blob: 03ba754251b9cb52357c2c1eec5be747a49a1b26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/style/color_provider.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
class PrefChangeRegistrar;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace views {
class InkDropHost;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class ColorModeObserver;
// The color provider for system UI. It provides colors for Shield layer, Base
// layer, Controls layer and Content layer. Shield layer is a combination of
// color, opacity and blur which may change depending on the context, it is
// usually a fullscreen layer. e.g, PowerButtoneMenuScreenView for power button
// menu. Base layer is the bottom layer of any UI displayed on top of all other
// UIs. e.g, the ShelfView that contains all the shelf items. Controls layer is
// where components such as icons and inkdrops lay on, it may also indicate the
// state of an interactive element (active/inactive states). Content layer means
// the UI elements, e.g., separator, text, icon. The color of an element in
// system UI will be the combination of the colors of the four layers.
class ASH_EXPORT AshColorProvider : public SessionObserver,
public ColorProvider {
AshColorProvider(const AshColorProvider& other) = delete;
AshColorProvider operator=(const AshColorProvider& other) = delete;
~AshColorProvider() override;
static AshColorProvider* Get();
// Gets the disabled color on |enabled_color|. It can be disabled background,
// an disabled icon, etc.
static SkColor GetDisabledColor(SkColor enabled_color);
// Gets the color of second tone on the given |color_of_first_tone|. e.g,
// power status icon inside status area is a dual tone icon.
static SkColor GetSecondToneColor(SkColor color_of_first_tone);
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// SessionObserver:
void OnActiveUserPrefServiceChanged(PrefService* prefs) override;
void OnSessionStateChanged(session_manager::SessionState state) override;
// ColorProvider:
SkColor GetShieldLayerColor(ShieldLayerType type) const override;
SkColor GetBaseLayerColor(BaseLayerType type) const override;
SkColor GetControlsLayerColor(ControlsLayerType type) const override;
SkColor GetContentLayerColor(ContentLayerType type) const override;
RippleAttributes GetRippleAttributes(
SkColor bg_color = gfx::kPlaceholderColor) const override;
void AddObserver(ColorModeObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(ColorModeObserver* observer) override;
// TODO(minch): Rename to ShouldUseDarkColors.
bool IsDarkModeEnabled() const override;
// Gets the color of |type| of the corresponding layer based on the current
// inverted color mode. For views that need LIGHT colors while DARK mode is
// active, and vice versa.
SkColor GetInvertedShieldLayerColor(ShieldLayerType type) const;
SkColor GetInvertedBaseLayerColor(BaseLayerType type) const;
SkColor GetInvertedControlsLayerColor(ControlsLayerType type) const;
SkColor GetInvertedContentLayerColor(ContentLayerType type) const;
// Gets the background color that can be applied on any layer. The returned
// color will be different based on color mode and color theme (see
// |is_themed_|).
SkColor GetBackgroundColor() const;
// Same as above, but returns the color based on the current inverted color
// mode and color theme.
SkColor GetInvertedBackgroundColor() const;
// Decorates the ink drop managed by `host`. `ink_drop_config_flags` is a
// bitmask which specifies the ink drop attributes to modify. `bg_color` is
// the background color of the UI element that wants to show ink drop.
enum InkDropConfigParam {
kConfigBaseColor = 1,
kConfigVisibleOpacity = 1 << 1,
kConfigHighlightOpacity = 1 << 2
void DecorateInkDrop(views::InkDropHost* host,
int ink_drop_config_flags,
SkColor bg_color = gfx::kPlaceholderColor);
// Whether the system color mode is themed, by default is true. If true, the
// background color will be calculated based on extracted wallpaper color.
bool IsThemed() const;
// Toggles pref |kDarkModeEnabled|.
void ToggleColorMode();
// Updates pref |kColorModeThemed| to |is_themed|.
void UpdateColorModeThemed(bool is_themed);
friend class ScopedLightModeAsDefault;
friend class ScopedAssistantLightModeAsDefault;
// Gets the color of |type| of the corresponding layer. Returns color based on
// the current inverted color mode if |inverted| is true.
SkColor GetShieldLayerColorImpl(ShieldLayerType type, bool inverted) const;
SkColor GetBaseLayerColorImpl(BaseLayerType type, bool inverted) const;
// Gets the color of |type| of the corresponding layer. Returns the color on
// dark mode if |use_dark_color| is true.
SkColor GetControlsLayerColorImpl(ControlsLayerType type,
bool use_dark_color) const;
SkColor GetContentLayerColorImpl(ContentLayerType type,
bool use_dark_color) const;
// Gets the background default color based on the current color mode.
SkColor GetBackgroundDefaultColor() const;
// Gets the background default color based on the current inverted color mode.
SkColor GetInvertedBackgroundDefaultColor() const;
// Gets the background themed color based on the current color mode.
SkColor GetBackgroundThemedColor() const;
// Gets the background themed color based on the current inverted color mode.
SkColor GetInvertedBackgroundThemedColor() const;
// Gets the background themed color that's calculated based on the color
// extracted from wallpaper. For dark mode, it will be dark muted wallpaper
// prominent color + SK_ColorBLACK 50%. For light mode, it will be light
// muted wallpaper prominent color + SK_ColorWHITE 75%. Extracts the color on
// dark mode if |use_dark_color| is true.
SkColor GetBackgroundThemedColorImpl(SkColor default_color,
bool use_dark_color) const;
// Notifies all the observers on |kDarkModeEnabled|'s change.
void NotifyDarkModeEnabledPrefChange();
// Notifies all the observers on |kColorModeThemed|'s change.
void NotifyColorModeThemedPrefChange();
// The default color is DARK when the DarkLightMode feature is disabled. But
// we can also override it to LIGHT through ScopedLightModeAsDefault. This is
// done to help keeping some of the UI elements as LIGHT by default before
// launching the DarkLightMode feature. Overriding only if the DarkLightMode
// feature is disabled. This variable will be removed once fully launched the
// DarkLightMode feature.
bool override_light_mode_as_default_ = false;
base::ObserverList<ColorModeObserver> observers_;
std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar> pref_change_registrar_;
PrefService* active_user_pref_service_ = nullptr; // Not owned.
} // namespace ash