blob: 750cf5644ed6da5b3ae18034f6897e4721c56da9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Sharesheet specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd). -->
<!-- Common strings -->
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_TITLE_LABEL" desc="The label to be shown as the title of the sharesheet bubble when a user clicks on the share button.">
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_APPS_LIST_LABEL" desc="The label to be shown before the list of apps.">
Apps list
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_MORE_APPS_LABEL" desc="The label for the button at the bottom of the sharesheet which clicks into the expanded sharesheet.">
More apps
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_FEWER_APPS_LABEL" desc="The label for the button at the bottom of the sharesheet which clicks into the default sharesheet.">
Fewer apps
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_ZERO_STATE_PRIMARY_LABEL" desc="The label shown to inform users that the sharesheet is empty.">
No apps available for this content
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_ZERO_STATE_SECONDARY_LABEL" desc="The label informing users where to download apps.">
Visit the Play Store to find more apps
<message name="IDS_SHARESHEET_FILES_LABEL" desc="The label for the enumeration of the number of files a user is trying to share.">
{COUNT, plural,
=1 {{COUNT} file}
other {{COUNT} files}}