blob: cb665a6e1f57dfbe295a86f2f6ecf54b853a7e79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/workspace/workspace_types.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
namespace ash {
class WorkspaceEventHandler;
class WorkspaceLayoutManager;
// WorkspaceController acts as a central place that ties together all the
// various workspace pieces.
class ASH_EXPORT WorkspaceController : public aura::WindowObserver {
// Installs WorkspaceLayoutManager on |viewport|.
explicit WorkspaceController(aura::Window* viewport);
WorkspaceController(const WorkspaceController&) = delete;
WorkspaceController& operator=(const WorkspaceController&) = delete;
~WorkspaceController() override;
// Returns the current window state.
WorkspaceWindowState GetWindowState() const;
// Starts the animation that occurs on first login.
void DoInitialAnimation();
WorkspaceLayoutManager* layout_manager() { return layout_manager_; }
friend class WorkspaceControllerTestApi;
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) override;
aura::Window* viewport_;
std::unique_ptr<WorkspaceEventHandler> event_handler_;
// Owned by |viewport_|.
WorkspaceLayoutManager* layout_manager_;
// Sets the given |workspace_controller| as a property of |desk_container|. Only
// virtual desks containers are accepted. If |workspace_controller| is nullptr,
// the property will be cleared from |desk_container|.
ASH_EXPORT void SetWorkspaceController(
aura::Window* desk_container,
WorkspaceController* workspace_controller);
// Gets the worspace controller from the properties of the specific given
// |desk_container|. Only virtual desks containers are accepted.
ASH_EXPORT WorkspaceController* GetWorkspaceController(
aura::Window* desk_container);
// Gets the workspace controller from the properties of the virtual desk
// container anscestor of |context|. Returns nullptr if |context| doesn't belong
// to any virtual desk.
ASH_EXPORT WorkspaceController* GetWorkspaceControllerForContext(
aura::Window* context);
// Gets the workspace controller from the properties of the currently active
// virtual desk container on the given |root|.
ASH_EXPORT WorkspaceController* GetActiveWorkspaceController(
aura::Window* root);
} // namespace ash