blob: d42b970d956771ffaede1947c1fe08aebf841b16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/commit_deferring_condition.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
namespace content {
class MockCommitDeferringCondition;
// Since a CommitDeferringCondition is owned by the delegate, test code must
// transfer ownership of the condition to the delegate. This makes it
// cumbersome to interact and inspect with the condition from test code. This
// wrapper creates and holds a weak pointer to the condition as well as some
// extra book keeping to make testing it more convenient.
class MockCommitDeferringConditionWrapper {
explicit MockCommitDeferringConditionWrapper(bool is_ready_to_commit);
const MockCommitDeferringConditionWrapper&) = delete;
MockCommitDeferringConditionWrapper& operator=(
const MockCommitDeferringConditionWrapper&) = delete;
std::unique_ptr<MockCommitDeferringCondition> PassToDelegate();
void CallResumeClosure();
bool WasInvoked() const;
bool IsDestroyed() const;
void WaitUntilInvoked();
void WillCommitNavigationCalled(base::OnceClosure resume_closure);
std::unique_ptr<MockCommitDeferringCondition> condition_;
base::WeakPtr<MockCommitDeferringCondition> weak_condition_;
base::OnceClosure resume_closure_;
base::OnceClosure invoked_closure_;
bool did_call_will_commit_navigation_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MockCommitDeferringConditionWrapper> weak_factory_{this};
class MockCommitDeferringCondition : public CommitDeferringCondition {
using WillCommitCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::OnceClosure)>;
// |is_ready_to_commit| specifies whether the condition is ready to commit at
// the time WillCommitNavigation is called. If false, the runner will block
// asynchronously until the closure passed into WillCommitNavigation is
// invoked. |on_will_commit_navigation_| is invoked when WillCommitNavigation
// is called by the delegate. It will receive the |resume| callback which can
// be used to unblock an asynchronously deferred condition.
MockCommitDeferringCondition(bool is_ready_to_commit,
WillCommitCallback on_will_commit_navigation);
~MockCommitDeferringCondition() override;
Result WillCommitNavigation(base::OnceClosure resume) override;
base::WeakPtr<MockCommitDeferringCondition> AsWeakPtr();
const bool is_ready_to_commit_;
WillCommitCallback on_will_commit_navigation_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MockCommitDeferringCondition> weak_factory_{this};
// This class will register the given CommitDeferringCondition into any starting
// navigation. The mock condition will be installed to run after real
// conditions.
class MockCommitDeferringConditionInstaller {
explicit MockCommitDeferringConditionInstaller(
std::unique_ptr<MockCommitDeferringCondition> condition);
std::unique_ptr<CommitDeferringCondition> Install();
const int generator_id_;
std::unique_ptr<MockCommitDeferringCondition> condition_;
} // namespace content