blob: b44a6258a30430a9c49186ddc94ed99baff60c1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/update_client/updater_state.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/enterprise_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace update_client {
// The value of this constant does not reflect its name (i.e. "domainjoined"
// vs something like "isenterprisemanaged") because it is used with omaha.
// After discussion with omaha team it was decided to leave the value as is to
// keep continuity with previous chrome versions.
const char UpdaterState::kIsEnterpriseManaged[] = "domainjoined";
UpdaterState::UpdaterState(bool is_machine) : is_machine_(is_machine) {}
UpdaterState::~UpdaterState() = default;
std::unique_ptr<UpdaterState::Attributes> UpdaterState::GetState(
bool is_machine) {
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC)
UpdaterState updater_state(is_machine);
return std::make_unique<Attributes>(updater_state.BuildAttributes());
return nullptr;
#endif // OS_WIN or Mac
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MAC)
void UpdaterState::ReadState() {
is_enterprise_managed_ = base::IsMachineExternallyManaged();
updater_name_ = GetUpdaterName();
updater_version_ = GetUpdaterVersion(is_machine_);
last_autoupdate_started_ = GetUpdaterLastStartedAU(is_machine_);
last_checked_ = GetUpdaterLastChecked(is_machine_);
is_autoupdate_check_enabled_ = IsAutoupdateCheckEnabled();
update_policy_ = GetUpdatePolicy();
#endif // OS_WIN or Mac
UpdaterState::Attributes UpdaterState::BuildAttributes() const {
Attributes attributes;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Only Windows implements this attribute in a meaningful way.
attributes["ismachine"] = is_machine_ ? "1" : "0";
#endif // OS_WIN
attributes[kIsEnterpriseManaged] = is_enterprise_managed_ ? "1" : "0";
attributes["name"] = updater_name_;
if (updater_version_.IsValid())
attributes["version"] = updater_version_.GetString();
const base::Time now = base::Time::NowFromSystemTime();
if (!last_autoupdate_started_.is_null())
attributes["laststarted"] =
NormalizeTimeDelta(now - last_autoupdate_started_);
if (!last_checked_.is_null())
attributes["lastchecked"] = NormalizeTimeDelta(now - last_checked_);
attributes["autoupdatecheckenabled"] =
is_autoupdate_check_enabled_ ? "1" : "0";
DCHECK((update_policy_ >= 0 && update_policy_ <= 3) || update_policy_ == -1);
attributes["updatepolicy"] = base::NumberToString(update_policy_);
return attributes;
std::string UpdaterState::NormalizeTimeDelta(const base::TimeDelta& delta) {
const base::TimeDelta two_weeks = base::Days(14);
const base::TimeDelta two_months = base::Days(56);
std::string val; // Contains the value to return in hours.
if (delta <= two_weeks) {
val = "0";
} else if (two_weeks < delta && delta <= two_months) {
val = "336"; // 2 weeks in hours.
} else {
val = "1344"; // 2*28 days in hours.
return val;
} // namespace update_client