcessed(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyImplFrameCausedNoDamage(const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack);
void NotifyMainFrameCausedNoDamage(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
void NotifyPauseFrameProduction();
void NotifySubmitFrame(uint32_t frame_token,
bool has_missing_content,
const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& origin_args);
void NotifyFrameEnd(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args,
const viz::BeginFrameArgs& main_args);
// Note that this notifies the trackers of the presentation-feedbacks, and
// destroys any tracker that had been scheduled for destruction (using
// |ScheduleRemoval()|) if it has no more pending frames. Data from non
// kCustom typed trackers are reported to UMA. Data from kCustom typed
// trackers are added to |custom_tracker_results_| for caller to pick up.
void NotifyFramePresented(uint32_t frame_token,
const gfx::PresentationFeedback& feedback);
// Return the type of each active frame tracker, encoded into a 16 bit
// integer with the bit at each position corresponding to the enum value of
// each type.
ActiveFrameSequenceTrackers FrameSequenceTrackerActiveTypes() const;
FrameSequenceTracker* GetRemovalTrackerForTesting(
FrameSequenceTrackerType type);
void SetUkmManager(UkmManager* manager);
using NotifyCustomerTrackerResutlsCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const CustomTrackerResults&)>;
void set_custom_tracker_results_added_callback(
NotifyCustomerTrackerResutlsCallback callback) {
custom_tracker_results_added_callback_ = std::move(callback);
friend class FrameSequenceTrackerTest;
FrameSequenceTracker* StartSequenceInternal(
FrameSequenceTrackerType type,
FrameSequenceMetrics::ThreadType scrolling_thread);
void RecreateTrackers(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args);
// Destroy the trackers that are ready to be terminated.
void DestroyTrackers();
// Ask all trackers to report their metrics if there is any, must be the first
// thing in the destructor.
void CleanUp();
// Adds collected metrics data for |custom_sequence_id| to be picked up via
// TakeCustomTrackerResults() below.
void AddCustomTrackerResult(
int custom_sequence_id,
const FrameSequenceMetrics::CustomReportData& data);
const bool is_single_threaded_;
// The reporter takes throughput data and connect to UkmManager to report it.
// Note: this has to be before the frame_trackers_. The reason is that a
// FrameSequenceTracker owners a FrameSequenceMetrics, so the destructor of
// the former calls the destructor of the later. FrameSequenceMetrics's
// destructor calls its ReportMetrics() which requires
// |throughput_ukm_reporter_| to be alive. So putting it before
// |frame_trackers_| to ensure that it is destroyed after the tracker.
std::unique_ptr<ThroughputUkmReporter> throughput_ukm_reporter_;
// The callsite can use the type to manipulate the tracker.
std::pair<FrameSequenceTrackerType, FrameSequenceMetrics::ThreadType>,
// Custom trackers are keyed by a custom sequence id.
base::flat_map<int, std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceTracker>>
// Called when throughput metrics are available for custom trackers added by
// |AddCustomTrackerResult()|.
NotifyCustomerTrackerResutlsCallback custom_tracker_results_added_callback_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameSequenceTracker>> removal_trackers_;
CompositorFrameReportingController* const
std::pair<FrameSequenceTrackerType, FrameSequenceMetrics::ThreadType>,
// Tracks how many smoothness effects are driven by each thread.
size_t main_thread_driving_smoothness_ = 0;
size_t compositor_thread_driving_smoothness_ = 0;
} // namespace cc